Does it ever seem like some people were just born with the fitness gene? You know, the people who just seem to love it. They love working out. They love pushing themselves, and it almost seems as …
5 Subtle Ways to Dramatically Improve Bodyweight Movements (Like Chuck Norris)
Want 31 Days of Bodyweight Training for free? Are you looking to step it up a notch? Want to do real training? Can you bring some intensity? 31-day Bodyweight Workout Program --> Get …
Grounds and Pounds: How to Make the Best Cup of Coffee in the World and PR
I love Coffee. I love DIY. So why not put it together?? Today, I want to show you how to make the best cup of coffee in the world by roasting your own beans and French pressing. Then I will give …
Stronger, Faster & Fitter in 25 minutes, or less
Yep, I said it. Stronger and faster in 25 minutes, or less! No, I am not trying to hop on the infomercial bandwagon where they keep shortening the length of the DVD to keep the masses …
The Lost Art of Mental Toughness, and How to Find it
Grit is disappearing...and it's an epidemic. Your grandparents practiced grit dailyit was called living a hard life. Now, we have too many conveniences and easy buttons so our brains are becoming …
Be a Fitness Efficiency Ninja, or How to Apply the 80/20 Principle to your Training
Want to know how to apply the 80/20 rule in fitness? Let me put it this way...Want to know how to get stronger, faster and harder to kill in less time with more efficient training? I've been working …