It’s time to be the hero of your own life.
Stop playing hero, when you are the hero. HERO-ize your life!
I write about fitness because I am truly passionate about how it can change your life. I try to help others by making fitness more accessible by telling you how to build your own equipment, reinvent your(FIT)self and I even try to share some healthy recipes from time to time…but why? It is all about making your life better. Taking control of your fitness is important, but taking control of your life is of the utmost importance.
It is easy to find a cool quote that someone else said, easy to dream about a life that isn’t yours and it’s easy to watch other people do cool things that you’ve never done. But who wants easy?
I don’t want you to jump in front of moving cars or run into a burning buildings to call yourself a hero. We are becoming the hero’s of our own lives. Let’s become the heros of our lives and our fitness! Something I am trying to do everyday.
A hero is a warrior who fights for his or her family, yet has a simple life.
My goal is not to live on an island somewhere with a pull-up bar and a post-workout margarita 🙂 (does sound pretty sweet though). However, I would like to provide a different and awesome lifestyle for my family, and that is what I fight for. I am a warrior for my family first and foremost. I learned a long time ago that things don’t always ‘fall into place’ or ‘workout for the best’. You need to actively be working to make your life the way you want it, or it can turn into something you are just stuck with.
I live a pretty normal life – but I strive to not be average.
Average is for those who want to be comfortable. Hero’s are not comfortable and they certainly are not referred to as average.
Don’t be average.
Fight for your family; be fit – Get out and move at least 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes – this is the minimum. Health and fitness go a long way, fight to be around for your family. Average people do not workout, that’s a fact.
Fight for your family; be different – Working how average people work, doing your finances how average people do their finances and living life how everyone else lives their life will…make you average. Fight for your family to be different. Maybe it is time to approach your career in a new way, look at finances a different way or live your life in a different way.
A hero has to undertake a long journey filled with challenges, and has to fight various battles to accomplish his/her goal.
Take on a challenge! A hero wouldn’t be anything without a cause. I would love to tell you that getting in really good shape is extremely easy or that I have found the secret, but I can’t.
I say it all the time, fitness is a journey. The journey will be filled with challenges and battles. Time will not always agree with you and results will not come easily or immediately, but stick with it and you will see great things.
Trying to live a non-conformist life is even more challenging.
It seems like life itself is a battle, but again, don’t be average. What do you want to do? Are you following your passion? Do you want to be your own boss? Is your life what you thought it would be?
There is no time like the present to start changing your life.
Things, people, time, money and a dozen other things will want to stand in your way. Most people would easily be deterred by a few challenges. To be the hero of your own life you need to keep on pressing! You can only fail if you actually try something. If you do nothing at all, then you are just average. I would rather fail than be average.
Don’t give up on fitness – Start a routine, start walking, start to push yourself. This journey is long and you will have your highs and lows. You will make it through the battle, and there is a great community here to help you out.
Live the life you want – Try to ask yourself everyday…”What am I doing today that will make me better tomorrow?” If you don’t enjoy your current life…change it! Easier said than done, right?
I am in the process of changing my life right now…It is extremely difficult.
An epic hero always takes up distinctive tasks which no one else ever dares to.
So I think you see where I am going with this. You are in the driver’s seat. You have the power, today, to change not only your fitness, but also your life.
You can start tasks today that most people wouldn’t dare touch. Most are too scared to actually change their lives.
We live in a world where not even 1% of the population attains ideal cardiovascular health. People are so concerned with having a job as opposed to enjoying their job, job satisfaction is dropping every year.