What up Enders! It has been a crazy week! I completely migrated End of Three Fitness from one hosting service to another over the last couple days (which is why I didn't post Thursday). All that …
Fallen Hero Project Complete
I want to start this post off today by saying this is my proudest moment of running End of Three Fitness. I'm not proud of myself. I am proud of the End of Three Fitness community. I am proud to be a …
Never Conform: Sandbag Training Fundamentals
Editor's note: This is a guest post from Matthew Palfrey. Hey guys! I am excited to share an awesome guest post with you today from Matt Palfrey. As you may have noticed, I don't normally have too …
I’ll Drop and Give You 50, and Revolution Updates
Will End of Three Fitness be a Breaking Muscle Top 10 Blog in 2013? You decide! You may have already seen this on the End of Three Fitness Facebook page, but if notI need your help. Do you …
Not Your Typical Holiday Fitness Message
Don't forget to have fun. Ever. If you haven't noticed, End of Three Fitness is not like most other blogs out there. I try to write fun, interesting and helpful articles...that, I hope, in some way …
From Not So Subtle Hints to Fitness Guru: How Troy Revolts
Today, I want you to meet Troy and read about his fitness revolution. Troy and I have exchanged a few emails, actually he sent me an amazing recipe to be shared at End of Three Fitness (coming …