Here at End of Three Fitness I have thrown down the gauntlet on a few challenges. There is the mother of all challenges, The GarageGym WOD Challenge, which for most is an end-goal, not a daily challenge. Then we have the End of Three Fitness 50,000 lb. one-day challenge which is doable, but pretty intense.
Then we got into a little bit different type of challenge with the 21 Days to Reinvent Your(FIT)Self. A great challenge, or reinvention.
I think I have scared some off with these challengessorry! I am switching gears! I still plan to throw down the gauntlet from time to time, but today we try to master our lives and our fitness.
Today is June 18, 2012. What will you have done by July 18, 2012 that will make you a better person, a more fit person, or even, more of the person you are striving to be?
[Enter] Eo3 Master Your Life Challenge!
Don’t be afraid to stand out!!
Let’s challenge ourselves to do what most don’t!! The challenge is, to set and achieve goals for yourself over the next month.
This is the first month in which we start to become the masters of our fitness and our lives. Keep in mind this is something we will start to do at Eo3 every once in a while 🙂
Here are the goal categories:
- Life
- Career
- Fitness
- Adventure
- Intellectual
The challenge is as simple or as tough as you want to make it. You make a goal for each of the above categories, you have one month to achieve said goal and you slowly start to master your life.
End of Three Fitness goes beyond your average fitness website. Let’s try to master our fitness and our lives! Ready to get started?
A brief explanation:
Life – Life goal, or challenge, does not mean something you must achieve in your life, like ‘become a doctor‘. This is just a general goal that is more geared toward your everyday life.
Career – Whether you a starting your own business or have been in the same job for a long time, try to push yourself to try something new. Challenge yourself to get better at your profession.
Fitness – What is something you have been striving to do that you can accomplish in a one-month time frame? Lose 5lbs.? Gain 5lbs? Lift _____ amount?
Adventure – This is one I struggle with significantly. I need more adventure in my life!! Push yourself to do something new, something that makes you uncomfortable or makes you explore.
Intellectual – Time to sharpen the most important tool in your toolbox, your brain. Read a book, take a short-class or learn something new.
I think if you see my goals for the next month for each of the five categories it will make a little bit more sense.
My Goals:
Life – Some of you may think this one is a little silly, but my wife and I recently had a baby and we are a little busier than normal. My wife has told me it would be a tremendous help to her if I could be Johnny on the spot with taking out all of the trash in our house. I normally take out ‘the trash’ but now ALL of the trash cans fill up with dirty diapers or wipes and what not. So basically my goal is to help out more by taking out any trash as it fills up 🙂
Career – My day job and my awesome side-gig (Eo3) involve a lot of writing – something I enjoy thoroughly. Getting better at writing makes me better at my career, so how do you get better?? Practice! For the next month I am going to write, at a minimum, 1,000 words a day. That is 30,000 words!!
Fitness – I don’t want to gain or lose anything, I want to do something. What do I want to do?? I want to get 285lbs. above my head. It is that simple. I don’t care how I get it above my head, but I want 285lbs. lifted over my head. That will be about a 10-15lb. increase to what I have already accomplished.
Adventure – Like I said, I struggle with adventure. Frankly, I need more adventure in my life. I have recently joined Chris Guillebeau’s Travel Hacking Cartel. Sooo…I am officially announcing my attempt at becoming a travel hacker!!! This is the start of trying to be more adventurous, traveling more and seeing new exciting places!!
Intellectual – Also a creation of Chris Guillebeau, I want to read the book The $100 Startup (affiliate link) because I am very interested in his approach to work, life and travel. I think this book will help me turn Eo3 into something bigger!
Alright all!! It is pretty simple. I want you to get out there and get after mastering your life and your fitness!
I will be starting a new discussion in the forums for those who want to keep track of their goals. That’s where I’ll be keeping track of mine 🙂 Or share your goals in the comments!!
Will you take the challenge??
Help me by sharing this post with those who you think could benefit from challenging their lives!