Hey, Athletes! Do you eat a high protein diet? What if I told you protein could help with your sleep? Listen in to this week’s episode to find out more!
Episode 37 of The Garage Gym Athlete Podcast is up!
Macronutrients for Better Sleep and Bolstering the Immune System
On this week’s episode Jerred, Joe, and Ashley give us their updates and a brief overview for what the Coronavirus means for our athletes. Rest assured, we will still be providing quality programming! This week’s study is on macronutrient based sleep quality. The team break down the review and give their own takeaways from personal experience.
In light of current events, this week’s topic is over what you do when you start to feel sick. The team give their own remedies and tips on how to handle feeling under the weather. Lastly, this week’s Meet Yourself Saturday workout is called “The Confused 2Kâ€.
If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to the Garage Gym Athlete podcast either on Stitcher, iTunes, or Google Play by using the link below:
- How to Battle Sickness
- New Cycle Webinar
- Protein Can Improve Sleep
- Stay Calm and Carry On During COVID-19
- The Confused 2K
- T-Shirt Giveaway
- Updates and Announcements
- And A LOT MORE!!
Diving Deeper
If you want to go a little bit deeper on this episode, here are some links for you:
Study of the Week
Garage Gym Athlete Workout of the Week
Be sure to listen to this week’s episode:
Related Resources at End of Three Fitness:
- Dr. Amy Bender on Sleep, Chronotypes, Caffeine, Wearables, and MORE!
- Dr. Allison Brager on Military Athletes, Sleep, Recovery and more!
Thanks for listening to the podcast, and if you have any questions be sure to add it to the comments below!
To becoming better!
Macronutrients for Better Sleep and Bolstering the Immune System
[00:00:00] Jerred Moon: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage gym athlete podcast. I’m your host Jerred Moon. The garage team athlete podcast is a result of my desire to do better humans, unequivocal coaches, and autonomous athletes. I’ve spent the last several years obsessing over program design, nutrition in every other way you can optimize human performance.
This podcast is stills the latest scientific research with what I’ve learned and blends it with the not-so scientific field of mental toughness. We are here to build you into a dangerously effective athlete. If you enjoy this podcast, you can find out more about our training at garage gym, athlete.com and if you want to pursue more into the field of coaching and programming, head to end@threefitness.com.
[00:01:00] All right, ladies and gentleman, welcome to the garage gym athlete podcast. Jared moon here with Ashley Hicks. How’s it going? Actually?
Ashley Hicks: Hey, what’s up?
Jerred Moon: And we have Joe. Courtney, how are you doing, man?
Joe Courtney: Officially homeless,
Jerred Moon: officially homeless, homeless during interesting times. Yeah. I would say
Joe Courtney: I’m just, I’m just being so brave.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. You’re off traveling the country of amidst the pandemic, so let’s get some updates from you guys. I have some quick coven, 19 updates. I want to give everybody a just. From my, my perspective, as a fitness coach only and, you know, kind of, kind of push people in the right direction. But, hold on one second.
All right. Sorry about that. I had some technical difficulties for a second, but we should be good to go. So anyway. We were going to, who’s doing updates first? Was it Joe pointed?
Joe Courtney: But
Jerred Moon: there’s no preference. Let’s, when you have technical difficulties, it throws [00:02:00] everything off. So I actually, I actually want to get some updates from you then Joe, and then I’ll talk about.
A coven, 19 and some other stuff going on and in three fitness. Ashley, how’s life?
Ashley Hicks: Life is good. It’s going to be busy here. unless, you know, airline shutdown and whatnot. We’ve got visitors coming to our house, pretty much starting next weekend and until the end of may. I still have a trip planned so far to come to Dallas.
So we’ll see how everything goes, how everything pans out. But, shout out to everybody that is working, amongst this craziness that, you know, if you’re in any sort of retail, if you work at Walmart, that’s specifically what I’m talking about. Y’all be nice to people. There are, there’s some rude people in this world, and.
that’s the thing that I’m witnessing is people are freaking out, so then they’re just taking it out on others. And you know, employees at other stores don’t have any control over all this mess. Meaning if there’s no toilet paper or no whites, there’s no reason to get [00:03:00] mad at people. So that’s my, that’s
Jerred Moon: my little, I completely agree with you.
Like rant. I get really. To be honest, I get really fearful when stuff like this happens. So the pandemic, I’m not that, I mean, whatever. The virus is scary, it’s serious. maybe not for our age group or whatever, but I’m more scared of people in general. You know, like what happens if markets crash or people can’t get ahold of toilet paper.
It’s like, it’s funny now you know, some of this stuff, but like if this escalates for several weeks. People will get out of control, ugly, nasty fights like it’s gonna. It would get way worse. People are scary. Joe, I think you posted a perfectly. And I think this is just on your personal Facebook page, but the, the, the men in black AMI Lee Jones quote, when I was thinking about it too, I was like, I didn’t go into the, the gift route or whatever, cause I just didn’t think about it.
But you know, a person is smart, but people are dangerous and stupid and it’s so true. That’s like one of the truest [00:04:00] quotes I’ve ever seen. So yeah, it’s, it’s insane. It’s only gonna get crazier, I’m afraid.
Joe Courtney: I’m very wisdom is.
Jerred Moon: Wisdom is for sure. all right. is that everything Ashley?
Ashley Hicks: Yeah, that’s it.
Jerred Moon: Yeah.
So be careful with that travel. I think you’ll be all right though. Joe, you’re traveling and I think you posted a picture. There’s like, you’re on the flight. Is that it? This was to a private jet. You, you may get, man, this is a pretty amazing.
Joe Courtney: Yeah, like I just got an email to for my flight, like, they’re, they’re pushing too to like, people say, Hey, you know, there’s still the big chairs if you want to upgrade.
I was like, awesome. I can just do that. And I clicked on it for a second. It’s only 15 bucks. Then I looked and there’s nobody in the road in front of me, in my row and five rows behind me. I’m like, well, I can spread out.
Jerred Moon: Well, as far as, you know, it’s kind of like reverse, you know, you’re supposed to be doing this social distancing thing, right?
But if you’re the only person on a plane, then. Yeah, it’s not that dangerous. Right. Cause you’re like, it’s just you.
[00:05:00] Joe Courtney: So yeah. So I guess people just aren’t flying, which, Hey, I’m okay with it, so I’m not going to go for that big seat. I’m just going to have road of myself, which is nice because red eyes suck.
so yeah, I am in the midst of traveling houses all packed up. That’s this past week. It was insanity. Last two days have been cleaning and painting, which I’m terrible at. But had my walkthrough yesterday
Jerred Moon: and I’m cleaning or painting or both? Just everything.
Joe Courtney: Just,
Jerred Moon: I don’t have the patience for painting.
Joe Courtney: yeah, no. Luckily one of the walls that I painted or some of the stuff that I painted was white, so I just didn’t tape anything. But then like, you can see where the, you know, I call it, I call her outside the lines. I make my own lines. and I didn’t paint all that much, so it was okay. But packing for three months is kind of hard and I’m pretty sure I forgot some stuff, but I got my microphone.
So the podcast shall go
Jerred Moon: on. That’s all you need, really?
Joe Courtney: Yeah. it also rain all week this week, which is just weird for [00:06:00] San Diego.
Jerred Moon: That’s what’s happened in Dallas as well.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. But the one day that it did have sun, I went for a good run, a good run so well, but only someone trained that once this week.
But that’s okay. Get my life back on track next week.
Jerred Moon: Get that back on track.
Joe Courtney: That’ll be fine. We’ll see. This is, well, I guess I can go into this. This is why, like throughout most of, programming and when life is normal, I’m training six, even seven times a week and like eating as clean as possible because when these crazy moments in life happen, which they happen to everybody when you have like.
Two, two weeks where everything’s in this right. I’m not really worried about skipping a couple of workouts because, you know, three months prior to this I was on point guys, even doing extra work outside of my, the, the programming to do like extra zone two and stuff on the bike. so I’m not too worried about it.
And I think even adding stress, if you’re worried about, like, even right now, if he can’t get to the gym, if you’ve been fine for months and you’re gonna give you, you can jump back into it then don’t add that [00:07:00] extra stress. To to your life. Just kind of keep on keeping on and get back on the horse when you can.
Jerred Moon: Yeah, I, that’s how I feel. Sometimes I’m pretty militant and then when I travel, I loosen up a little bit more now. It used to be my, like my thing, but now I’m traveling almost too much for that to be okay. So I, I kind of stopped that, but no, I get it, man. And. Updates for me. Just spend some time with, Ashley and Scott at their house down in Florida, which is awesome.
Florida was great. and then like the day or two before we left, I mean, I knew it was around, but just, I feel like things really kicked up with this Corona virus, coven 19. Everything like, it just kicked into high gear. And so things have been kind of crazy with all that. for reasons like Ashley was mentioning, just people being insane and, you know, fighting at grocery stores or whatever.
but I do feel way more confident in my, my family’s ability to survive and apocalypse because if they’re, there are, the rest of the American population is only concerned about toilet [00:08:00] paper when things are heading South. Like, we’re going to be just fine. We’re, we’re worried about dry goods and water and everyone else is like.
I need that toilet paper. So I think that’s pretty a funny. But I wanted to give some updates on, on things and, and we’ve kind of joked about it around internally because nothing changes for us, right? We all work from home and, you know, we have a very, virus friendly company with people training at home for garage gym athletes.
And, I think you definitely should do that. And we’re actually giving away some free programming right now. our red pill body weight program. If you’re not one of our athletes, I guess just email us. I don’t have a link for that anywhere. If you didn’t get the email, it’s, we send it on five line Friday, but if you email us, we can share that link if for some reason and get it.
so you get a free body weight program. Just something we’re trying to do for people who aren’t going to the gym and they are quarantined or doing social distancing, all that stuff. But I tried to think, for the last two days, like, you know, what could I share from [00:09:00] fitness perspective, coach perspective for people with, you know, dealing with this virus.
Like, what can we do? And we’ll, we’ll kind of, our topic is, is kind of in line with some of that stuff today, but. I mean, there’s not a ton you probably can do at this point, but I would say staying away, like everything that we talk about and have talked about, like we’re way more about healthy then performance than we are anything else.
And so all the advice we’ve given on this podcast, I just kind of want to reemphasize those things because if you, if Joe got coronavirus or Ashley, you know, it’s probably a nonissue. Just given, like I said, age, health level, like all these things. But if you’re practicing things like the EO three elements, all of the things that we have in the EO three elements, and you’re exercising regularly, like there’s not much else you can do.
Like we’re going to talk about some things not. about, and our topic today, not to say, Hey, this is how you avoid getting coronaviruses. There’s just some topics we’re going to go over to what we do to bolster our immune [00:10:00] system. But I would just say keep at it. And the only thing I would avoid, which also we’ve been saying in the podcast, is I would stay away from high intensity training if you’re trying to take care of your immune system right now.
We’ve talked about that a lot, and I wouldn’t overdo it if you’re staying home, and that’s new for you, and you’re like. You know what, why not? I’m going to work out twice a day. Start hitting it up seven days a week. We talked about that reverse, that J curve. So you know, people who are metabolically unhealthy, they get sick a lot.
People who train moderately, it gets cut in half. And then the people who train excessively double that of the metabolically unhealthy people. And that’s with infections like the flu or viruses like the flu and things like that. So don’t increase your training volume. I wouldn’t do anything like that. I would stay in the zone to range, limit your intensity.
Don’t go super high intensity cause we talked about how that you can screw up your gut as well. That’s big with your immune system. So those are just my basics. Like, let’s stay away from high intensity, where you can keep your immune system firing [00:11:00] on all cylinders and you have three elements and, and, and live a healthy lifestyle.
That’s about all you can do at this point. Right.
Joe Courtney: Sexy
Jerred Moon: Saturday. Yeah. Maybe. Maybe if you’re doing the meet yourself Saturdays cause some of those can be intense. Just don’t be as intense. Maybe it may be limits to the intensity. I’m not going to change the programming. I’m not going to go that far yet. But cause we’re already working out in our garages, most of us in arc warranty.
So. That’s all I have to say.
Joe Courtney: So it’s kind of like a sexy week.
Jerred Moon: It’s perfect.
Joe Courtney: geometry.
Jerred Moon: Yeah, that’s, it’s one of my favorite weeks, to be honest. okay. That’s, you guys have anything on. Covert 19 that you want to say to the garage gym athletes out there? Probably not.
Ashley Hicks: No. I think you hit the good points, so we’ll stick with that.
Jerred Moon: Yeah, and also, no, I think the only thing I am seeing, and this is more of a personal personal bias, but this, the social distancing thing is not important for I, I just think the demographic of this [00:12:00] podcast. Is maybe in the safer range of even catching it, you know, being able to survive. But I know in my life specifically, I interact with family members who are, well into their seventies, almost 80.
I have other family members who are not the most metabolically healthy people on the planet. cardiac issues, high blood pressure, things like that. So I’m actually taking some of this stuff more seriously because I don’t know what I would do with myself if I was the person to. Maybe the asymptomatic infect someone else.
So that’s why I’m, I’m kind of taking some of this stuff seriously. If I, if you know, I go down, I’m sure I will recover. I hope that I would recover, but if I getting someone else sick would be like, I had a trip planned. I was supposed to go see my grandpa who’s in his eighties and has had like massive heart problems over the last couple of years.
I’m not going on that trip anymore cause I have, I had to fly in an airplane to go see him and stuff. So like those are just some of the precautions I’m [00:13:00] taking other than, yeah, my kids are home. We’re going to see how that goes for the next couple of weeks and yeah, that’s all I
Joe Courtney: had on my parents to let grandma in the basement.
Jerred Moon: There you go. That’s what
Joe Courtney: we’ll, we’ll send, we’ll send food down in a basket.
Jerred Moon: Like at the bottom of a well,
Joe Courtney: grandma’s be fine.
Jerred Moon: All right, awesome. Well, let’s talk about this study. I think it’s pretty straight forward and you guys got a lot of good points out of it. So I’m actually pregnant, throw it to you guys to start. But, the name of the study is association of sleep quality in macronutrient distribution, a systematic review and meta regression.
So this one is pretty cool because we’ve all heard. Probably conflicting information about, should you eat before bed, should you not, should you drink a protein shake before bed? there’s a lot of that stuff circulating more in gym circles, bro. Science stuff. And now there is some science on it. This was done in 2020.
This is a brand new study, and so we can talk about it a little bit. Let me pull [00:14:00] out some of the. Information here. so as I mentioned, this is a systematic review, so they’re looking at a lot of stuff. They had inclusion criteria. let me see. The authors examine 15 cross sectional studies and four randomized controlled trials to determine if there was a relationship between macronutrient distribution and sleep quality.
and then they had. Two different, a set of inclusion criteria. The first one, I’m not going to go over, but the second one is they basically were looking for adults 19 years or older as the mean age intervention, slash exposure groups, which consume high carb proteins or fats, and they also excluded.
Studies were excluded if they reported evening meals. And I think because there’s already been some literature suggesting that that could be problematic, and we’ll kind of talk about some of that stuff. but that’s essentially, they were looking at a bunch of studies to see if there was any correlation with macronutrient distribution and [00:15:00] your sleep quality, sleep efficiency, like everything that had to do with sleep.
so I would love to hear some of your takeaways and I’ll start with you Ashley.
Ashley Hicks: Sure. So I really liked this study. some of the things that stood out to me, I would say for me, the extra protein or the more, the higher protein in your diet, makes more sense to me just because it seems like people would be more satiated.
Because of lack of your glycaemic and the expiring, right. So in my personal opinion, if you are eating stuff that is, you know, high in carbohydrates high where your body is having to constantly burn that sugar, it makes sense to me that your sleep would be, not as great as someone who does, you know, a higher protein diet.
Now, the thing that I still. Believe in, and I know we said we’re going to touch on this, but I still think that you should stop eating at a certain time before you go to bed. I don’t believe that you should [00:16:00] eat, you know, do a shake or something high in protein, like have a steak right before you go to sleep because you know, there are, you know, stuff that shows that that can also affect your sleep as well.
But to me, the study made complete sense. On basically what I think we all do, how we all eat here in, on the three team pretty much. And yeah, I really liked it.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. I thought it was cool. I don’t, I haven’t seen this, and I think there is, like I said, a lot of, Bro science, that circulates this topic about what you should and shouldn’t do predominantly from probably from the bodybuilding world.
Joe, what were some of your takeaways?
Joe Courtney: it made sense a lot because when you’re sleeping, your body is repairing itself. It’s trying to heal. And protein is typically used to do that.
Jerred Moon: I guess I didn’t say the main takeaway. so that, cause you guys have both mentioned and I was like, wait, I never actually said it.
So the only pattern that emerged from the study was that. Consuming higher protein [00:17:00] lead to better sleep almost across all, all categories. So that’s out of everything they were looking at. They didn’t find anything else with macronutrients necessarily. They were looking at bouts, carbohydrates and stuff like that.
They just found higher levels of protein. I think it was in the neighborhood of. Is it 30 ish percent or more, 30% or more of your calories? you know, we could get into how many grams of protein we think you should have, but 30% of your calories coming from protein seem to equate to better sleep. So.
Sorry to interrupt, Joe. You what else?
Joe Courtney: Yeah, that’s good. yeah, so if your body’s need repairing at night to sleep and, while it’s sleeping, protein kinda does that. So if you have a bunch of carbs, your body doesn’t need energy when you’re sleeping. So it’s just going to. So, yeah, it made sense to effect that the fat one, I was a little bit surprised that I was almost thinking that fat either.
I did not, not that it would lend to better sleep, but, not necessarily hinder sleep. So that was a little bit surprising to me because there’s [00:18:00] times where, you know, if you go to bed before you go to bed, you have some nuts or something a little bit fattier just so you don’t wake up in the middle of the night starving.
Cause I know some people will be like that, Liz, every once in a while with her. A blood sugar is not so well. She’ll wake up in the middle of the night hungry and then it’ll be hard for her to sleep because she’s hungry. But I guess if proteins better throughout the day, then it’d be better to stay more satiated.
Jerred Moon: That’s interesting. Yeah, I could see that. I mean, I wonder if fat type, I don’t think they track that, but I wonder if fat type would matter. You know.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. Or how they’re used to or, or I guess it could also affect how it, depending on what their macro breakdown is. So like if they’re not on a higher fat regimen, but then they have a bunch of fat before they sleep, it might be weird or cause like the gurgles.
Jerred Moon: Yeah, the career goals. So one, this is, this is interesting, like anecdotal, 100% anecdotal, just me, but when I was wearing the whoop, I noticed this happened three separate times, is we [00:19:00] planned out a big. Like steak meal for dinner. And I noticed, both, you know, waking up and how I felt and through some of the woop data, just like resting heart rate and primarily heart rate variability didn’t really affect my resting heart rate.
But having a big steak, which I don’t do often for dinner, that’s not like, we don’t. Crushed, you know, 16 ounces of steak, you know, several times a week. So it is a little bit more rare for us to do that. my sleep quality was a lot better and I mean, I feel like I’m always getting enough protein and I’m not talking about right before bed.
Like, like Ashley said, I’m just talking about for dinner. So maybe for us, we eat dinner pretty early, so like five or six o’clock. I had this, you know, a big steak with just vegetables and some potatoes. That’s generally like what we do. We have a steak dinner and. I just noticed on three separate occasions, my sleep quality in my recovery was way better after doing that.
And, like I said, that’s anecdotal, but kind of goes in line with this study. maybe, you know, [00:20:00] maybe I needed more protein than I thought I did or something, but I, I found it pretty interesting because I’ve noticed that a few times and now kind of science backs it up, eat more protein, I think. I mean, I honestly think that most people don’t eat enough protein.
I think that’s way more rampant than most people realize that you shouldn’t be consuming a ton or you shouldn’t be consuming such small amounts of protein. It’s because all people come out and talk. They had their other studies about, Oh, well, high protein diets are gonna destroy your kidneys. And that’s just not true.
I mean, I think someone said that in our Facebook group once, and so I did the research for them and I linked to, I think it was 17 different studies kind of. I posted all the studies. I wasn’t trying to be mean. I’m trying to be helpful. and so I linked to all the studies and let them know like, Hey, that, I’ve heard that before too, but that’s not, that’s not generally the case.
So if anybody wants any of that data, just. Let me know and I can shoot it your way as well. I have it saved.
Joe Courtney: ask a simple question and then Jared gives you his [00:21:00] dissertation.
Jerred Moon: Well, if you’re going to come into, if you’re going to S if you’re going to speak like a, a definitive statement about what people should or should not be doing within our community, then I’m not going to give you my opinion back to your opinion.
I’m going to give you studies back to your opinion that way. Yeah. That way you can, you can do your own research and come to your own conclusion. Well. Yeah, I think that was about it. Did you guys have anything else that there was the interesting part about, I’m not taking BCAA is before bed. Yeah. I
Joe Courtney: wanted to go into that a little bit of a, that was a really cool takeaway to me, especially because there’s a lot of people who, you know, you give out the protein challenge for people to get their protein, and there’s always.
Somebody each cycle, which I mean is it’s no big deal, but they’re always like, okay, so who’s out? Who out there takes a protein shake that casing or whey shake before they go to bed to get enough protein on to repair your body before bed. But in here, that’s actually worse for you because I’m, was it tripped for a
Jerred Moon: trip to [00:22:00] Fangio essentially what it looks like, the mechanism is that when you load your system with BCAA is it competes with receptors that trip to fan would otherwise be utilizing.
So. You won’t get a sleepy. I think
Joe Courtney: cause fan helps promote melatonin, which helps you sleep.
Jerred Moon: Right. And that your fan basically can’t be used if you are too saturated with like this mega dose of of leucine. Because we’ve talked about leucine being good, but when you’re supplementing with something you’re, you’re putting.
Abnormal doses in your body that wouldn’t typically get from, you know, if you’re taking seven grams of leucine or something, cause you really want that muscle gain, it’s like, well how much steak would you need to eat? You know, at nine o’clock right before you went to bed to get seven grams of leucine.
You know, it’s quite a bit. So that’s just something that people have taken mind when you’re supplementing, you’re giving mega doses and there’s generally always a trade off. Same with any sort of medicine you’re taking, any supplement you’re taking, anytime you want to shortcut something. There’s some biological process, you’re probably screwing up and we just have to always weigh, [00:23:00] you know, is it, is the risk worth versus there is the risk worth the reward?
Joe Courtney: there you go. That’s what I was trying to figure it out. yeah, I’ve always been against. Protein shake before bed or anything like that because your body’s, I mean, your, your body digesting it. It’s not sleeping. It’s use. That’s why you’re not supposed to eat and anything before bed proteins, casein is still going to be the same thing, so you’re not actually sleeping.
Your body’s digesting and then it’ll get to sleep. So I usually don’t have anything within two hours of going to bed.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. I mean, I’ve been fasting for so long. At this point, I almost can’t even recall. Like I, I normally always stop eating at, so even if I don’t fast the next day, I’m generally always done eating around seven and.
Then I don’t go to bed till nine so yeah, at least have a two hour break. Actually. You ever eat close to bed?
Ashley Hicks: No. I don’t feel good when I do it and my stomach gets the girls, as Joe likes to say, so yeah. No, I stopped around six to seven like you, [00:24:00] and we’re always in bed in between eight 30 probably asleep by nine so yeah, that’s anywhere from two to three hours of adjusting,
Jerred Moon: I guess.
Yeah, I feel like that’s probably. Perfect amount of time too. Okay. I think that was it. Let me, let me go through my notes real quick and make sure I didn’t have anything else. there was another interesting study linked, A, they reported a positive dose response relationship between increase in strength and lean mass with protein intake to a plateau of 1.6 grams kilograms per day.
So let me, let you know what that I’m mumbling. I just did, was means, so what they were, there was another study linked within this, a review of the study that said that looked at, A systematic review, met analysis and meta regression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training, induce gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults.
And they actually found a point in which supplementation just isn’t really that beneficial anymore. And it [00:25:00] seemed to be 1.6 grams per kilogram, which for me, 185 pound male would be about 130 134 grams of protein. And this was looking at supplementation. And so I think it’s just interesting. We’ve talked about this before too.
If you’re trying to get enough protein, I always try to limit how much protein I get from supplemented sources. To one shake a day at the high end I would ever do is to, and that’s dependent on what’s going on that day. But anything beyond that, because if I had two shakes and they were anywhere, let’s say they’re 40 grams of protein, that would be a lot, but let’s just say they were, that’s 80 grams.
That’s a significant portion of my protein in a day that came from supplemented sources. Do try to get as much as you can from, Food sources when you’re, when you’re trying to get protein. And that’s something I always like to stress anytime, anytime we talk about getting more protein, cause I’m my, I don’t want anyone to just go out there and be like, I need more protein.
Let’s have more protein shakes. And so if you’re eating like what, half a chicken [00:26:00] breast per day and the rest of your protein is his way, you know, I don’t know that that would be bad for you. I just have a feeling supplementation. Over, you know, whole fo food sources is probably not as good, right? Right.
Even though the supplements themselves have been proven to be safe, I still just err on that side of let’s eat food. All right? So now we’re going to be talking about, the coronavirus and how to not get it and 100% foolproof method on how to just like, okay, kidding. We’re going to be talking about, just things that we do.
when. We are feeling sick or think that we might get sick. Things that we want to do to bolster our immune system. We are not saying these things will prevent you from getting Corona virus, but I do have one interesting thing to mention before we jump into like what we do. So I posted on my Instagram account a long time ago.
I had to go pull it up and pull up the research study, but it was done by Yale and they looked at the [00:27:00] effects of. what your body needs when it’s the fighting of bacterial infection versus a viral infection and bacterial infection seems to operate better and fight it off better when it’s utilizing ketones.
So fasting might be beneficial. for a bacterial infection, a viral infection. they said it seems to do better with glucose or carbohydrates, so you want to continue eating. And so that’s just something, again, I’m not a doctor. I have no idea if that’s cool, is good information for coronavirus or not. but the, the research on that one, pretty much.
Yeah, fast if it’s bacterial, eat, if it’s viral. So just something to keep in mind as, as we all contract the current coronavirus over the next several months. But
Joe Courtney: let’s, I mean, there’s a saying that says Starbuck cold feed a virus. So
Jerred Moon: I’ve never heard that, but not
Joe Courtney: have, it’s actually saying Starbucks.
Jerred Moon: Let it register. That [00:28:00] coincided with the study. So anyway, that’s, that’s that. Ashley, what do you do?
Ashley Hicks: so I just, most importantly, I tried to up my sleep or focus more on sleep. So obviously your body regenerates as you sleep. That’s the way your body heals itself.
So sleep is definitely, Something that I focus on. And then you kind of touched on it with the study, but to help my body, I make sure that I still get in good holistic food and I don’t just eat crap just because I feel bad.
Jerred Moon: I don’t have to like, cause all I want is pizza or something, you know, something that’s not great.
Ashley Hicks: Exactly. So take the time to actually still feel your body with good stuff. cause in the end it’s going to help you recover better, recover faster. and then a few things I do, supplementation wise, I try not to. It depends on what it is, right? So I try to not medicate myself if I don’t have to.
So [00:29:00] I try to up my vitamin C and I’m not talking about like, emergency or anything else that potentially has like artificial stuff. The pure powder form of vitamin C is what I put in it. So basically if it tastes like an orange juice, that’s. Typically fine, it might help you, but it’s still has a lot of crap in it.
Pure vitamin C powder tastes super tart and it does not taste good, but it’s good for you and it goes in faster, because you are drinking it. Right. And we talk a lot about, about, liquids and how fast that goes into your body. But yeah. and then we kind of already touched about, touched on some of it, but I do not do high intensity days.
If I notice that we are going super hard on our workouts, I scale it back. whether that means I’m doing some stretching, walking. maybe I only do the strength portion because it’s not going towards intensity. It’s more, you know, lower. I guess lower heart rate, whatever you want to look at that.
Maybe some zone, two stuff. Then I will stick to doing that. [00:30:00] And then last but not least, I try to wash my hands. I switch out my toothbrush. I know that’s kind of weird, but I am like, Oh, my toothbrush has all these germs that. I had. So why don’t I just switch it out and get a new toothbrush and I like to wash my pillow case cause you know you’re breathing slobbering into your pillow case all night long.
So I like to do that. But yeah, those are some of the things I do.
Jerred Moon: Awesome. And Joe, what do you do? Well, I
Joe Courtney: just upped my immune system all the time by drinking out of the hose and surpassing the five second rule
Jerred Moon: and flying on planes. And there’s about to be a travel restriction. Yeah.
Joe Courtney: They do all those things.
Jerred Moon: Mob, small doses, man. Small inoculation.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. I rarely get sick. And I don’t even know if I’ve had the flu or just like colds or whatever, but when I do get sick, it only happens like once a year and I’ll be down for like 24 hours and then I’d be recovered and something like that. I try, I stay away from meds as much as possible, like [00:31:00] Ashley said, but then once I get sick, it’s more of like a onslaught.
I’m taking everything, knocking this thing out for 24 hours, taking all the drugs, and then I’m done. But, Yeah, I, decongestants a, I blow my nose a ton. So when you, when your body produces mucus, mucus, mucus is there to, absorb bacteria, but you have to get rid of it still. So blow your nose constantly and drink a ton of water.
And that’s what, that’s the main thing that I do for a long time, drinking a lot of water. And. I, I hope I make homemade bone broth and I always, when I’m not homeless, I always have bone broth in the freezer just ready to go and I’ll, I’ll Friesen or I’ll, I’ll haul some of it out, put some veggies in it and just drink some bone broth because the collagen in it is really good for you.
It lowers inflammation, it helps your gut, which the gut will also boost immune system. a lot of times when you’re sick, you don’t have an appetite, but it’s really easy to drink something. So [00:32:00] that’s easier to get down versus like trying to make like a salad or a sandwich or something like that. So it’s, it’s easy to, to supplement in as well.
so that’s, that’s really what I try and do. Sunshine,
Jerred Moon: fresh air, sunshine, and fresh air might, might be all you need. So I’ll go over quickly. It’s really kind of a combination of what you guys do. I, I’m doing this a lot less lately, but I think I’ve just, my prevalence of sicknesses is a decrease quite a bit over the last several years.
I think I used to get sick. More frequently and now I feel like my sicknesses are more like, I just don’t feel right for like 24 hours, but it doesn’t really affect anything in my life. And then I’m normally back to normal the next day. But ridiculously high doses of vitamin C, like Ashley was saying, but maybe uncomfortable, not even sure I should mention how much I’m taking or have taken in a single day, publicly.
Ashley Hicks: It’s okay. You pee it out if you don’t use it,
Jerred Moon: right. is, but it is in the. It’s not measured in milligrams anymore. When I’m playing this [00:33:00] game, it’s in grams. It’s several grams. so I’m sometimes in the double digits of vitamin C. yeah. Cause, vitamin C only lasts in your system, I think is for about 30 minutes.
And then you pee it out. It’s water soluble. But, again. I’m not a doctor, medical professional, nothing. You should do these things. This is just what I’ve done in the past. so really high doses of vitamin C, I increased my vitamin D, whether that’s going outside more, if, if applicable, or just actually supplementing with more vitamin D.
when I, when I feel like I’m getting sick where I am, and then unrestricted sleep, which Ashley mentioned it is. I mean, I kind of already do that. That was more of a factor when I used to wake up super early, I’d be like, okay, if I’m sick, I’m not going to wake up early. And now I just kind of, I’m waking up at six every day.
I, I, my body doesn’t want to sleep more than I do right now. So. Sleeping. and then I think a majority of this is like, I don’t think any of us get sick that much, and it’s probably just because we [00:34:00] take care of ourselves and exercise regularly. And that’s the, that’s the biggest thing that you can do. I think medical doctors get annoyed with this topic of like, people talking about taking vitamin C when they’re sick and all that stuff.
Well, one, I’m saying you’re not taking enough. No, not really. I think I’m, they’re right. In the case of . If you have something awful like the coronavirus and you think that like some vitamin C’s is gonna going to take care of it, that it’s not, but you know, we can do everything in our power to maintain, do these things frequently enough to where we’re healthy, to where we minimize the symptoms or it’s not as bad.
So I think, You know, I try to not take medicine as well, like at all any type of medicine almost ever. So it has to be really bad. And I used to be very different. I used like back in the day, I don’t even know how long ago, but if I had like just a little bit of a headache, I’d be like, okay, I’m taking ibuprofen.
And now like
Joe Courtney: I can have like Motrin cures all
Jerred Moon: right. Right. Yeah. [00:35:00] And I think. I mean, really ever since I’ve been married to kind of dropped that, mentality. I mean, I could have like a splitting migraine and, and it won’t even occur to me that there’s a medicine that I could take to make it better until like, someone reminds me, like, why don’t you take something for that?
I’m like, Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Medicine. Like, I should, maybe I should do that. So, yeah, I stay away from medicine most of the time. and that’s it, guys. Sleep and. I haven’t D fresh air, like Joe said. I think it’s good
Joe Courtney: and if you need to lock somebody down a well, what were some things to do? Basket?
Jerred Moon: Yeah, that’s the best case, grandma.
Joe Courtney: It puts the antibacterial stuff on the, on the skin.
Ashley Hicks: My goodness, and I will, it’s the Lamb’s reference for all of you people that didn’t know.
Joe Courtney: I’ve never even seen it, but it’s very
Jerred Moon: popular. I thought it was Joe dirt. Yeah, it puts the lotion on the skin.
Ashley Hicks: Oh, man.
Jerred Moon: I will say the same thing. Ashley said, so the vitamin C I do take or have taken in the past is it is [00:36:00] pure vitamin C, whether it’s sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid, and there’s other forms that we’ve experimented as well, but it is the pure, like, there’s nothing in it, but vitamin C because taking high doses of, That’s an airborne cause you’re trying to get that is really dangerous. So I just want to like, if you’re, like Jared said, take 10 grams of vitamin C, so you know, 10 grams worth of vitamin C from airborne, your kidneys might shut down. I don’t know, because I don’t know what else is in there, but if you’re, it’s just vitamin C, you know.
Ask your doctor what you should do first before you take any of my recommendations. But, yeah, I wouldn’t take a bunch of those kinds of things.
Joe Courtney: I just do emergency. I’m sure there’s other stuff in it, but
Jerred Moon: I think emergency has like one gram.
Joe Courtney: Yeah, it’s one gram,
Jerred Moon: one gram of vitamin C, and that’s like.
Just getting start off in my world.
Oh man. Athletic greens has almost like a half gram of vitamin C in it already, so, okay. Get to that workout. Confused two [00:37:00] K’s. Anybody want to brief it? I don’t have it. Let me get it. Okay, go ahead.
Ashley Hicks: So the confused twoK is 10 sets or 10 rounds for time of a 200 meter rower run, and then however long it takes you to do the 200 meter row run, let’s say it takes you two minutes just for.
Simplicity sake, you will then hold a barbell in the front rack position and for that same amount of time, so if it took you two minutes to row run, you’ll do two minutes in that front rack position with the barbell. The weights for the competitor level is your body weight for the established as 65 to 75% of your body weight and then recruit is 45 to 65 of body weight or less if needed.
And. In huge Astros. We say, don’t bend your knees or don’t walk at your knees. Do you bend your knees?
Joe Courtney: Yeah.
[00:38:00] Jerred Moon: Make sure you lock out those needs, right? Yeah, you’re kidding.
Joe Courtney: So this is a great prep for, coming onto fit week because of the two key roads that are going there. So I’d say try and think about your pacing for whatever you want your two K road goal is, and try and stick to around there just as like a, see how it feels kind of week prep. But. I’m holding back laughing because of Ashley’s note that
Jerred Moon: I remember.
Ashley Hicks: So
Jerred Moon: let’s hear it actually. Yeah,
Ashley Hicks: so about seven or eight months ago, I hung out with the moons and Jared was like, let’s test out this workout. It’s going to be me yourself Saturday. So as I’m rowing, he’s holding, we actually did kettlebells in the front rack. We didn’t do a bottle. And it was pretty heavy kettlebell.
I think he used to 70 72 pounds. I don’t remember the weight, but he was grunting very loudly. Like he was
Jerred Moon: like not in pain. Yeah, in
Ashley Hicks: pain. Yeah. Like he was struggling. [00:39:00] Well then in turn it made me row faster cause I was like, Oh man, I don’t want my partner to be in pain. I’m going to get off this grower faster and I find out via the podcast.
That that was all fake. It
Joe Courtney: was a strategy.
Jerred Moon: Therefore,
Ashley Hicks: this will always be remembered for me as the workout that Jared fate, his pain. So, anyways,
Joe Courtney: better partners.
Jerred Moon: I was standing behind her and I was just watching the pace and I was like. Okay. I’m like, okay, let’s try this out. And then definitely got faster.
I think it was like 20 seconds per 500 meter faster is quite quite an increase. So
Ashley Hicks: which of you look at my notes? I say make sure that for this one, push yourself on the 10 rounds, it is 10 rounds, but if you don’t push yourself, it’s not going to be a meet yourself Saturday. We always say that and there’s this, I don’t know, you have to kind of.
They kind of have to go fast. So I kind of am with Jared on this. Joe, you’re probably [00:40:00] gonna say something different, but.
Jerred Moon: Yeah.
Joe Courtney: I don’t have too much. I, I mean, you look at it toward the, the, the long road I’ve seen if you can keep, keep your pace for the entire time, but it should be a high sustainable pace.
Right. And you still have the front holds,
Jerred Moon: cause the slower you go, the more pain you’ll be in, in the holes, which is the worst part of the workout is the hold. And once,
Joe Courtney: once any kind of hold you have, once a hold starts to fail, you’re, you’re in deep. Doodoo.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. And so you want to, you want to go as fast as you can.
This is another one where I tried to program it to where you can’t cheat it. And I think I did a decent job. yeah. Well, yeah. All right. I don’t, I don’t have anything. I think you guys perfectly like, yeah, go, go fast. Maybe go faster.
Ashley Hicks: Listen to some good jams,
Jerred Moon: good jams. That always helps. yeah, we, we actually, and I talked about this when we were together recently, like if I.
If I’m like running and I’m listening to like an audio book or a podcast, it’s pretty slow. I’m going pretty slow. Like not even intentionally, but if I listen to some good music, I am going [00:41:00] faster and you know, so maybe, maybe we should pull up some science on that. I shouldn’t. There actually is. I’ve we, I don’t think we’ve, we haven’t covered the study, but I think I mentioned it a long time ago and like a better hematology podcast is, I found one of those studies.
It’s a weed, something we can maybe dive into later, but that’s for next time. Or some other time. that’s all we have for this week. I’ll say now is a great time going garage gym athlete, to maintain the social distancing that you should be doing, so as not to infect anyone else. But yeah. sign up for the programming if you haven’t already support what we’re doing and Hey, if, you don’t.
You don’t want to pay that monthly fee or be a part of our community. We are currently giving away. Like I said, that free body way program, don’t have an easy way to access it. So you will just have to email us, from the website and we can shoot you a link to it. But that is about. It
Joe Courtney: is like a webinar
Jerred Moon: soon.
Yeah. That’s coming up. New cycle [00:42:00] webinar. Barbell giveaway. Probably should announce in the beginning. It’s still going on. We’re going to start reading the comments, the reviews on the next podcast for the tee shirt giveaway that we mentioned. and so just know that that’s coming has not been forgotten.
Just waiting for that to, to roll out a little bit more. think two podcasts and two emails about five, about the barbells, about what it takes for people to get really engaged. So. Barbell giveaways going on. So free barbell free programming, and Hey, if you really want to be part of the community and you know, increase your chances of being awesome, then go sign up for trial garage, mathlete.com that’s it.
That’s it for this week. Thanks for listening and we’ll catch you guys next time. Thanks for listening to the garage gym athlete podcast. Do you want to learn more? Go to garage gym, athlete.com you can learn about our training. Let us send you a copy of our book, the garage, the mathlete, or you can even get featured on the garage gym athlete podcast.
Thanks for listening. [00:43:00]