Hey Athletes! Want to know how to recover before bed? Then tune in to this week’s episode of Ask Me Anything!
Episode 36 of Ask Me Anything is up!
Ask Me Anything: How to Recover Before Bed
In this week’s episode of Ask Me Anything, Jerred and Joe dive into how you should recover before bed. They talk about whether you should drink or eat something to recover after a workout prior to sleeping or fast.
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Related Resources at End of Three Fitness:
- Ask Me Anything: What Highly-Effective Training Looks Like
- Ask Me Anything: Bodybuilding vs. Garage Gym Athlete (Concurrent Training)
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Ask Me Anything: How to Recover Before Bed
[00:00:00] Jerred Moon: Welcome to garage the math. He asked me anything. It’s pretty simple. I’ll be answering questions from the thousands of athletes that follow our daily programming. If you have a question or topic you want submitted, go to dot com slash AMA. Let’s get started.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage gym athlete podcast. Jared moon here with Joe Courtney, sub Joe. Like
Joe Courtney: I think we’re, they’re going to discover our roots because we didn’t change shirts
Jerred Moon: dammit. And when, and were co located, which never happened. yeah, Joe just lives in Texas now. so we’re are doing an AMA today and it is Kylan Kylan asks.
Recently I’ve been in a pattern of working out in the evening and chasing it with a protein shake, usually eating something small right before bed. Is it better to fast after the workout overnight? Or is it better to eat a healthy meal before bed for post-workout [00:01:00] recovery? Once you
Joe Courtney: got definitely.
Recovery better than fascinating because fasting is taking out some of the toxins and stuff in your body, cleaning it out, but you need to build up your muscles that you’ve just worked out with and recover. Most importantly, if you really need to extend your fast, just eat later, when you go to eat the next day, 30, 30, 40 minutes later, or whatever it is for your workout, but you definitely have to hit up.
Hey, some sort of recovery, whether it be a shake or food, just don’t eat anything too heavy. if you’re, you know, you still need to get your carbs and stuff. Maybe we’ll focus on that earlier in the day, but going to bed with a full stomach of something really heavy might not be a great idea because, just, just how it can affect your sleep, but either way, you know, protein shake, smoothie, whatever might be, should be completely fine.
Just as long as you’re getting your recovery in.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. I, I completely agree with Joe. So my take on this would be, go for the food, go for the, the, the postworkout recovery, you know, hitting that muscle protein synthesis. now. [00:02:00] One thing, if you want it to fast, it’s not the end of the world because, muscle protein synthesis is stimulated for up to 48 hours, 72 hours after a workout.
So you could wait if you really wanted to, but that’s not typically our take. We want you to replenish those electrolytes, those carbohydrates glycogen, get some protein in there. but I want to, you know, hit on what Joe mentioned. Joseph don’t hit it, something really heavy. So I wouldn’t have. You know, steak and potatoes after workout.
What you’re doing is more along the lines of what I’d recommend a, your body can process a liquid, a lot easier and a lot faster, and you don’t have to have a ton of it, to have a recovery. So typically go with a shake. What I’ve noticed eating later is it just jacks with my sleep? So I won’t sleep as well.
If I have a really big meal, my resting heart rate will be higher because my. Food is digesting that my body’s working on something. but typically that’s not as big of an effect if you do have a liquid, a recovery source, [00:03:00] which isn’t always the best recovery, but it’s easy to do right before bed.
So those are kind of some of your options for recovery. Definitely recover. Like Joe said, push the fast out later. If that’s what you’re most concerned about. that’s about all I have on that one, a go for the food man, go for the recovery.
Joe Courtney: What’d you do shake no dinner or dinner?
Jerred Moon: Shit. See if I had this similar setup, I would go, I would try and eat a meal like an hour before this workout, maybe even an hour and a half, two hours.
And then I would hit the workout and then I do a shake and then go to bed. That’s what I would try and get that
Joe Courtney: I know dinnertime is big, big for a lot of people. So it might, you might have to do dinner with, or did you just want to dinner with your family? Cause it’s your thing, which is fine. Just make sure you’re structuring your meal enough so that that’s not too heavy, but you’re getting whatever you need for your recovery.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. When I was stationed in Florida, I kind of went through this routine. Like I worked out with the military in the mornings, but I never really considered that. Like my true workout. Your there’s no barbell or anything like that. So I would come home. [00:04:00] I would, eat dinner with the family, put the kids to bed or only had one kid at the time, put the kid to bed and then hit up my workout and then do a protein shake and then go to bed.
So that’s. If you can get into some sort of rhythm or routine like that, that’s what I do.
Joe Courtney: My name can also look at what protein you’re using. Cause like equip is pretty much just protein. There’s no carbs to it. There’s no fat to it. So if you just have, it’s only like 200 calories anyway, and then you can still go have dinner, eat your vegetables and a little bit of meat there and then you, and you’ll be fine.
It won’t be too heavy. You can kind of do both. But you don’t want to be hitting a, a protein shake that has all these carbs and stuff in it too, like, heel or whatever it is. And then go try and have dinner that might be too heavy, too much. So look at what protein you’re taking. If you need to do both or just one or the other
Jerred Moon: really high fat meals, such as going to slow down digestion overall.
So I would stay away from anything really high fat post workout. In general, I have that recommendation, in your case. Absolutely. I would stay away from a high fat foods right before bed. Good. All right guys, that’s it. If you have a [00:05:00] question, go to garage, gym athlete.com/ama. Submit your question and we will get it answered.
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I hope you enjoy. Today’s ask me anything episode. So one more time. If you want to submit a question, topic or idea you can do so at garage dot com slash AMA and Hey, while you’re there, if you haven’t already sign up for garage, gym athlete membership, we are the best community and programming on the internet.
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