Hey, Athletes! Do you eat red meat? Do you think it leads to cancer? Listen to this week’s episode to find out some facts on red meat!
Episode 63 of The Garage Gym Athlete Podcast is up!
Red Meat + Fruits + Veggies = ??
In this week’s episode, the coaches give us their updates and announcements before going over the study. This week’s study is on red meat and if it can truly lead to cancer. Sticking with the nutrition theme, this week’s topic is the coaches favorite recipes. Each of the crew tells us why they love these recipes and go over what yummy ingredients each have.
This week’s Meet Yourself Saturday workout is a classic. It’s called “What the Ruck!?†and if you’ve never completed this one, you will definitely meet yourself!
If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to the Garage Gym Athlete podcast either on Stitcher, iTunes, or Google Play by using the link below:
- Red Meat
- What The Ruck!?
- Favorite Recipes
- Foods That Can Lead To Cancer
- Podcast Crasher!!
- Fruits and Veggies-They Really Are That Good For You!
- Updates and Announcements
- And A LOT MORE!!
Diving Deeper
If you want to go a little bit deeper on this episode, here are some links for you:
Study of the Week and Recipes
- Co-consumption of Vegetables and Fruit, Whole Grains, and Fiber Reduces the Cancer Risk of Red and Processed Meat in a Large Prospective Cohort of Adults from Alberta’s Tomorrow Project
- hibachi style chicken with magic mustard sauce
- Whole 30 Thai Turkey Burgers
Garage Gym Athlete Workout of the Week
Be sure to listen to this week’s episode:
Related Resources at End of Three Fitness:
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To becoming better!
Episode 63: Red Meat + Fruits + Veggies = ??
[00:00:00] Jerred Moon: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage gym athlete podcast. I’m your host, Jared moon, the garage. The mathlete podcast is a result of my desire to build better humans, unequivocal coaches, and autonomous athletes. I’ve spent the last several years obsessing over program design nutrition in every other way, you can optimize human performance.
This podcast distills the lady scientific research with what I’ve learned and blends it with the not so scientific field of mental toughness. We are here to build you into a dangerously effective athlete. If you enjoy this podcast, you can find out more about our training@garagegymathlete.com. And if you want to pursue more into the field of coaching and programming, head to end@threefitness.com.
[00:01:00] All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage gym athlete podcast. Jared moon here with Ashley Hicks. What’s up Ashley. Hey,
Ashley Hicks: what’s
Jerred Moon: up and Kasha. Am I doing.
Kyle Shrum: I’m doing all right.
Jerred Moon: Awesome. And there’s no joke Courtney today, so he’s not here. I’m not going to try and steal any or all of his updates, but he is finally making the Trek across the globe.
so he will have landed at some point. You guys will hear from him again one day. Well, we don’t TBD. It’s all TBD much of Joe TBD at the moment. so Kyle, let’s go to you for updates, man. How’s life.
Kyle Shrum: Life is grand. I actually have an update this time. So no giving me crap for not having an update.
Jerred Moon: You might not like it.
I picked though. Yeah.
Kyle Shrum: so I got a new toy for the gym. It is a dead lift.
Jerred Moon: Jack. Not any dead
Kyle Shrum: lift, not just any dead lift Jack. It’s like a two sided deadlift Jack that you [00:02:00] stand up and use, not like a DIY. One more. Yeah. I have to bend down and use it. It’s like a power lifting one. Yeah. So I’m actually excited.
Jerred Moon: No, it’s cool. You got to, if people haven’t seen this type of deadlift, Jack, it’s very serious. Like it could probably, you could probably use it on your car. If you could manage to find a barbell sized piece of metal on your car, you could probably Jack up your car, but it’s, it’s pretty crazy.
Kyle Shrum: Actually, it doesn’t take up a lot of space.
Jerred Moon: I wasn’t going down that road. I wasn’t even gonna say anything.
Kyle Shrum: It was just, some people may think that, but yeah. Anyway, I didn’t post a picture of it or anything, but yeah, it’s kind of cool, but now I don’t have to bend over and change plates on my bar.
Jerred Moon: I’m just really to get those saved yourself from that additional work.
Okay. It actually wears on you
Kyle Shrum: actually. Hannah is a lot more [00:03:00] excited about it than I am. So making the wifi happy
Ashley Hicks: and I’m in the HANA boat, like that’s the worst part about heavy one rep max deadlifts. I hate having to like lift up the side and then it gets super heavy. Like, I don’t know. Sometimes you have to really work for it.
Kyle Shrum: I’ll probably only use it during fit week. Cause it’s like during regular training it’s if we’re doing deadlifts, it’s typically. You have one white and you just do that one wait for the whole workout. But during fit week, you know, you’re doing max efforts and changing the weights and all that stuff. So
Jerred Moon: you got to conserve that energy,
Kyle Shrum: but it was, it was, it was cheap.
It was on Facebook market and it just happened to be there. And I was like, yeah.
Jerred Moon: Okay, let’s do that
Ashley Hicks: right here. Sarcasm is oozing.
Jerred Moon: I just like to give Kyle a hard time because Kyle, was it you who asks about the pad on the bar?
Kyle Shrum: No, it was not me who asked about the pattern. That was not me.
Jerred Moon: Oh, no, one’s going to claim it.
Okay. I just, I didn’t, I [00:04:00] don’t feel like it was Joe. I feel like someone on the team, Mark, I would ask about putting spikes on the bar to make it more uncomfortable. So I know it’s not Marco, so I’m just not thinking it’s VD. Ashley never tells a lie. So it’s between Kyle and Joe.
Kyle Shrum: I may have
Jerred Moon: said something about it.
Kyle Shrum: friend of mine having a pad for his bar and using it, but I did not use it when I was working out at my friend’s gym. he had a bar bed and I was just like, what
Jerred Moon: is this a good idea?
Kyle Shrum: Yeah, no, I never tried it. Not do not go down that road.
Jerred Moon: I love it. I love messing with you too. All right. Cool. Ashley how’s life.
Ashley Hicks: I was good. my little one is getting older. He’ll be two at the end of this month. So he’s going to preschool, which is kind of cool. So he’ll be there for two days a week just in the mornings. So it’s at this church that we really like, that’s down the street from our house. And, we did an orientation today and so I’m super [00:05:00] excited about that, but, and then I’ve got more.
Doctor’s appointments to answer more questions. So I feel like it’s just never ending, but it’s, I’m glad that we’re trying to get to the root of things. So, yeah, and super sore from yesterday’s workout of anyone who is on harder to kill sweet Moses, the lunges with the back squats and the 75 pushups.
Jared, you just killed me yesterday.
Jerred Moon: That’s good though. That’s good for you.
Ashley Hicks: about you? What’s your update, sir?
Jerred Moon: you know, I have a lot of, industry fitness updates I want to get to, and then just one personal update, just for everybody. So at the time of publishing this, it is officially de-load week. so that means we have de-load week that’s right, right. Sometimes we get.
The calendar gets all jacked up in my brain when we were trying to record a head. But yeah, de-load week, is right now for the rest of the week. And then after de-load week, [00:06:00] we will have the new fit week. So it will, I would say about half the tests have changed. So you get to experience that you’ll get to experience the new fit week, the new standards.
so if you are listening to this, you’re not one of our athletes, right? Great time to come on board, try out the new new tests that we have put together and that everyone will be running through in the new fit week. And we’ve really beefed up that week as well. With more educational materials, like actually packed into the programming so you can see some of that stuff.
So de-load week now, the next week is fit week. A couple of other things, the new cycle, everyone put it on their calendar. Officially day one is going to be 28. September will be day one of the new cycle, the cycle carry us through the end of 2020, and hopefully into a much better 20, 21 with less pandemic and lots of other things.
yeah. And the big announcement, new cycle webinar is 17 September. So that is a Thursday. are we sending out [00:07:00] invites in five line Friday? but we do these new cycle webinars. It’s really fun for all the athletes to get together because it’s live. I talk a little bit about the new cycle. I’ll be talking a lot about the new standards and this is also when we typically release sample programming.
So you’ll have access to that. And then the last kind of announcement is with the new cycle 28 September. We’ll be kicking. our second and last iteration of the fuels course for 2020. We only do this two to three times per year. This year, we are only doing it twice. So this is the second time. And so if you’re interested in the fuels course, you can sign up for our newsletter.
That’s where we get. Push out. Most of the information, I’ll be putting information in the Facebook groups, that garage mouth, Facebook groups as well for you can sign up for pre-release. Cause we only take on so many people because it is a coaching program that we run you through, but learning a lot about bioenergetics.
And that sounds cool, but it’s really just how your body utilize different fuel sources for activity. So it’s a really great course. We’ve just had a lot of feedback. [00:08:00] There are live coaching calls involved with that one, a group coaching calls. So you get access to me and the team and a lot of other good stuff in the fuel score.
So if you’re the least bit interested sign up for that pre-release announcement. Cause we don’t normally push it beyond that because the spots are limited. So it only goes out to those who are on the prerelease list. So do sign up if you see that Friday or in the Facebook groups. Huh? Now personally, I just want to say running is the worst.
That’s it I’m in Kyle’s camp. So I have not been running. I mean, hardly at all. I’ve kind of mentioned this on the podcast. Like I do, I’ve just been cycling. Everything’s been cycling. I either actually ride my bike or I use the bike ERG, anytime there’s conditioning elements. but I wanted to, I knew that was going to not be an okay longterm solution, like not running.
And so I wanted to test out a five mile run. And it was really, really bad. the, just my time. Wasn’t great. And a big part of it comes down to, [00:09:00] you know, we talked about this for Spartan races and stuff. Like my hip flexors are just so ill prepared to handle running right now. I could feel them at the three mile Mark.
and when I mentioned it in Spartan races, it’s like, yeah, your hip flexors are gonna fail, but I’m talking like once you get to like 15 miles, if you’re not a runner, but minor, already feeling like crap at around mile four and five. So long story short, I’m going to start running more just where I don’t lose it, that, that skillset.
And, that’s it right. But it’s, there’s no translation between anything and fitness, which is awful. I mean, maybe my lungs and my heart would hurt if I just never ran or if I didn’t, if I wasn’t cycling. But you can’t like get off a bike and then be a good runner. You can’t be a runner and then get on a bike and you just, if you want to be good at something, you have to do that thing.
That’s a lesson I’ve been learning over and over again for like a decade and a half. So that’s running. That’s it. [00:10:00] Alright. You guys ready to talk science? Let’s do it. So this is a great, great, great, great study. I’m so happy that it was released. That’s not sarcastic. it came out July 29th, 2020, or technically August, 2020.
so very, very new, very new study. And it’s called co consumption of vegetables and fruit. Whole grains and fiber reduces the cancerous of red and processed meat. Any large prospective cohort of adults from Alberta’s tomorrow project. So, this is an awesome study. The I’m going to give you the basic premise of the study.
they looked into a cohort of 26,218 adults aged 35 to 69. and they really just gave them a questionnaire. it’s 124 item pass. You passed your food frequency [00:11:00] questionnaire. and there was an average. 13.5 year, follow up with 15 different types of cancer. and so they’re really just trying to look at, you know, correlative data of what they ate, didn’t eat and the association between the things that they did eat and their prevalence of cancer.
The reason I love this study is because it just puts things into a little, a little bit better perspective, for sure. Not, not looking, not demonizing anyone thing, not saying. The vegetable is the only thing that you should ever eat, or you should never, ever eat meat. They came to some pretty good conclusion, with a relatively steady on your chance of getting cancer for based on your, on your diet.
so I have a lot of takeaways and things that I want to mention, but, you know, I don’t want to steal any thunder from, from MuTu, so to speak. So I’ll just Mark things off if they get a hit on, but, I’ll start with you, Ashley. I’d love to know what your take was on [00:12:00] this stuff.
Ashley Hicks: so for the thing I took away from the study, first of all, the participants, what I want to talk about is that over half the people, 65.7% were either overweight and obese. Going into the study. also that they had 55.1% were either current or former smokers. So these people aren’t like, they’re all, they’re not already like the healthiest of people that they are, you know, they’re participating in this study.
but. Overall with the results and the findings. What it shows is that if you have a well balanced diet, so talking about foods that are again, nutrient dense high in fiber, not super starchy, so fruits and vegetables, it shows that you [00:13:00] can still have red meat and it’s going to be okay. it’s not that red meat is the core reason.
For, for linking to cancer. now processed food, processed meat. We’ve talked about this in many, many podcasts, is not good for you. And that, and this study showed that, that this process meat was not good. So my takeaway for whole of this is if you do eat red meat, you know, maybe don’t eat, we eat a lot of lean proteins fish.
we maybe consume red meat once, maybe twice a week. But we also make sure that the meat is good quality like source. So it’s going to be grass fed. It’s going to be organic. and, and the same thing, like if you’re eating bacon or anything like that, we do uncured nitrate-free, you know, we try to make sure that our food, we know where it comes from.
And, That it’s good source of food. So that is my main takeaway for this is that it’s not meat. [00:14:00] That’s killing you. It’s not meat that is linking to cancer. It’s probably the quality of food, that is, you know, can be detrimental.
Jerred Moon: She said it read me. It’s not bad. I think,
Kyle Shrum: I agree with that. Totally. I didn’t need a scientific study to tell me that.
No. what I, what I got from this was each of veggies, you know, if you want to eat red meat, eat, eat fruits and vegetables with it. What I, what I really liked about how the study is written, how they wrote it up, they, they put this in there. It says nutritional epidemiology has traditionally focused on isolating the effect of a single food or nutrient on cancer risk.
Yet dietary factors are usually interrelated. And so that’s kind of what we’ve been talking about a lot. When we talk about nutrition is a lot of the science that’s come out and kind of demonized red meat. As a carcinogen and causing cancer and things like that. It’s like [00:15:00] those people likely wanted to prove that red meat was bad for you.
And so they found a way to do so. or other, you know, other studies focusing on one particular food item or one particular food group, you know, they want to prove something about this one particular food group. When in reality, the vast majority of people. Don’t eat just one food group, you know, it’s like, you’re not eating just one thing.
And so that’s what this study was about. It was like, let’s talk about the coal consumption of everything. Like, can we, can we examine the cancer among people who eat red meat, but also eat fruits and vegetables or eat processed meat and also eat fruits and vegetables on different scales, you know? And it turns out that people who ate less fruits and vegetables with their red meat.
Had higher rates of cancer or people who ate less vegetables with, with their processed meat had higher rates of cancer, but it seems that keeping [00:16:00] everything balanced, keeping the meat and the fruits and vegetables and the whole grains, keeping all of that balanced properly, actually kind of mitigates the carcinogenic effects of the red meat to where your cancer, your likelihood of cancer actually goes down.
and so you get to have the nutrient dense red meat and all of the good things that come along with that. And also the fruits and vegetables are giving you their own nutrients, but kind of mitigating the effects of the red meat. So, that’s what I enjoyed about it. And I was, glad to finally see something like that, where it says, Hey, you need to balance it.
Instead of just finding one quote, unquote bad guy. There’s not one quote, unquote, bad guy out there. There’s. You put it all together and have a balanced diet and everything works itself out.
Ashley Hicks: I think too, the, they mentioned fiber like the high fiber diet. And I was actually super excited that they mentioned that too, because fiber does many good things for your body.
Regulate some things as well. But, [00:17:00] That also is in again, fruits and veggies, like the fiber, the antioxidants, and, calcium other things that they mentioned in the study. So, because at someone’s diet too, I can always tell when they’re like, Oh yeah, I’ve been eating my fruits. I’ve been eating my vegetables.
And if they put in, so in women’s health track, we have the females take a screenshot of their daily macros kind of thing, but we can also see their daily fiber and. Some people, even though they might be meeting their macros, they’re only eating like less than 10 grams of fiber a day. And, you know, you should be getting something closer to like 20, you know, maybe 25 grams of fiber a day, at least.
So that was another thing that I really liked.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. I think fiber is really important. And I think it’s interesting to just this correlation between. you know, we just talked about this in the last podcast about clean eating and how each, each style of diet or whatever you want to call it, they have [00:18:00] to demonize something.
Right. but when you’re looking at the big picture, as Kyle was pointing out, that there’s a lot more, a lot more to unpack. So here, just some of my takeaways from the study. And some of them are similar to what was actually in Casa. So I will just hit on some of them again, processed meat is like a no-go.
So there was a statistical significance in an increase in cancer from consuming processed meat. So there’s not a lot of argument in the consumption of processed meat really anymore. So if you’re consuming a lot of processed meat, which is a, you know, certain types of, bacon dependent on how Ashley said, like.
Where, how you’re getting it and all that stuff and canned meats and sausage. And, I mean, most of those meats that gross me out anyway, processed meats are pretty gross. So there. Anyway, they’re apparently though they’ll give you cancer red meat. It was not as clear. It was not a statistical significance, but there was a slight increase.
It’s not to a [00:19:00] statistical level, but the consumer consumption of red meat alone with a lower, consumption of vegetable, fruits, and vegetables, there was an increase in cancer. So I’m not gonna pretend like there was nothing seen. Negatively with red meat. So apparently if you’re just eating a bunch of red meat, independent of, of a processed meat, there is an increase in cancer risk.
if you’re not eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, but on the higher end of that, the people who ate the most red meat, but were also had high levels of consumption of vegetables were at lower risk than those who had low amounts of red meat and low vegetable. If that makes sense. So you. The people who are eating the most red meat so long as they are doing that with us, that’s fruits and vegetables.
They not it’s, it’s better. It’s lower risk, it’ll actual lower risk of, of getting cancer. So that’s just something that you need to keep in mind. I think every time I eat meat is in conjunction with. [00:20:00] Some sort of fruit or vegetable would primarily vegetable, not like a steak and strawberries type of guy, but that the vegetable side of that is, is really good.
so that’s, that’s something I wanted to point out from the study directly. now how many vegetables should you eat? They actually did, put that in the study as well. The low, a low consumer of vegetables, fruits, vegetables. Okay. Be less than four servings a day. A moderate would be four to six servings a day in high.
It would be more than six servings per day. and I think that that’s about all I had with they do, they break it down to 15 different types of cancers. If you wanted to look at the data, definitely go pull this study. If you want to see how each one, was associated. but now the one of my, the things just open for discussion also kind of mentioned last week is if, if there’s even the slightest bit of risk for something.
let’s put in perspective cause I’ll take more risks for myself than I would someone else. And so I’ll use my children and as a, as an example, so am I comfortable feeding my [00:21:00] children red meat? If there is a, some, if I’m not, if they’re not eating their vegetables, there is an increase in, in cancer, you know?
And I think that becomes a good question. And so should we all, if we would just want to avoid all risk, should we all just be vague? Yeah. And that is. Where the argument can go. Cause it’s not like it’s like, Hey, okay, you have to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables with the red meat to have almost zero risk or, or even lower risk of getting cancer.
But why not just cut it out together and be vegan? The answer to that is very sad, similar to why I prefer to lift with a barbell. So there is a lot of risk me going to my garage by myself and doing heavy back squats. I could, I could fail on a back squat. There’s a lot more stability involved. Yeah. Like while it feels relatively safe, it’s nowhere safe as getting a machine like a belt squat machine or a leg extension machine.
And using that that’s way safer. Then a barbell back squat, the potential upside [00:22:00] in barbell training is way greater and more effective. And that’s how I feel about the consumption of meat. So if I go have. You know, whatever a ground beef or something like that, I’m getting a lot of awesome stuff. You know, creatine, amino acids, high dose of protein in a very lean and good source.
and fairly easy. It’s easy. It’s quick. It tastes good to me. so there’s a lot of upside to that. I can get this higher amount of protein. That’s the only reason I’m not a fan of veganism is how hard it is to get that protein and how hard it is to get all these other nutrients that you need, without having to supplement.
So that’s, that’s generally why I’m still okay with it. Now, if I know, okay. Anytime. It’s like a, it’s like a rule if this, then that if I’m going to have red. Yeah. For me, I have to have, you know, fruits and vegetables to this amount, with it to make sure I’m, I’m perfectly okay with that. That’s like a BPA, like people used to freak out about BPA and BPA is a bad thing, but they [00:23:00] found out if you have enough vitamin B in your diet, BPA is completely neutralized.
So if you did, you are at risk from. The, you know, BPA chemicals in your body and you take a, B, B supplement, then your body’s going to handle it. Not, not something you always want to do, but there’s a solution to it. Right. So that’s kind of how I look at these things is, how much do you want to consume it and what do you need to do to be able to lower your cancerous?
Cause I think that’s a big deal. You know, we all want to live longer. It’s not always just about performance. but actually I think I saw in your notes, like. And cause I’m similar. I don’t even actually consume red meat that much, like most of the time, like I actually enjoy chicken more than I do most, most beef most of the time.
how, how are you guys on that? Do you guys consume primarily? Cause we’re all meat eaters. Like none of us are vegan. And so how do you guys consume, what types of meat do you consume most regularly?
Kyle Shrum: I would say chicken is. Is the most that I would do, some Turkey. but, and then some red meat, either, either steak or ground beef.
[00:24:00] but yeah, most, most of the meat that we eat, it’s chicken. That’s, that’s our primary.
Ashley Hicks: I would second chicken here, but I think chicken and fish would be tied for
Jerred Moon: us. We eat a lot of fish
Ashley Hicks: here, especially with. What I just went through. I noticed that I needed to up my fish consumption for omegas and, but yeah, so we do chicken fish and then we do some ground Turkey as well.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. And I love my dad’s take on this because he I’d say over the last three or four months, he’s been on a huge, health kick and it’s, it’s been great. He’s lost a ton of weight and I’m even thinking about interviewing him on the podcast again, to, to talk about that. Cause he’s lost a lot of weight.
but. I was talking to him, he was asking me about red meat. Cause he’s kind of concerned about it. And he was just like, okay, well I just won’t eat that much red meat. Cause it sounds like we don’t really know. And so he just eats a lot of like salmon and, and chicken and also stuff in a cage occasionally, like a burger or something like that.
[00:25:00] Very occasionally just because he’s like, eh, we’re not really sure. And. He doesn’t dive into the science or think about this stuff that much or whatever, but I just think that’s like a really safe way to go. You’re just like, I’m not really sure. So maybe I won’t consume it as much. It won’t be the most prevalent thing in my diet.
so I think that’s a pretty safe approach when you’re talking about fruits and vegetables. You guys have anything else on this? No. Cool. Eat your red meat, make sure you have some fruits and vegetables in there as well. And
Kyle Shrum: I’m going to try your steak and strawberries. I do.
Jerred Moon: Yeah, it doesn’t sound bad. I mean, I really liked strawberries and steak.
So anyway, we, this is the first time this has ever happened to podcast. So we have a podcast crash. The podcast officially being crashed. What’s up door.
Joe Courtney: Hi.
Jerred Moon: So what happened when you just have open zoom links flying around the internet? so welcome, man.
Joe Courtney: This is true nomad status and style to where I just crashed in the middle of all doing a podcast hole in an airport.
[00:26:00] Jerred Moon: He’s in an airport right now. If that doesn’t scream commitment, I don’t know what does, so I think we were primarily looking for your updates.
Joe Courtney: I have so many, but I feel like I need to save some for next week, just cause I don’t need to take too long
Jerred Moon: on this,
Joe Courtney: but the most fun one I think is related to your, your wasp story
Jerred Moon: where you’re fighting your wasp.
Oh yeah. I have a similar one.
Joe Courtney: We were doing a run and it was just like an indie or sometimes every four to five minutes. You need to go for Ron better. 45 minutes. You dropped down to pushups and What are those called non climbers? That’s there? Well, one of the first times that I did that, yeah. I put my hands down and I was starting to do my pushups.
Then I noticed there’s a bunch of red ants around my hand. I was like, Oh my goodness. I don’t know what kind of answer you to have in Texas. We’re in Texas.
Jerred Moon: They’re seen as less. Yeah. Yeah.
Joe Courtney: So as I was doing my push downs, I was like, well, I don’t want to move for my, Mount climbers. So I would pick up a finger and I would squish an agent as they would come closer to me.
And then another one would come and I would squish another one. So I was like playing a little game of [00:27:00] whack-a-mole with ants, killing my hands with my hand as I was doing my mountain climbers. And then I ran again.
Jerred Moon: I didn’t even think about the mountain climbers, right?
Joe Courtney: No, I didn’t. I was just like, man, I could do so many more of these.
I was killing so many ants
Jerred Moon: released the murder horn it’s man. Yeah. It’s yeah. It’s an effective strategy. We will learn how to bottle this up.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. So, you know, if you want to be distracted from pushups in that in climbers, just
Jerred Moon: put your hand in some ants. It’s gotta be insects though. Cause if we were to like, Release the grizzly bear.
It just doesn’t work as much. You die, you die or you matter where you run fast enough. but little small insects trying to like just sting you. Pretty solid.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. So I think I’ll just leave it at that.
Jerred Moon: Well, there was
Joe Courtney: another one was actually really quick, cause it was, it was at the end of this, this, by the way, some parks in, Texas are really, really awesome.
Cause there’s that post a picture of it. They were really cool, but it wasn’t, I were doing a workout and one of the things that we were doing, we did a whole bunch of launches and then we would get after lunches turned around and sprint back and then [00:28:00] rest. There was a trainer there that was about to like, have a client come.
And he was fishing. He was just like, as he was fishing and staring at us and he came up and talked to us later and was, he just like complimented and whatnot. And then he mentioned that, what we were doing and he’s gonna make his boxer do and a little bit. And I was like, Oh, well, glad for the inspiration.
Cause it did suck.
Jerred Moon: Awesome.
Joe Courtney: So
Jerred Moon: yeah, we’re just talking about the ripples. Exactly. Cool, man. Well,
Kyle Shrum: will you tell him you’re firing it story?
Joe Courtney: No, no. I just showed him. I put my Palm, all my aunts. See, I’ll see what I’ll do today.
Jerred Moon: You should have your boxer do this.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. Go play in Safire hands
Jerred Moon: I’m. I’m not like trying to replay in my head all the times.
I’ve like re encountered an animal or insects in fitness. and none of them are that good. I’ve swallowed bugs while running that, that didn’t make that slows you down. That doesn’t never speed you up. And, I’ve had a snake literally. Try and buy me like it, whatever lunch, what is that called? When a snake does that?
Yeah, let’s go with [00:29:00] it. Yeah. Lunged at me. Yeah. And, like got relatively close. Like it was on the side of the road and I was like, that is the most aggressive snake I’ve ever seen. He missed, I’ve seen a Bobcat stare me face to face thing. I’ve told that one on the podcast and you’re just like, there’s a moment of like, What’s about to happen.
It’s me versus you. Like we’re going to do this. And he thought better of it. Smart, smart animal. but I just, small insects were the only thing that ever, have taken my mind off things as well, making it, making a better performance better.
Kyle Shrum: I had them all fly in my ear
Jerred Moon: once.
Kyle Shrum: I was coming in from running outside.
It was early in the morning. I had my porch light on and there were malls flying all around it. And as I stopped to open the door to go inside, it flew straight in my ear. And yeah, I felt violated for the rest of the day like that. It was a feeling that I cannot explain to you just really, really weird.
Well, [00:30:00] I don’t run in the dark anymore and it’s not because of. It’s not because of Dateline it’s because of Moss.
Jerred Moon: Yeah.
Ashley Hicks: I’ve had no incidences at all. I think
Kyle Shrum: not trying hard enough.
Ashley Hicks: Okay, Tom, your matter.
Joe Courtney: Oh, in Maryland a couple of weeks ago, apparently I got stung by a sweat bee. Then another thing that was wrong with my shirt off. Cause you know, they’re just running and I just felt a prick and a sting and then Liz was there and she’s like, Oh yeah, that was a be like, Oh, well that’s fantastic.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. I mean, I’ve definitely been stung.
I’ve been stung during Murph before. no, it didn’t help anything just hurt. Okay. We were about to get into recipes and, so let’s do that. It kinda, it’s a, it’s a nice segue into how to not get cancer by eating fruits and vegetables with your red meat. If you’re going to consume red meat and do not purr, don’t ever eat processed meat study that we just went over.
So [00:31:00] we’re going to get into it. I’m going to go first. Because everyone knows. You’ve heard some iteration of it. I’ve been doing it shake for years. but the interesting story, and I won’t get too graphic in the details cause it’s unimportant, but let’s just say I had my little, my little list about time period, nothing to be compared to Joe’s limbo time period of six months or whatever.
But I had mine that was like five or six weeks in between houses and my diet was just. Off it wasn’t my normal diet. It wasn’t that bad, but it just wasn’t my normal diet. But one thing I didn’t consume one single time during that time period was my shake, which is almost an everyday thing for me, just because I didn’t have access to a blender or the right ingredients or whatever.
And my digestion got pretty screwed up. Like I said, I won’t get into a lot of details there, but I can almost 100% attributed to my shake because all my digestion returned. [00:32:00] Within a couple of days of getting back on, on the routine, if you will. So you, you guys can just infer what you may. but yeah, this is like a fiber bomb is what the shake is.
so it’s one cup of spinach, which is a lot. I used to a little bit less. sometimes I do kale in there, instead of spinach. So it’s either one cup of spinach or kale, one cup of frozen blueberries, one tablespoon of chia seeds. Generally a scoop of protein, whichever protein I’m using at the time. then I’ll add a fat, which is going to be either almond butter, like two tablespoons of almond butter or MCT oil.
and if I need some more. Sugar. Like if it’s post-workout then I will go half a banana to full banana depending on the, on the workout or training session. But that is it it’s evolved over the years. And that’s where it’s kind of landed. I used to put a lot more in there. I remember the first time I ever gave it to Joe, he, his exact words were, [00:33:00] wow, you got a lot going on in there.
And, I think that was like a backhanded compliment of like, what the hell are you doing? You’ve put way too many things in here. that was like five years ago, but, yeah, that’s the shake and I consume it almost every day and I, I think it helps me, like
Ashley Hicks: what, what do you use
Jerred Moon: water? Typically water.
Okay. I’ll throw water in there and sometimes a little bit of ice, but yeah, I used to do almond milk, but. I couldn’t, I can’t tell the difference that much. So stop wasting the almond milk,
Joe Courtney: filtered water,
Jerred Moon: filtered water. That’s true. That’s all my water. That’s my only recipe I’m sharing. Cause that’s all I know how to do.
Joe Courtney: So I. Typically, I’m not wanting to follow recipes and growing up in the kitchen and having a dad for a chef humblebrag. I don’t really ever used recipes. I just kinda put things together. sometimes I do look up recipes a lot, but usually I’ll look at like two to three and then like, I’ll get the general idea of what I want to [00:34:00] cook.
And I’m like, cool. I got it in my head, whatever let’s go. But also don’t do any baking. That’s why I just don’t have, the patients are cared for, for baking.
Jerred Moon: Anything’s hard.
Joe Courtney: Yeah, it takes actual measuring and recipes. And I’m not on all about that life.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. You can’t eyeball a baking recipe. You’ll screw it up.
Joe Courtney: Yeah, pretty much. there are two recipes that I do use still. Now I’m one of them I can blame for Jared. And that is the paleo waffle recipe that I believe it was in Daniel Walker’s book. Something like that. I use that all the time, but I’ve also kind of adapted it to my own. I add a more protein or I just had, I had actual protein, which means I have to add more liquid and stuff, but the main recipe that I wanted to bring to light that Liz and I use all the time when we actually have a home to cook.
And it’s, it’s great for, you know, the whole cook one seat. For a week or whatever, cause it’s, it’s an easy kind of to go breakfast or snack in that are, is, there’s a paleo cookbook on welfare. A couple of them and their salmon patties are phenomenal. [00:35:00] You
Jerred Moon: usually
Joe Courtney: about 16 to 18 of those whenever you make a batch or two batches, because that double mine,
Jerred Moon: Emily made those like last week and I.
I ate an unbelievable amount of them. I do eight
Ashley Hicks: 80% of the meal.
Jerred Moon: I had just transitioned to ’em. What about this? Right? This several weeks ago, I transitioned to just being really strict on the diet. And what that generally means for me is I’m going to be really hungry cause I’m just not going to eat. So there’s no snacking or anything.
It’s just like, I might eat like two meals a day. And so that day it was like the second or third day of being strict and she cooked those things and I was just like, Did she cook so many? And I was like, well, it’s she does that because it’s like her lunch throughout the week. And I just really that whole plan, I just ate like all of them
Joe Courtney: Mala shit.
Yeah. Usually one can of salmon yields about eight or nine, depending on how many patties. So I usually do two at a time because then [00:36:00] we. Bag them up into fours, and then you throw them in the freezer and then you can just break them out. And they last forever. They last for a long time. Once you actually make them.
So it takes an hour to make and you’ll get 16 or so of them. And then Liz will leave and pulling out the night before and then put it in the fridge. And then the next morning she goes to work and it’s thought out and good to go. So that is fantastic. Obviously, Jared agrees,
Ashley Hicks: they’re delightful. Yeah, Emily and I just happened to make them literally the same day.
So we were texting back and forth. So she told me about your you’re very ravenous salmon, Patty eating,
Jerred Moon: Jarrod all in, all in on the same in patties.
Ashley Hicks: so another one that I’ll add is by the defining dish, she just actually came up with a new cookbook. You can get on Amazon. I really love her stuff cause it’s, whole 30 AIP.
So auto-immune. Protocol, lots of great recipes, but my favorite is called the hibachi style chicken with magic mustard sauce. Jared, you’ve had this one, but it’s [00:37:00] got chicken and chicken thighs, any onions mushrooms, carrots. So it’s packed full of veggies and then the magic mustard sauce. It is. To die for.
It’s like it’s Dijon mustard and you’ve got ginger in there and some garlic and there’s nothing spicy in there. So I don’t know if it’s the ginger, I don’t know what it is, but once you mix it all up, it gives a kind of a little kick to it. It’s super delicious. It’s super good. So, We do this probably once every other week.
My husband’s loves this recipe for him. If I’m trying to go low carb, then I can obviously just eat that. Maybe roast some cabbage to go with it and just put it on some cabbage or, I had rice for Scott. So, it’s a really good one. and then another one that we do is these honey Serratia of in baked salmon.
and so I will link the. The recipe for whoever wants it. Obviously for the podcast, there are some things in here that I will say to [00:38:00] change. So it calls for a vegetable oil, one tablespoon of it. Obviously I either use avocado oil or olive oil, and then for soy sauce, if you can’t do soy sauce, there’s this really cool.
No soy. Soy sauce. I don’t know if you guys have seen it and heard of it. Anyways, I use that. It’s not coconut aminos. No. It’s like made with mushrooms and something else. All the ingredients are organic. I’ll share it. But
Jerred Moon: anyways,
Joe Courtney: Carl just discovered aminos a couple, couple months ago. So yeah.
Jerred Moon: Have you guys heard of coconut?
Ashley Hicks: Yes, Kyle? Yes. So, yeah. Anyway, so I would just add coconut aminos or that no soy sauce to it. If, if you’re looking to. Avoid your soy, but yeah, it’s a pound of boneless salmon and some cilantro and again, honey, and Saracha, can’t go wrong. And then the last one I’ll share is, speaking of red meat or lack thereof, we do these Thai Turkey burgers and they make quite a few potties [00:39:00] too.
but in the burgers are like shredded carrots and, I think the shreds Kini in here. I forget what is in here. I’m trying to scroll down to see the actual recipe, but anyways, there is, a lot of vegetables in here too. So, and then you’ve got like a veggie slaw on top as well, too. which is super good in there.
it’s also whole 30 AIP, so you can make it with peanut butter if you want to give it that actual tiredness. But I use it with almond butter and it’s so good. The almond butter sauce that you put on top of the burger, and you can just wrap it in some lettuce and yeah, that’s a couple of
Kyle Shrum: recipes. So the one I was gonna share has bacon in it.
So I didn’t think that would be appropriate. So not
Ashley Hicks: bacon,
Jerred Moon: but it’s possible possible.
Kyle Shrum: It comes from the one I will share. Actually, the other one I was gonna share is in this one too, the cook wants it all week cookbook that I heard about from [00:40:00] Ashley and actually the recipe I’m going to share is one that Ashley made when we went to visit them in Florida.
And it’s the medic skin chicken and corn street tacos. Absolutely fantastic. We’ve had them once a week, ever since we had them at Ashley’s house. They’re unbelievable. and they have Kaylin, M ha who knew, who knew also the way the coconut aminos thing. There’s a lot of things that I’ve learned about just from having this book.
Okay. Had never heard of coconut aminos before this book told us to use them in a recipe. I was like, what is that? And that’s happened multiple times with different things, so whatever. Okay. Anyway. This is, if you get the cookbook, this is on page one 32, because I don’t have a link to the recipe. So just go buy the cookbook and go to page one 32.
And so it’s a slashed kale, and there’s a AAA lime dressing, which is just lime juice, avocado oil, mayonnaise, and Chipotle chili seasoning. And then you have, some [00:41:00] butter and some three cups of cubed baked chicken, and then some corn. And some more lime juice, salt chili powder, garlic powder, and paprika, and then tortillas you choose which size we like the small ones.
Ashley Hicks: that makes them street
Jerred Moon: though. Let’s say tacos. Yeah. Yeah.
Kyle Shrum: So, well it says 12 miniature corn tortillas or eight regular size corn tortillas. So you pick, but anyway, very, very excellent, very good stuff.
Joe Courtney: I typically don’t have the patients for edit tacos or anything made individually. So anything that’s individual I’ve pretty much just dump it in a bowl and mix it up and then just shovel it.
So we do like taco bowls or even like burgers, do burger bowl.
Jerred Moon: Wait a minute. I’m not
Kyle Shrum: a burger bowl,
Jerred Moon: if less
Joe Courtney: and less like where we went, Jared, Marty B’s unless somebody is like wrapping it for me. Then I’m not, I’m not wrapping my own dang burden.
Jerred Moon: Funny is you could, [00:42:00] the taco one is the one that gets me, because if you make a taco bowl with all the stuff in it, all you need is a spoon to scoop it out and then put it in the tortilla.
Joe Courtney: Or I can just get the spoon, spin it into my mouth
Kyle Shrum: or one very tiny inconsequential step
Jerred Moon: has worked,
Joe Courtney: hack everything you would put in your taco, put in a bowl and then scoop it with a tortilla chip. Taco done.
Jerred Moon: Taco bag, crunchy tacos. What about, are there soft chips
Joe Courtney: when you get them? If you want to, if you want to use soft tacos to scoop with sure. You can do whatever you want
Jerred Moon: or you could get chips and like get them wet and they’ll get real, like soft
Joe Courtney: yeah.
Constructed crunchy tacos.
Kyle Shrum: So, or you could just eat them on a tortilla, like a normal person, not be complicated.
Jerred Moon: Gosh, looking out for the carbs. All right. Let’s get into the workout this week. I think officially it is what the ruck [00:43:00] and I haven’t pulled up and realized it’s three years old. Just time flies when you’re doing it yourself, Saturdays.
I’ll brief it. so the buyin is 60 pull-ups in which kipping is allowed. 70 hand release pushups, 80 squats, 90 sit-ups 100 burpees. can’t break it up if memory serves, correct? Yeah, it’s a one before the other, then three mile ruck and competitor weights, male, female. 55 or 35 pounds established male, female, 35, 25 pounds.
Recruit male, female, 25, 15 pounds. And this one is awesome. It really is one of my top, I don’t know, maybe top two. So what kind of tips do you guys have?
Kyle Shrum: I would say get through the buy-in really quickly.
Jerred Moon: Yes. As fast as you can.
Kyle Shrum: Don’t take your [00:44:00] time with it. Cause it’s just torture.
Joe Courtney: Say it again.
Kyle Shrum: I think it’s the same. I think it’s the same one. The same advice I gave last time. Just get through it really quick because
Jerred Moon: well, some people might think you’re just save yourself the ruck where you have a little bit more energy, right.
Kyle Shrum: It’s just walking with a backpack. Like it doesn’t take a lot of like the buy in takes a lot of energy walking with a backpack does not take a lot of energy.
Joe Courtney: It just oversimplified
Ashley Hicks: that beg to differ.
Jerred Moon: Don’t church up, you’re walking with a backpack and call it a rock hit. So if you’re walking with a backpack,
Joe Courtney: let’s start putting that into the team builder.
It’s not a rock we’re doing walking with backpacks for 20 minutes today.
Jerred Moon: So Kyle is do the buy in fast. What else do you guys have?
Ashley Hicks: I think I said last time for the wreck. I kind of shuffle, shuffle run, then walk. I try to run bounce. So fartlek, as we talked about [00:45:00] before, that’s my suggestion for the rec, but, for the buy-in yeah, there’s a. You’ve just got to get through it.
and then that’s the thing on part. I like the buy in. It’s the ruck that I don’t like on this one. I don’t know why it’s the three miles man. Just. I know it’s not that long. We’ve done it. 50 minutes of racking, and I’ve done longer than three miles, but anyways, it’s just after the buy in, I think it’s the hun a hundred burpees.
That’s what it is. You mean your heart rate is just spike doesn’t matter. And then from the burpees, like try not to break them up too much. I don’t break up the burpees. I just actually slow my pace down and make sure that I just get through the burpees. cause if I stop, I just know that I would stop for a long time before I’d get back down.
But. Yeah, that’d be my advice.
Joe Courtney: I can’t not have a plan when it comes to burpees. So I would always, I always do my intense, I’ll do mine 10 real quick and then take a couple of seconds to break, but
Jerred Moon: you know, too ambiguous just to leave a big number of burglaries out. Yeah.
Joe Courtney: No, if I’m not sure, like, Oh cool.
Only [00:46:00] 74. More to go. No, thanks. I’m just gonna say warm up really, really good. Especially your lower body. Cause you got the squats, even the Barbies will, will work your hips on. And then the rock is going to be murder on your calves, your hips as well. So really, really get limber on those. Cause if you start to tighten up, then it’s going to be no, no Molina.
Jerred Moon: I’m going to try and give some different advice in previous. so here’s here it is. This is how I’m going to attack it myself. When I do this. And the programming. So I’m going to encourage other people to do the same, the 60 pull-ups 70 hand release pushups, 80 squats, 90 sit-ups gain that. However you want.
Meaning if you got to break them up, break them up, whatever, like Joe was saying 10 at a time, however, you need to get those done. Do it recover in between if you need to. so I’m not saying go as fast as you can, but then what I am saying is I want you to set a 100. Burpees for time PR [00:47:00] once you get to the burpees, because the 60, 70, 80, 90 don’t actually take that long 90 set ups can be a little bit time consuming, but the burpees is where you’re going to eat up a bunch of time.
So I want you to go in with a PR mindset and be relatively fresh. So you don’t need to push it on the 60, 70, 80, and 90. I want you to go for just an absolute PR on the burpees as fast as you possibly can. And then don’t rest on. After 100, you get up from 100, you put the backpack on, you start walking, you can recover during this easy thing called walking with a backpack.
It’s rest time. We might need to put a little bit more weight in your bag or have you walk a little bit faster
Joe Courtney: because know bookend some pens in here.
Kyle Shrum: I really, I really like rucking, so
Jerred Moon: I’ve never run into him like, Oh, this is easy. You’re definitely going to light. How much are you putting in the bag?
Kyle Shrum: I’m not going to like,
Jerred Moon: how dare [00:48:00] you say anything? Have
Kyle Shrum: you done the 55?
Ashley Hicks: Have you done the 55?
Jerred Moon: Yeah. Alright. That’s what I did last time.
Ashley Hicks: Alright, well, net, we’re just going to have to like figure out how you can like run a little faster or something.
Joe Courtney: In fact, canned goods can only fill up your backpack to about 30 to 35 pounds.
Jerred Moon: On fact, yeah. Hammers can add another 15 to 20 pounds.
Ashley Hicks: Don’t put kettlebells in your backpack.
Joe Courtney: Another fund.
Jerred Moon: Kettlebells bad idea. All right. I guess we can wrap up. Nope. We set some PRS today, or I guess it’s a benchmark for a podcast crash. I’m sure we’ll have more in the, in the future, but we have a
Joe Courtney: lot of one in the U S for me.
Jerred Moon: Oh yeah. I can’t wait for more updates from Joe. It’s going to finally leave. Forget complaining about the heat for at least like six weeks for every update. I got nothing except for Todd to tell. And I’m mad about it.
Okay. We do have a lot of things coming up and that’s how it all kind [00:49:00] of, you know, exit this podcast. I mentioned them all at the beginning. I mentioned them all at the end, too. So yeah. We’re in de-load week, we’re going into the new fit week. I would love to have a selfishly, a lot of data points with the new fit week because we typically, and you’ll hear more about this in the next part, the gas, but I, I typically pull them and also have, coaching, members, testings out like we did.
well, I don’t want to reveal any of them. We we’ve tested some of these things out. but I love the biggest part is having the community testimony. so getting everyone involved in fit week that happens after this de-load week, then we have the new cycle, 28 September new cycle, a webinar on the 17th of September.
We have the fuels course kicking up, kicking off the 28th as well. So there are just a lot of things going on, because we are truly invested in making this. The best program that we’re capable of and the best fitness programming that you can find on the internet. For those of you who are a member of garage, gym athlete.
Thank you so much for being a member. [00:50:00] I can’t wait for you to see the new standards, test them out. See what you think. Give feedback, all that great stuff. If you’re not a part of the community yet go to garage, gym athlete.com, sign up for 14 day trial and get indoctrinated to everything we’re doing right now.
We do monopolize your training. We want to own every piece of it. And some people see that as a negative. I see that as a positive because we want our athletes to stick around and see results for a decade or longer. So get indoctrinated, just buy in, quit, sit on the fence. You suck at programming for yourself, just putting into it.
So here it is. And now is the time join garage, gym athlete. Peace. Thanks for listening to the garage gym athlete podcast. You want to learn more? Go to garage, gym athlete.com. You can learn about our training. Let us send you a copy of our book, the garage, the mathlete, or you can even get featured on the garage gym athlete podcast.
Thanks for listening. [00:51:00]