This video actually shakes me a little bit. Let me start with a quote from Greg Glassman.
"The garage gym tradition is revered and respected. The number of athletes training in garages, barns, and abandoned buildings is legion. Many of these are world dominant in their sport. Some go this route because no other resources are available, but most have chosen the garage-gym realizing it best provides for their needs. The lifting, throwing, jumping, and climbing essential to responsible programming will find no welcome home for you and your friends at 24-Hour Nautilus."
Now watch the video.
I understand that he is saying the camaraderie and support you get while working out at a local box is unmatched, but come on…He completely discredits Ben Smith as soon as he is mentioned. Mikko Salo was working out in a crappy ass gym and using a duct taped wall ball the year he won the crossfit games. The guy freaking rows in a closet…
Lest we forget that motivation is intrinsic. It is the guy with a 2:00 Fran time who did it alone in his garage that scares me more than the guy who did it with 30 people standing around yelling.
The need to get a feel for competition is completely necessary and I agree with that as I said in my series “So You Want to Compete in the CrossFit Games: Part 2″. You cannot just step into a competition and expect to do well. Competing will always be different than simply doing.
Glassman should not back away from the foundations of what he created.