The Kipping Pull Up is a common exercise used in CrossFit workouts. So common, in fact, that if a workout states “pull ups” it is assumed that you will be completing a kipping pull up. Only when a workout states “Strict Pull Ups”, you will do an actual pull up. I am only 50 words into this post and the word pull up is starting to sound weird to me…
The CrossFit Eyesore
Coming from my training background I know that the kipping pull-up is the biggest turn off to CrossFit. People do not understand them, they don’t look right, and they rub people the wrong way. Powerlifters and Bodybuilders laugh when they see one performed. They think it is “cheating” and that you cannot actually perform a real pull up. Like most CrossFitters you don’t care because they can’t do what you do, but don’t get caught up in kipping.
Kipping Pull Up: Your Enemy
Why can a kipping pull up be your enemy? Strict pull ups are rare, very rare, in a CrossFit WOD. This over-reliance in a kipping pull up leaves your average Joe crossfitter at a distinct disadvantage to those who regularly do normal (strict) pull ups. The pull up is an amazing exercise for building the upper back, biceps, and lats. The back seems to be heavily overlooked, much like the core, when it comes to training performance. Training the back with strict pull-ups is going to help you when deadlifting, squatting, benching, snatching, etc.. I know that I have become so efficient at a kipping pull up I rarely have any muscle fatigue, it is more about my hands ripping open that forces me to stop.
Kipping Pull Up: Your Friend
You know what else is heavily overlooked when it comes to training performance? COORDINATION!! When you see a well performed set of 40-50 kipping pull ups it looks like an elegant performance. It takes a great deal of coordination to perform the kipping pull up. Coordination a lot of people just don’t have. Those who do not understand a kipping pull up also don’t understand constantly varied high intensity functional movement. To always do strict pull ups would slow you down and you would lose some of that intensity. The kipping pull up has a great deal of advantages.
Kipping Runs Rampant
Kipping is fine when it is improving your coordination, keeping up the intensity, or even helping you learn a movement. Kipping is not fine when it is straight up cheating. What we have seen from people becoming good at using their bodies in the kipping movement: Kipping Pull Ups, Kipping Ring Dips, Kipping Muscles Ups, Kipping Hand Stand Push Ups, Kipping Push Ups, Kipping Toes to Bar, Kipping anything…While the intensity argument can come into play here, sometimes, it is not always accurate. Kipping push ups…come on. Challenge yourself to kip less and get stronger.
What are your thoughts on Kipping??
Photo by lululemon