I hope everyone is having a blast this holiday season! Not much longer till New Year’s!
As I enjoy my last week of the holiday season (with sporadic work thrown in), I wanted to put together this quick post to give you the “Best of End of Three Fitness 2013â€.
There have been A LOT of people join the revolution recently. To all the new members of the revolution, welcome! And to all my veteran members thanks for sticking around!
2013 was a big year for End of Three Fitness! Below I briefly share what was popular and what is coming up, but if you want to know more about what the revolution is doing check out my recent post: Two Years of Revolting.
Here were some of the happenings at the blog:
Top Posts of 2013
These are the top 7 posts from End of Three Fitness based on traffic in 2013.
1.) How to Build a Plyometric Box
2.) DIY Corner
3.) CrossFit Will Make You Weaker
4.) A Ridiculously Awesome, yet brief, Guide to Double Unders
5.) How to Program Strength Into CrossFit
6.) 5 Tips for a Sub 20 Minute 5K
7.) How To Make Bulletproof Coffee, and Become a Better Human
Editor’s Pick (me)
Just because they did the best, doesn’t mean they were my favorites. Here are my favorites in 2013:
1.) How I ran a marathon without trainingand why
2.) How to Automate Shopping for Garage Gym Equipment
3.) The Missing Element in your Strength Program
4.) 49 Ways to Become a Better Human
5.) How to be a Suburban Farmer
6.) Please Stand Up, Sitting is Killing You
7.) Training to beharder to kill
End of Three Fitness Projects
One Man One Barbell was released in 2013, but was really my 2012 project. My 2013 project has been working on the Mental Toughness Militia all year, and it will be released in 2014. And since I haven’t given a specific/official date yet…
- The Mental Toughness Militia will be released the morning of January 2, 2014!
I am so excited to release this project!! Pre-release sign-up will be taken down today at 7 p.m. CST.
Other than continuing my plans for world domination in 2014, here are some other plans and projects going down in 2014:
- One Man One Barbell Updates: There are new versions, methods and ways to go about the One Man One Barbell program in 2014! This update, of course, is FREE to all those who have already purchased the program.
- Free Tool: Still keeping this one a secret for now, but towards the beginning of the year I will be releasing a free tool to all End of Three Fitness readers.
- End of Three Fit: There are new challenges, giveaways and big plans for end of three fit in 2014!
That should be enough to get us started in 2014, stick around and see what else happens in the third year of the revolution.
Thanks End of Three Fitness Readers!
I can’t believe two years have come and gone and now we push into a third! End of Three Fitness saw a lot of growth (the most yet) in 2013, and I can only expect more in 2014. The success of End of Three Fitness would be absolutely impossible without the revolutionary readers here! I just want to say thank you for being a part of the community, for reading the site regularly and for sharing it with your friends! I truly appreciate all of the encouraging comments and emails I get; it really keeps me going! Thanks to all!
Well, here is to 2013! I plan on working hard and brining your more informative, researched and entertaining posts in 2014!