You will not find many crossfitters who started crossfit to get the “CrossFit body“. Everyone has their own reason for doing crossfit, but the more people I meet, the more I realize not many are after a certain physique. Sure some want to lose weight to look and feel better, but I think CrossFit is more of WHAT can you do, not HOW you look when you do it.
The CrossFit body is a prime picture of what a human looks like at its peak functionality, and it actually looks pretty good. I am writing this to all my bodybuilding friends and teens who may stumble across this article. Those who think they know what they want to look like. I have been in too many environments where “bodybuilders” (young guys who read this months muscle and fitness) talk about all that is wrong with crossfit. So here is my point.
This is Branch Warren winner of the 2011 Arnold Classic. A top, if not the top, bodybuilder in the world. I have nothing against bodybuilding and if you want to do it, go for it. Just know that this guy is at his peak. While not all bodybuilders go through the following list here is what it takes to look like this guy. Aside from a crap ton of hard work in the gym (won’t discredit that at all).
- 1 liter of fake tanner
- Enough supplements to bankrupt Ethiopia and fail the kidneys of a small animal
- Severe dehydration