Hey guys! I mentioned this in an earlier post and some have already responded, but I need a few more. I set out on a journey to create “The Ultimate WOD Log” in excel a few months ago, but I stalled out do to lack of excel skills. I now have an excel wizard (software developer) working on it with me and it is turning out awesome. However, I need some people from the CrossFit community to give feedback, suggest ideas, and help mold the The Ultimte WOD Log into a great tool for the community.
Current Specs of The Ultimate WOD Log
- Personal Data Sheet
- Benchmark WOD Log (all benchmark workouts auto-populate once selected)
- Manual WOD Log (a place for you to enter in your custom workouts)
- PR Tracker (Tracks Benchmarks, Lifts, Exercises, and Monostructural PRs)
- Wendler Calculator (Calculate 4 weeks of the Wendler Strength Program at a time)
- 1, 3, and 5 Rep Max Calculator
- Calculates 40-95% (in 5% increments) of your 1, 3, and 5 Rep Max
- Calculates Basic Standards of Strength based off of your weight and gender (what you SHOULD lift on each lift)
- Substitutions (select from a drop down an exercise you want to sub and it tells you the commonly accepted substitute)
- Conversion Calculator (convert mi to km, km to mi, kg to lb, or lb to kg)
- More functions being added daily!!
We have a lot more planned, but I will save those secrets for the beta-testers 🙂
Now I need your help. What can we add? What does work well? What doesn’t work well? You are in the driver seat on this one!!
Want to participate? Fill out this form, or you can email me at jerred@endofthreefitness.com. The form goes straight to my email too. Sign-up now because I can only accept so many!!
If you are a subscribed reader either by email or RSS please add that to your message.
The Ultimate WOD Log Beta Testers Form
[contact-form-7 id=”3786″ title=”The Ultimate WOD Log Beta Testers”]