Why End of Three Fitness? Why, of the millions of fitness sites out there, would you choose to stop at this one and stay for a while?
Because End of Three Fitness is awesome, that’s why!!
Ok, maybe I am a little biased, but, when I wrote the Fallen Hero Project completion post on Monday, I realized that End of Three Fitness has doubled in 6 months (which is crazy!). Then I got a lot of emails saying they didn’t know, or wish they would have known, about the FHP. So I figured, if people didn’t know about that, there are probably a few other things they didn’t/you don’t know.
Well, let’s talk about what makes End of Three Fitness different, and why you have made a good choice in your fitness community preferences.
Difference #1: Metric-driven fitness fanatic
I’ve been asking my wife to write a post for Eo3 on what it is like to be married to a fitness fanatic/blogger, and here response, “I’m not sure you would want me to write that post”. Burn! Ok, so I take some of this Eo3 stuff a little far sometimes 🙂
The point is, this is what I love to do. I love fitness, I love showing and teaching people they can achieve things they never thought possible. Throw in some simple math, biomechanics and extraordinary resolve and you have success.
A simple equation for more understanding:
Try new things+Crunch the numbers+Coffee+Test 1+Read something+Try it out+Give it a break+Enjoy life+Coffee+Test 2+Have fun+More research = Behind the scenes of Eo3
Difference #2: Don’t fit in with (most) other websites
I am very much a part of the “fitness community”, meaning people I hang out with, talk to, what I read and all that…but I have also forcefully been put into another community of people, bloggers. If I wasn’t, this site wouldn’t run, and don’t get me wrong I don’t have a problem with bloggers at all, I mean, I am one…
But I don’t fit in with a lot of them because…
- My site is ad free. A lot of ads you see on other websites are Google ads. They are annoying and distracting. I don’t think you should have to put up with that while you are on my site. Other websites try to put an ad in every pixel possible. I understand websites need to make money in most cases (Eo3 is not excluded from this category), but I don’t think it should take away from your readers.
- I HATE HATE HATE pop-ups. Ever been on a site and about 10 seconds later a big pop up is in your face asking you to sign up for their newsletter? I will leave a site immediately if they have this approach. If you were trying to read a book and some jerk kept throwing a flyer on top of your page every time you flipped the page, how long would you read that book? I don’t do that either.
Difference #3: Projects
As of this moment I have about 6 different projects I am working on for End of Three Fitness. Some of them are free resources for email subscribers and some are products.
Why so many?
Well, on the product side, you can read more below, but I test products that I create thoroughly. It takes a lot of time, research and testing. I never want to release anything to my readers that isn’t A.) Awesome and B.) Ready to be released.
On the free resources side…These are a little more fluid, meaning I start one project, it turns out twice as big as what I had planned then it breaks into two projects, so on and so forth. However, just like my products I want them to be ready for my readers and absolutely awesome.
My theory – If you aren’t building based off of quality, you won’t last long.
Difference #4: The promise
You can read this on the my promise page, but that page doesn’t get a lot of traffic, so I want to put it here just so everyone knows how End of Three operates.
End of Three Fitness is a website withIntegrity.
Not something you hear too often. Whether it was my father’s guiding principles or my military service, I am a man of integrity and that is how I run End of Three Fitness. Beyond holding to my own principles of being a man, I am raising a son, and he needs to see in me what I expect of him.
What this means to you
Email Subscribers – If you give, or have already given, your email to me to access the member’s area and to join to revolution, rest assured your email will go nowhere except my email list. Unsubscribe from that list and your email no longer exists to me.
Products – I soley develop, create and research unique and effective fitness products, then offer them at End of Three Fitness. I test every product for approximately 6 months to 1 year. If it doesn’t survive testing, you’ll never see it. If you do see it, it passed the test. If I say 100% money-back guarantee, I mean it. Period. I create things to better our lives, not to rip you off.
Free Stuff – This includes free eBooks, workouts posted at Eo3Fit and the all End of Three Fitness blog posts.These things are free and will always be free. I do not offer them for free to try and trick you into anything. I have no secret motives here. These things are free because fitness is my passion and I want to help people.
Bottom line: I am building a website and a business. My name is painted all over this place, and I couldn’t see any other founding principle or starting point better than integrity.
Difference #5: I’m here for you
Seriously, I am very proud of a lot of the relationships I have built from this website.
That’s why…
- I respond to every email, even if it takes awhile (there are a lot most days).
- I respond to comments (unless it is negative or I think it is spam)
So if you ever have a question, let me know.
P.S. Three new DIY projects are coming out at End of Three Fitness this summer (one next week)!!