What up Eo3 Nation!
It’s a term I am now using (eo3 nation) to describe members of the community. I got sick of saying “members of the community†– I felt like I was the leader of some sort of cult every time I would use that phrase.
We are a nation according to wikipedia’s vague definition:
Nation may refer to a community of people who share a common
language, culture,ethnicity,descent, or history.
Ok…so loosely defined as a nation…
We are basically a community of people…and if you are part of the Eo3 Nation most others will assume you are highly intelligent, attractive, fit, funny and awesome…that’s just a fact.
I’m getting carried away…back to business.
The Call to Eo3 Nation!
This is your call! A quest, a challenge a short journey or whatever you want to call it. Tomorrow will mark the first ever Functional Friday Blackout Challenge!
First, why and how blackout?
A blackout is easy, perhaps you have seen it done at college football games, where everyone in the stands wears a black shirt (or school’s color). It unites everyone together. So this Friday (tomorrow), it’s simple – wear black during your workout. A lot of black, a little black, it doesn’t matter just make wear black!
I will be wearing the Eo3 Blackout Shirt (you can snag one here if you want)
Functional Friday Blackout Challenge
I know this post is on Thursday, but this gives you a full day to find something black to wear and to plan out when, where and how you are going to do this quick functional fitness test.
I don’t care you if run triathlons, do CrossFit or lift weights, because you cannot overlook the importance of functional fitness!
Today, actually, tomorrow we test your functional fitness grip, with a farmers carry. This is as functional as you can get, really. Think about carrying in all of those groceries from your car…functional! How is your training helping you prep for life??
Let’s carry like a farmer!
Broken down by the Eo3 Nation levels of fitness:
Recruit & Established:
- Find something around the house that weighs between 20 lbs. & 50 lbs., and that can be held in one hand.
- Hold the object in one hand and walk as far as you can before you have to drop the object.
- After you drop it, pick it up and walk it back in the other hand till you have to drop it again.
How far and how much?
This is dependent on how much weight you used, but…
- You need some work!: 20ft. or less
- Pretty good!: 50ft. or more
- Awesome! (maybe try Competitor next time): 75ft.+
For the Competitors we have three options.
- Option 1: Get a kettbell (70lbs+) and walk as far as you can in one hand then switch.
- Option 2: Barbell (95lbs+) walk and switch. Takes a lot of grip strength and balancing.
- Option 3: Two 45lb plate pinch walks. Hold two 45lb plates together in one hand and walk as far as you can. A LOT of grip strength on this one.
How far and how much?
This is dependent on the option you selected, but…
- Go back to Recruit/Established: 20 ft. or less
- Pretty Impressive! 100m
- Holy Crap!!: 400m
Some notes:
This is a very basic test of how much work you can accomplish over a certain distance. This is not a workout. More like a warm-up.
What if I suck at farmers carry??
It is quite possible that your grip strength, well, sucks…So let’s briefly discuss how to make it better.
1.) Rope Work
2.) Tire Drags or Pulls
This is from my DIY Post Tire and Reverse Hyper. The different variations and combinations you can do with a simple tire and rope (or strap in my case) is insane! Tire dragging and pulling will be a tough workout by itself. You can also try loading the tire down to add more difficulty to your workout. This will for sure increase your grip strength.
3.) Plate Pinch Holds or Walks
4.) Newspaper Tearing
This is for those of us who may want to work up to ripping phone books in half one day. Just take an old news paper and fold it in half a couple of times and rip. Make sure you choose a challenging thickness. Then after you rip it place the halves on top of each other and rip again, etc..
So tomorrow get out there and do the Functional Friday Blackout!
….and let me know how it goes!