The SLED Wins!! Thanks to all who voted in the “Decide My Next DIY” Poll. The Sled will be first on the list for the beginning of the year. I can’t wait to build it, it will be a complicated, yet very fun project. Look for it in January!!
Top 5 Posts here at End of Three Fitness for 2011. Thanks for viewing!
1.) DIY Projects
- If I were to list them out, the top 10 would really just be my DIY projects, but I decided that wouldn’t be as fun to post. The most hits in 2011 was the DIY Corner. With 8 DIY Projects posted in 2011 it became quite popular. I plan on probably doubling that number at least for 2012.
2.) A Word on the CrossFit Body, I Mean Physique
- I guess this one will have to be attributed to Google. A lot of people out there want to know about the CrossFit Body. In this post I simply compared Branch Warren (pro bodybuilder) and Rich Froning (CrossFit Games Athlete). I wanted to let some people know what you can expect from the two different training methods.
3.) How to Deadlift: Perfecting Technique
- This article is simple step-by-step directions on how to deadlift. I have seen a lot of people who have been “trained” and they still deadlift incorrectly. The deadlift is a powerful movement and should be a staple in any fitness regimen, but you have to know what you are doing.
4.) What Am I Eating: Diet Analysis
- I made this page to help people understand what their diet looks like visually with graphs and percentages. This is a huge help if you have never done it before. I provide a pretty sweet excel diet analysis tool for you that is safe for download. Use it for a week and see what your diet is looking like right now. You can also download the tool in my Resources page.
5.) The CrossFit Shoe Quest
- This title does not need much explanation. I list out some shoes that I own or am looking to own and put some info out there for those who were wondering what shoes they need. This post is a work in progress. I plan on updating and adding shoes as time goes on. The idea is to get enough shoes and people’s comments on there that we all have a good place to reference some shoes for CrossFit. If you have any ideas for new shoes or have a review please add to the comments of the CrossFit Shoe Quest post and I will add it.
Thanks for all the support and thanks for reading in 2011. I plan on bringing a lot more posts, DIY Projects, and much more in 2012. If you want to know what is coming check out “What’s Coming Up“