I am still busy chiseling away at The Revolution. This weekend I accomplished #28: Complete an obstacle course of any kind, by completing Texoma’s Hellacious Obstacle Run, T.H.O.R. I also started working on #41: 100 outdoor self-created workouts, by completing my first of 100 Blair Morrison Style outdoor workouts (VIDEO BELOW).
From their website:
“THOR, or Texoma’s Hellacious Obstacle Run. Simply put, THOR is a 5 – kilometer run where you’ll be expected to crawl, jump, climb, swim and even dash while staying in an awesomely dirty mood while experiencing a maximum level of fun.”
Their description is pretty accurate. There was a lot of jumping, crawling and getting wet and dirty. Most of all I had a great time. It was a lot of fun, I completed the workout with my great friend and endurance expert, Greg (left), and we had a blast.
They gave us some race numbers and I was very surprised that they stayed on. As you can see from the above and below pics I was soaked. I was actually muddier at one point, but right at the end you jump in water so I got rinsed off a little bit.
What exactly was in the run?
- Jumping over and going under multiple walls, a giant water/slip ‘n slide, low crawl, mud crawl, tire gauntlet, stairway to heaven, the pit, Don’s bowl, cargo net climb, monkey bridge, extended gauntlet, swinging bridge, wall/rope climb, double slopes and ropes, tunnel crawl, mud pit and water trek.
Outdoor WOD
I was stoked to do this workout over the weekend. Ever since I saw Blair doing sweet workouts in random places I have had the urge to start doing the same. I setup the best I could.
The only problems I ran into…I couldn’t get the rings hung high enough to do good kipping muscle ups (difficult to lockout), and the way they were configured made them a little precarious. But hey, these workout are more fun than anything else.
The workout:
3 Rounds for Time
3 Muscle-ups
6 Odd-object clean and press (Weight = ? I was thinking 100+lbs, but who knows)
9 Wall-ball shots, 20lb ball