Will End of Three Fitness be a Breaking Muscle Top 10 Blog in 2013?
You decide!
You may have already seen this on the End of Three Fitness Facebook page, but if notI need your help.
Do you remember that article I submitted to Breaking Muscle (read here)? Well, since I submitted that to them I am eligible to be considered for one of their TOP 10 FITNESS BLOGS OF 2013.
But the only way I can be considered is through you nominating me at their website.
What you do:
- Go to this link HERE.
- Leave the link www.EndofThreeFitness.com, as well as some comments on why you like Eo3 in the comments section of the article.
That’s it! You will have officially nominated Eo3 for a Top 10 Fitness Blog of 2013. I would greatly appreciate your help, and for your help:
- I am going to do 50 push-ups for EVERY single nomination from my readers.
That’s a lot of push-ups…
I think just from those of you who saw my Facebook post on Monday, I am well in to the 1,000’s of push-ups (what was I thinking)I am going to film every single push-up and put it in a blog post after the nominations and results are released. I originally planned on doing them all in one day, but hey, it all depends on how many of you go nominate Eo3. But I can guarantee every single one of you will get your 50 push-ups.
I crunched the numbers earlier, if all 1,500 readers nominated me, I would have to do 75,000 push-ups. But it doesn’t matter! I will do them, no matter how long it takes!!!
So help me out, take 5 seconds to go vote! Thanks!
State of The Revolution
From time to time I like to give an update on what’s going on at Eo3, what’s coming up and to give you opportunities to get involved so here we go!!
Better Human Toolbox
It’s about time for another free resource to go out to you guys! So I would like to introduce, the Better Human Toolbox. To put it in simple terms…
- Unconventional tips and tools for life, work, fitness, finances and other.
This will be the first resource that is not 100% fitness. While it will still be heavily fitness focused, I am throwing in some other tools, ideas and principles that may help in other areas of life. Hey, it’s all about being a better human…right?
Now, just to be clear, I am not “THE better human”, just a regular guy on a better human quest, just like you. So the tips and tools are just things I am using to try and become a better human.
I’ll be sending this out to email subscribers within the next month or, so be checking your in-boxes for this one.
Mental Toughness Militia
This is the next Eo3 project! One Man One Barbell was put through the ringer before I released it to you guys, and this will be no different.
I’ve actually been debating whether to call it The Mental Toughness Academy, a place of study, or the Mental Toughness Militia, a force that engages in rebel activities…Militia sounds pretty freakin’ cool to me!
Here is the premise (and modeled off a quote from Fight Club):
A guy/gal came to the mental toughness militia for the first time, his/her ass was a wad of cookie dough. 30 days later, he/she was carved out of wood.
We all struggle with the mental aspect of training, I know I do, especially lately. I noticed I was getting a little soft, mentally, during some of my workouts. So I immediately started putting together a 30 day program to get my head back in the game. The more ideas I wrote down the better it got. I am almost done putting everything together then I am going to test it first 30 days.
Right now it is:
- Daily mental toughness tasks
- (re)Focusing tasks/lessons
- Short body-weight workouts
- And as a bonus I am adding a very detailed 30-Day Paleo diet equipped with grocery lists and meals for each of the 30 days.
It is not necessarily a workout program, but a program that will get you ready for just about anything. But it isn’t some crazy Navy Seal, eat sand in the morning type thing.
I will need beta testers for this one, and I will send out an email with details on how to become a beta tester in the next few weeks, so be checking your inboxes for that too!
Really excited about this!
Fallen Hero Project
I would like to thank everyone who has participated in the Fallen Hero Project so far!! We are making huge progress, but we still have a ways to go. There are a lot of new people who have joined Eo3 recently, so…
If you aren’t familiar with the Fallen Hero Project check it out HERE.
- 3,582,911 POUNDS (72% of goal)
- 400,171 METERS (80% of goal)
- 149,954 REPS (300% of goal…lol)
If you could commit to one more Hero WOD we would be pretty close to done!
WODs that will really help:
- AdamBrown
- Manion
Thanks again for all your support on this one!!
I would like to thank everyone for your support of End of Three Fitness! The dream of doing this full-time is still a ways off, but I look forward to interacting with this community everyday.
If you want to get involved with the Better Human Toolbox or the Mental Toughness Militia, please contact me (click to use email form) or simply shoot me an email at jerred@endofthreefitness.com