End of Three Fitness
DIY Corner
~Whether your only gym or your backup gym…you need a gym in your garage.
Scroll below for Over TWENTY free Garage Gym DIY Projects.~
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Welcome to the DIY Corner, where we are working on fully equipping your garage gym where you can join the revolution of fitness nonconformity (a.k.a doing fitness different than most).
These days a garage gym is a very viable option with those who have any amount of free time and truly care about their fitness. Whether you are transferring from an actual gym membership to a garage gym, or if you just decided you want to start working out, this is a great place for you to start.
Making your garage your gym is awesome! If you are puzzled on how to start look at the catalog of items that have been built below. I plan on building plenty more and will update you the second I do. You don’t have to build any, or you could build all of this equipment. Just know the equipment you see below is not for show. I have built, and I use, this equipment on a daily basis. However, I cannot be responsible for your craftsmanship.
Put simply. If you build it, it breaks, you get hurt. I am not responsible.
Garage Gym Athlete: Fitness Without the Fluff
As I said, I have built all, and used all, of this equipment for some time. I am the experiment for you. If you have any questions or if something is unclear PLEASE ask. I am always dying for feedback. Whether you are a crossfitter looking to do it all himself/herself, or just a someone who needs an idea to get started on a garage gym – this is a great place to start. I hope you enjoy these project as much as I did, and do!
Garage Gym Items: