Are you just doing what everyone else does? If you are just doing what everyone else does, and everyone else hates fitness, why do it? Why not be uniquely fit? We all know, at Eo3, fitness is a …
Fitness Nonconformity Hall of Fame
Welcome to the Fitness Nonconformity Hall of Fame! There are a lot of people out there doing a lot of great things in the fitness world, but I am really only impressed with the guys who are doing it …
Obstacle Run, Odd-Object Lifting and The Revolution
I am still busy chiseling away at The Revolution. This weekend I accomplished #28: Complete an obstacle course of any kind, by completing Texoma's Hellacious Obstacle Run, T.H.O.R. I also started …
Getting Stronger Everyday at End of Three Fitness
Hey all! First things first. End of Three Fitness looks a little different, but no worries, nothing has really changed except for the look. Same guy, same great community. I just changed some things …
The Blair Morrison Approach, and Challenge
When is the last time you had fun working out? Some people love training and some people hate training, but you can train and still have fun. Today we look at Blair Morrison and how he keeps training …
Overtraining and the Value of Rest
When I talk to some athletes about their overtraining, I mean training, they try to impress me with their high volume and constantly intense programming. This is especially true of CrossFitters who …