Today we finish the three part series to reinvent your(FIT)self! If you have no clue what I am talking about you probably missed Part 1 and Part 2. So far we have done a lot of cool stuff. …
What Everybody Ought to Know About Yoga
Note: This is a guest post from a long-time member of the Community, Misty. First off, thanks Jerred for asking me to write a guest post for Eo3. This is such a great community that I'm really …
The 1920’s Knew Fitness, We Just Forgot…
Everyone thinks there have been revolutionary leaps and bounds made in the fitness world from nearly 100 years ago...but has there? Honestly, all we have really seen is the population go from …
Is Rich Froning the Fittest Man Alive?
Rich Froning is an amazing athlete, and certainly the fittest in 2011. Incredibly strong, skilled, etc... However, will he be the standard in 10-20 years, assuming CrossFit maintains some of its …
Video of the Week
This video actually shakes me a little bit. Let me start with a quote from Greg Glassman. "The garage gym tradition is revered and respected. The number of athletes training in garages, barns, and …