Hey, Athletes! Want to learn how your deadlift velocity is correlated with your max? Then tune into this week’s episode of the Garage Gym Athlete Podcast!
Episode 54 of The Garage Gym Athlete Podcast is up!
Garage Gym Equipment and Deadlift Velocity
In this week’s episode, we have Jerred, Ashley, and Joe. After giving us announcements and updates, the coaches go over the study. This week’s study is over velocity and how it can correlate with your max deadlift. The coaches talk about their takeaways on this one and how being dynamic can help.
Next, the coaches go over this week’s topic. They each answer the question we ask all our Garage Gym Athletes when we interview them: If you could only have one piece of equipment to train with for the rest of your life, what would it be? They even take it a step further and talk about if money were no object what one piece of equipment would they add to their gym.
This week’s Meet Yourself Saturday is called Dia De Los Muertos! Don’t miss out on this one!
If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to the Garage Gym Athlete podcast either on Stitcher, iTunes, or Google Play by using the link below:
- Dia De Los Muertos
- Deadlift Velocity
- If You Could Only Have One Piece Of Equipment What Would It Be
- Tips and Tricks for MYS
- If Money Were No Object What Piece of Equipment Would You Purchase
- Ashley Learns to Change Her Mindset on Workouts
- Updates and Announcements
- And A LOT MORE!!
Diving Deeper
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Study of the Week
Garage Gym Athlete Workout of the Week
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To becoming better!
Episode 54: Garage Gym Equipment and Deadlift Velocity
[00:00:00] Jerred Moon: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage gym athlete podcast. I’m your host, Jared moon. The garage team athlete podcast is a result of my desire to build better humans, unequivocal coaches, and autonomous athletes. I’ve spent the last several years obsessing over program design nutrition in every other way, you can optimize human performance.
This podcast distills the latest scientific research with what I’ve learned and blends it with the not so scientific field of mental toughness. We are here to build you into a dangerously effective athlete. If you enjoy this podcast, you can find out more about our training@garagegymathlete.com. And if you want to pursue more into the field of coaching and programming, head to end@threefitness.com.
All [00:01:00] right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage gym athlete podcast, Jared moon here with Ashley Hicks and Joe Courtney. What’s up lady and gentlemen.
All right. How’s life, Ashley.
Ashley Hicks: Life is good. Life is different. My workouts have been different. Like I talked about last podcast, so I’m having to take the intensity down and I’m learning that it’s a mindset. Like I have to tell myself that I’m not cheating, that I, that this is healing my body and that it’s okay.
but it’s just very different. Like I want to go fast. And so I have to tell my body to like, no, you need to back off here. So like for example, instead of burpees, I did the biker today. we worked out on base. Sometimes we do that. Like, we’ll switch it just cause there’s this like sweet gym that. Scott has access to.
And so we’ll go and nobody’s in there. And Connor plays with all the there’s like those little yoga, Pilates balls, and he just throws them [00:02:00] across the room. And anyways, it’s just nice to get out of the house and he gets, you know, time playing while we do our workouts and whatnot. But yeah, so it’s different, but it’s been good and I’m hoping to, Oh, no more.
Meet yourself, Saturdays. That’s the thing for me, because those are pretty intense except like zone two Murph. I think, yeah, but it’ll be okay. I’m going to change some things up, add some things in. I’m going to do a little more yoga and, yeah, maybe I’ll get really flexi and can do like really cool, flexible things
Jerred Moon: who knows maybe.
But if not, maybe not.
Joe Courtney: I said in a work chat that actually has no chill. Zero
Jerred Moon: chill. Yeah. That’s well, I mean, we’ve been talking about it for Scott to be close to. I mean, this is 50. What are we on 54 before podcasts, before we, I mean, we’ve been talking about how people shouldn’t go high intensity all the time, you know, like that’s just
Joe Courtney: something I’m sort of one or two.
[00:03:00] Jerred Moon: Yeah. And. Ashley has no chill. She has to, has to go that high intensity. So, yeah, lower the intensity, not a problem. Still do the training, with a little flexing, this involved Joe, I was like,
Joe Courtney: actually good. So she is, dialing things down and I’m going to dial things up. I finally got some, more assistance now that we have the pergola, I can actually hang stuff up.
So I got a set of rings and a full set of bands. And. They came in last night. I used them today after my run. So in the past, when I was doing my run days, just normal, whatever run day, I would do, extra credit, like pull ups. Cause that’s all I could do on the, on that thing. When Al today I actually broke out the bands and did a bunch of band accessory stuff and it felt good.
Only having a barbell that I can set either 115 or 95 really limits what you can do. Like I can do presses between seven to eight reps of 95 or four to five reps at one 15 on my knees too, by the way, I can’t stand up
Jerred Moon: and do
[00:04:00] Joe Courtney: cause, and that’s about it.
Jerred Moon: I wish I could just like, I wish I had like a time lapse video of your fitness over the last several months and just like random stuff that you’re doing.
Joe Courtney: Yeah, it I’d find pretty interesting. Cause I’m in the basement, I’m in the dungeon doing, I’m
Jerred Moon: talking about like from reaching in your pants to change songs, doing press on your knees and the bike and the pergola pull ups. And, but
Ashley Hicks: all the runs
Jerred Moon: moral of the story is he’s getting it done. You know, like no excuses, you’re doing something and it’s awesome.
Joe Courtney: So yeah, the bands are, I mean, I’m very happy because today I was able to do some things that are just like, Oh man, Company. I definitely listen to this kind of stuff. And, I’ll break the rings out tomorrow because of the endear workout we got going on and actually has ring desk like, hi, perfect timing.
And then I’ll just, I’ll just leave it for my brother. Cause
Jerred Moon: yeah. And I should point you or direct you to the band’s webinar we have in the members area, where we talk about how to utilize bands to [00:05:00] increase your training shameless plug. Or anyone else out, if you are a member of garage, gym athlete, we have a bunch of educational webinars and you can go snag.
One. One of them is specifically on bandit training and how to add vantage training on top of grudge athlete training, or just, you know, to whatever you want. Speaking of banded training, we’re not, I guess we’re not really talking about bandit training, but Oh yeah. Updates for me. I don’t have a lot of updates.
life is good. Still. Being secretive about the, what I have going on. There is something going on,
Joe Courtney: you have four secrets going on.
Jerred Moon: I have a lot of secrets, but
Ashley Hicks: all the secrets
Jerred Moon: things have to be official for me to be able to talk about them or else it’s just a waste of everybody’s time. So there is an announcement coming.
It’s only not really that big of a deal, but I’ll let everybody know when it, when it’s appropriate. I think that’s, I think that’s it. So I’m going to talk about for now. I can’t get into all my real updates without. Spilling the beans.
[00:06:00] Joe Courtney: All right. Study time,
Jerred Moon: study time. Here we go. So we covered a study called analysis of the load velocity relationship in the deadlift exercise.
So it was done in 2020. Okay. Wasn’t a super cool study, but I wanted to cover it for specific reasons. Everybody has some points because really the overall like. Here their, their key takeaways. they had, how many people was it like 50 people, 50 man with at least two years of training experience and a dead lift one at max and at least one times five, at least 1.5 times, body mass participated so strong people.
And they were, they’re really just looking at how fast, how quickly can you move the bar and what that correlates to and what else they could find. And so what did they find? They found that. As the weight gets heavier, you don’t lift the weight as fast, which I was like, really? We had to have, we got to put a team together for that one.
[00:07:00] So yeah, they found that out, but they found out a lot of other cool things. And the reason I’m interested in this is more from a programming standpoint, the whole dynamic effort. Thing we’ve talked about in other podcasts. This gives us some data to stand on with different percentages and where we would want the velocity based off of 50 different people.
You know? Cause I can’t get velocities from garage, gym athletes, but I can use studies like this to be like, okay, am I actually still programming dynamic efforts appropriately? And so they have a lot of good data in there with their normative load velocity profile. But another cool thing that was pulled from the study was.
The correlation to the speed of your deadlift and how it correlated to your one rep max and the deadlift, and that it was very accurate. So I think that’s a cool thing as well, but I’d love to hear what you guys pulled from the study. And then I want to talk about some like bigger picture stuff of what I think this looks like boring, steady means to me and what it kind of might mean to the [00:08:00] garage, Mount that community.
Joe Courtney: I think it’s always good to get different types of lifting like velocity work and dynamic work. In, because not a lot of people will focus on that. There’s more of like percentage and weight on a bar and there’s been other ones who’ve gone over. I think that they had squats in there though. And that showed, I can’t remember which episode it would study was, but it was like they told one person to just lift it and then they’ll throw that until the other person to just lift it fast.
Jerred Moon: And the person who
Joe Courtney: has a fast
Jerred Moon: got better. We covered that on the podcast. Right? Was that,
Joe Courtney: yeah. Yeah, that was, that was a study that, did I go wrong on which one? But that just shows that adding that dynamic piece is great. And then now there’s trying to look at it with the deadlift as well, which I think is, is really cool.
something that I’d really liked to do. And there’s, I was looking at apps, as after I read the studies that, there’s certain wearables now where you can actually like test the velocity and speed and certain intensity with the bar. Or with your lifts. And I saw one where, I guess it’s a wearable you wear on your wrist and it, it, it will tell you your intensity, your speed and all these other metrics.
I think it’s still like in the infancy [00:09:00] stage, but I think it’s something that would be cool to have down the road. And, you know, just like with how Apple is getting their sleep thing. I think in a couple of years it would be like, Oh yeah, by the way, you can, you can do your velocity stuff now, too.
Jerred Moon: And they have other apps too, that you can kind of like set up your phone.
And you can just tap like where the barbell end is. And it’ll, it’ll tell you that the velocity of that barbell, if it can view the whole barbell, I think the app I found, I forgot the name of it, but it was like a $10 app. I think it’s something I’m going to, I’m going to try out to see if I can, because the reason I never liked that stuff before is.
They tell me my velocity. Right. And I’m like, okay, what do I do with this information? This study gives me something to do with that information, you know, I could be like, Oh, okay. So here’s how I can use those, those velocity things. If, if an app gives it to me.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. And getting more into philosophy training, I feel when I have to lift a faster, it’s going to be a little bit lighter, a little because you’re lifting faster.
But I think my form is better when I do it, because I know I have to bend out on everywhere versus [00:10:00] just. I’m just lifting the weight from point a to point B. It’s just moving weight. Are you seeing in the gym? If you let that I’ve gone to the gym and stuff, the public ones, you’ll see somebody slap a whole bunch of weight on the bar and then it takes them five seconds to get them up there.
And it’s like, yeah, you just lifted a bunch of weight, but that did not look great. Who looked pretty janky and
Jerred Moon: 42nd back squat.
Joe Courtney: Yeah, exactly. And, you know, while it’s great to have more weight on the bar, if. I think it’s better to, you know, lifting us. If you, you can lift a lot of weight, but still go fast.
You make it look better. Is also, I think it was a yeah. Something to good.
Jerred Moon: And that’s my fear with programming dynamic effort sometimes. I mean, there’s a fear in both, both capacities. So it’s kind of scary to tell someone to do a one rep max, if they don’t have things dialed in, or if they don’t have the safety, a spotter or, you know, spotter arms or something to help them out, which we always recommend.
If you don’t have those things, don’t do it. Don’t don’t be the person who dies in your [00:11:00] garage. but on top of that, it’s also like dynamic effort lifting. When I use words like explosive or lifting fast, I always, always say right after that with good form, because you can get really, if you have like 30% of the weight on 30% of your winter max on the bar and you’re moving really fast.
You can make that look disgusting, you know, like just really bad and you could hurt yourself. So it has to be like you said, Joe, like really fast, but with the best form possible. And if you don’t have those two, then it doesn’t really matter what you’re doing. You’re just, you’re just dabbling in injury territory.
Ashley Hicks: Yeah.
Yeah, I don’t really have much to add after Joe. I pretty much took away the, again, being dynamic with your lifts would correlate, you know, to strength gains and, you know, correlate to one rep maxes. but I also thought about it. My mind went towards speed and. When they say velocity, you know, it’s not just about going fast.
My thought too was also slowing [00:12:00] things down. I know we do tempo work and tempo is actually a little bit different from this, but actually slowing things down and what we’re talking about, good form here, in order to get that form and that feeling of what, what does a good lift look like? And then also slowing it down to potentially, Just a different way of training, I guess.
so yeah, I’m not many takeaways here for me. again, not much that I can add what, from what Joe said. So
Jerred Moon: he stole all your points.
Okay. So here’s the reason I like it. as I announced, the last podcast we’re redoing the. Fitness standards, 400, three fitness. And it’s going to take, it’ll take basically a full cycle to put this together. And a lot of them, like I said, are saying the same, some are changing, but what I’ve been looking at, I’m really trying to pull a lot of data on from a conditioning aspect.
What, what are the best [00:13:00] things that correlate to VO two max? Because that is the hardest thing. It’s very important. Like it’s, it’s so important. Every study that, that deals with longevity, you know, States. Having a high, higher VO two max means you’re gonna live longer. Like just massive studies, hundreds of thousands of people.
That’s pretty well proven at this point, but it’s very hard to get VO two max data. You can, you can get it from your Apple watch. But I, I just don’t think it’s super accurate, you know, because I’ve had it tested in a lab and I’ve also compared that to my Apple watch and they’re just so different. I’m like, okay, well, and anyway that I just don’t think it’s super accurate if you’re just like, Hey man, watch this.
This is my VO two max. It might be helpful, but I want to know what physical tests can we do to make that a little bit more accurate. So, you know, I’ve been looking at a one mile, 1.5 mile, the squat tests. There’s a lot of things now that weren’t around or studies that had not been done. When I first did put together these things, like I, the reason we test 1.5 mile run is because [00:14:00] whatever 10 plus years ago, when I created those standards, That the 1.5 mile run was like hugely correlative to VO two max.
And then, there’s a lot more information out there now. And so that’s what I’m trying to put together is, what else can we do? And so this, this is the same, this is in the same vein. So with this deadlift, we covered some other studies about, how jumping. Was possibly the best, indicator of your recovery.
Do you remember that one, Joe? It’s like, if you jump like. I think it was vertical jump. Like if you jump and it’s the same, like you’re recovered, like you’re ready to go. And it was like, it was like one of the best indicators of your recovery was your ability to be explosive the next day, which I thought was pretty crazy.
It’s pretty interesting. And then now they’re saying in this study, the faster you can move are these. These correlate the what is it? The speed, the velocity [00:15:00] is there, you know, the is heavily correlate to your one rep max deadlift. And I’m not saying I only ever want to calculate, someone’s calculate a one at max.
I don’t mind people going and doing that, but there have to be other tools out there that we can use for people who don’t want to. Do one or one or at max deadlift, like I’d be fine. Only doing true wonder at max is once a year and then utilizing like a velocity test. you know, the other three times a year when we test to predict my, my one rep max for the deadlift.
And so that’s why I’m kind of excited about this information because. The predictions were like, awesome. And they’re saying in this study, that it’s way better than any of those calculations. So, you know, like team builder, our app will calculate your winner at max for you. That in fact it can be annoying for some people because of, if you don’t lock your maxes, it’s like, Oh yeah, your max is way up there, something like that.
but there has to be a better way. And I think that this is it. And I think that we’re just. We’re right at the start of all this, Joe, you’re talking about wearables and all these things, like all [00:16:00] this is going to be so easy right now. It’s like, sounds pretty like complicated. Like, Oh, I gotta get my phone out and like measure a velocity of a deadlift and yeah.
Yeah, it’s not that big of a deal. You know, you used to have to go to a lab and spend like four grand to find out how fast you deadlift and now you can do it with your iPhone. and I think, like you said, there are gonna be new wearables, new tech, how the garment will probably just do it. They’ll just update it.
They’ll just be like, yeah, like your watch does that now, you know, it’s going to be that easy. And when it becomes that easy, I want to start utilizing this data to. Help our athletes get better, and their training and have better estimates of how strong they are and what they can do, how recovered they are, because if we could combine those two things of like, Okay.
Not only what’s your estimated what our max deadlift and this is more accurate than any calculator we can provide you. How recovered are you today? We can have a velocity speed test for your recovery instead of just going off this, like, ah, how do I feel today? You know, you could do a velocity test and be like, yeah, you’re not as recovered as you were yesterday.
So I think, I think that. Idea is really cool. That’s [00:17:00] not necessarily what the study was talking about a hundred percent, but this is kind of where my brain was going with it because of all the research I’m doing right now on, re formalizing our testing procedures. But it’s just cool stuff. There’s a lot of cool new things happening in strength and conditioning.
If you’re a nerd,
Joe Courtney: I actually thought of something too. That was. Possible for testing. I kind of want to ask you about how you would feel about it instead of like testing a true owner, maxed where you’re just going all out, lifting as much as you can, having a velocity one or a max where you have to move at a certain velocity, and then you work at building the weight, the max amount of weight that you can lift at set velocity.
So it’s increasing weight at that velocity.
Jerred Moon: So you’d probably have to go to a metronome. Right? You have to go to a tempo. You had to be like, so we set that at like 50 beats per minute. And then what, at what weight can you no longer keep that speed is what you’re saying? Like, that’s a good test. It’s actually really smart.
Joe Courtney: I [00:18:00] have, sometimes I have
Jerred Moon: been worse. Well, you may have just made this whole study a lot easier to implement for people because if I could put. A correlation to their normative values, their normative load velocity profile. If I could equate that to a tempo you’re right. You could easily build the test out of this.
And then all you’d need is a metronome, which we’ve already programmed recently. You know, we’ve been using this
Joe Courtney: when this published. I don’t. Yeah,
Jerred Moon: yeah, yeah. So, Write that down.
Yeah. We’ll see you. We’ll see if we can throw that in there. That’s pretty cool.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. Two weeks, two weeks later, people are gonna be like, Joe, why the hell are you talking about these metronome back squats or we have to do
Jerred Moon: it would be brutal. I’ve done stuff like that before. It’s not anything with the metronome is typically not fun.
Joe Courtney: Because you have to listen to it.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. Even, I mean, you gave me pushback when I first programmed it, like know, like, I don’t know about this. I don’t know if it’s
Joe Courtney: some of those. Are you questioning the metronome in the program? I mean, I already [00:19:00] hired, he raised my hand.
Jerred Moon: He tried to stop me. It didn’t work.
All right. Cool. Well, let’s, let’s move on to the topic. over the next few weeks, I thought that we could cover some of these. Questions that we get to ask the garage gym athletes when we interview them all the time, because we’ve given our responses here and there, you know, but it’s been awhile and things change.
So we’re going to be answering one of these as our topic of the next few weeks. And today we’re all going to answer the question. If you could only, I’m actually going to do two. because Joe, you always ask this question after I ask it. So if you could only have one piece of equipment to train with for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Question one. And then we’re also going to answer if money were no object, you know, Joe, your question, like, what would you put in your garage gym right now? If like you could have anything in the world, money didn’t matter, what would it be? And so let’s do the first question first, Joe, if you only have one piece of equipment to train with for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
[00:20:00] Joe Courtney: Mine slightly a tangent. If we’re ready for that,
Jerred Moon: let’s go. I’m ready for a tangent.
Joe Courtney: So. The barbell answer is kind of a cop out.
Jerred Moon: Oh, you’re just calling everybody out. It’s kind of an office chase right here.
Joe Courtney: It’s kind of cheating because, so if you go to a restaurant and they say, Hey, would you like this steak?
Or would you like that entire buffet? You’re going to go with the buffet because the barbell comes with the plates and the rec. You’re not just getting the one piece.
Jerred Moon: Okay. But what if we change it to where? Okay. You can have the plates, but those plates can only be used on the barbell. You can’t use them for any other activity.
Joe Courtney: Well, yeah, but it’s still very less piece of equipment or not. So my point is, that’s why I brought up in the past of, Oh, if you’re going to choose kettlebell, you should be able to have sets of kettlebells, like a rack of
Jerred Moon: kettlebells. Okay. All right. We’re getting to the new, what did you pick then? Is that it’s kind of fine.
Joe Courtney: No mine, mine is actually going to be, if I could get it, whether it be adjustable or a rack of [00:21:00] dumbbells, because I think I can do a lot with dumbbells. I’m not gonna be able to squat as much or, or deadlift as much, but if my devils can go up pretty heavy, they can get really heavy with, with those. And I can also do a lot of, accessory accessory work that you can’t necessarily do with a kettlebell, but you can pray to everything the same with the kettlebell.
And yeah, there’s just a lot you can do with, dumbbells.
Jerred Moon: So adjustable dumbbells, two pounds up to what
Joe Courtney: at least 70.
Jerred Moon: Okay. And solid. So you’re never going to end up getting that heavy stimulus though.
Joe Courtney: The what?
Jerred Moon: Like it, and you’ll never be able to lift that heavy. You’ve got 140 pounds like max max weight, and you’re okay with that.
I’m just, just checking. I don’t. I don’t normally put the feet to the fire of the athletes when they’re getting, I just want to,
Joe Courtney: think it’s, it’s also because of recency biases or whatever of the fact that I have a barbell right now, and I’m kind of sick of it. Cause I only have two sets of weights that I can set it just like, well, now I have these bands.
I can pretty much do [00:22:00] dumbbell exercises with the bands that I’m happy. So I think it’s all just very, very recent. Like
Jerred Moon: our experiences change our perception.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. And my, my
Jerred Moon: wishlist, I know I’m gonna, I’m gonna move to Ashley. And then I’ll answer it too. Alright, Ashley,
Ashley Hicks: I think if you had as cool of a barbell as mine, you would love your bar belt and just saying
Jerred Moon: there’s the American one, right?
Ashley Hicks: Yes. Monarch bar. I love her anyways. I love to lift. So I always, I said barbell when I was, I was the first garage gym athlete interview and I, I’m sticking to my answer, barbell. It is. I love how versatile it is. I found a newfound love for bench press. I don’t know why I hate pushups, but I love the bench riddle me that Batman, whatever.
Anyways, I love thrusters. I love all in any squats that I can do with the dump with the barbell. Sorry, not dumbbell. yeah, I, I like the barbell, so that’s, that’s my answer.
Jerred Moon: Have I ever answered this question publicly?
[00:23:00] Ashley Hicks: What is your,
Joe Courtney: what
Ashley Hicks: is your equipment of choice? Good, sir.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. It’s not the barbell.
yeah, which is interesting, right. I, I think if you asked me a long time ago, when I first started asking that question, cause I started asking that question better humanology podcasts, like long time ago, it would have been the bar bell. but now I’m not, I’m not about that. I mean, I, I love the barbell, but I run through like the.
Probably like the life experience thing, Joe was talking about this me, like having been through travel workouts and weird situations and all this stuff. Like even if it was just like magically appear, I’m like in a hotel room and I have my barbell and weights. Like she’s like, nah, I don’t want to deal with that.
I don’t want to lift this thing here, but it would be close. So I would actually like. Sandbag. That is kind of like what Joe is saying so long as cause my actual sandbag is this way has multiple different sandbags in it. Yeah. So I can adjust the weights, but I would [00:24:00] want, I would, I got the, not so heavy one.
I would get the heavier one so I could load it. It would be one 90 or one 40. Now mine is one 50 now. So I get the one that goes up to like 200 or 300 pounds or whatever like that, because then I just feel like I’m covered. I could do all that barbell stuff, you know, like I could still kind of get those lifts.
It’s a little bit different. but I could also, carry it and do a lot of the other more functional things that I would do that I can’t do with a. Bar bell. I love the bar bell and I’m, I’m very much in the barbell camp. If you can tell what the sandbag selection, but I think that it would be more fun to have a sandbag, if that was it for the rest of my life.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. That
Jerred Moon: sounds like a drag. It, you know, I can just do things yet. I’m always scared to like scratch up my barbell, so I don’t want to do anything to it. That’s it. We’re all different.
Ashley Hicks: We are
Joe Courtney: good.
Jerred Moon: All right, Joe, what does it mean? Let’s pretend [00:25:00] you’re back in your San Diego space with a nice setup in the backyard.
What would you add to this place? If, if money were no, no factor
Joe Courtney: at all? I think I’m told it’s going to be a. Rogue donkey
Jerred Moon: rogue donkey. So anyone not familiar explain what the real donkey is.
Joe Courtney: It is both a reverse hyper energy HD that convert back and forth. It’s super heavy duty, probably grand
Jerred Moon: too, right?
Joe Courtney: It’s like two, two and a half or something.
Jerred Moon: Oh, that’s not bad.
Joe Courtney: Oh wait. Actually it might be like three. I have no idea actually.
Jerred Moon: Yeah, and it looks hilarious, man. It’s like, it looks like a donkey.
Joe Courtney: It’s something that I will never will never
Jerred Moon: it’s 1,945.
Joe Courtney: Okay. Yeah.
Jerred Moon: That’s not that bad. Can, I mean, I think if you bought both of those separately, that’d be more expensive, right?
Ashley Hicks: Yeah. It’d be four grand.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. Yeah.
Joe Courtney: And rogue echo is already going to happen. So that’s, that’s not really a need to be on a wishlist kind of thing. So yeah, I’m going to go crazy.
Jerred Moon: All right. I like it. Rogue donkey. Awesome. [00:26:00] You know, they have one now I don’t, I think PRX performance makes it, it’s like. I think it does both of those things.
So GHD and reverse hyper, but it also collapses up to the wall.
Joe Courtney: The
Jerred Moon: ultimate that’d be my only problem with this donkey because I have a, I have a reverse hyper. I love my reverse hyper, but it takes up so much space and it looks like I’m looking at the picture. Now. It is being reverse hyper just with a GHD bolted on the front.
I can’t even imagine my oversight for taking up more space than it does. so, but Hey, those are two very awesome pieces of equipment.
Joe Courtney: Maybe it’s called a donkey because when you get it to take up your space, it’s kind of a jackass
Jerred Moon: move. Yeah. I’m trying to think too, like, do you have to take it apart to use the reverse hyper part that would really piss me off, but I can’t look that far into it.
Wait, hold on. Here we go.
Joe Courtney: I just have to think there’s one or two of them that look pretty easy. There’s like a collapsible rack kind of thing.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. [00:27:00] I just haven’t I haven’t fully embraced this thing. Okay. Good choice. I like it actually,
Ashley Hicks: while I was, I was going to say the GHD, but since he went down that route, I’ll say, no, I’m not going no, but since he went down that route, so GHD would be part of my less, but, I would like a biker.
I liked, I mean, Yeah, I really liked the concept too. I rode this morning, so I don’t know. I would like to add like a bike to my equipment, again, a biker. I don’t want an assault bike. I just, I want something that I can, you know, still do good enrolls on, but also ride for a very, very long time as well.
You can ride the assault bike for a long time. I know, but
Jerred Moon: that’s very different. I’ve had both. It’s very different.
Joe Courtney: It’s a lot easier to do low intensity on a, on just a bike. And so let’s
Jerred Moon: see now. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s, I dunno, like it’s way easier for me to do zone two as well on the concept [00:28:00] too. Yeah.
That’s just why I like the, whether it’s rowing, I just kinda got tired of rolling, but the reason I like having that display just the PM five is because you can dial everything in so, well, you know, you can control your heart rate really well. You can make sure that you’re hitting the splits that you want.
Like everything is so. dialed in it’s you can kind of do that when you’re running. Like if you have your Apple watch, but it still takes like looking and like thinking a little bit. Yeah. I go, is that right? Is, you know, and I wish there was a PM five that just like floated in front of your face when you’re running.
Joe Courtney: We’ll see garments. You said you can set a notification. So when I go over it, it beeps and vibrates. So I noticed that.
Jerred Moon: But does it work because yeah, I’m not saying like, is it functional? Do you feel that vibration? And do you hear that beep when you’re in the middle of a workout? Okay. Oh, [00:29:00] alright.
Cause the Apple watch, I think it’s zoned or there’s another one that are it’s intervals or something like that, where you can do the same thing. It’ll tell you if you like get out of your heart rate zone that you wanted to be in, it’ll tell you when it’s time to switch intervals. But even with like the sounds and the vibration, every time I’ve used it, I’m like still doing the activity.
I’m like, I really feel like 20 seconds ended. And I look in like I’m in the rest period by like, I’m like, Oh yeah.
Ashley Hicks: Like in the zone too much.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. Like it’s not, I don’t think I’m in the zone too much. I think it doesn’t, it’s not very loud,
Ashley Hicks: Joe. Got it. Nevermind.
Jerred Moon: I was like zoned to
Joe Courtney: a couple of dad jokes.
Jerred Moon: I don’t think, I don’t know his mom joke.
Good thing. Oh, okay.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. Yeah. My mom has terrible jokes.
Ashley Hicks: All right, Jared. So what’s your,
Jerred Moon: I think it’s, I think it’s obvious. I
Joe Courtney: think, I think I know is
Jerred Moon: really
Joe Courtney: take a guess the, a true form.
[00:30:00] Jerred Moon: The true form runner is correct. It is $6,000. And so that means, I don’t know if I’ll ever actually buy one, even though I really want one.
but the true form trainer, wait, what is the difference here? It’s nice to be on Rogue’s website. Trainer is 39 95, so four grand, but then I have the true form runner, which is $5,695
Joe Courtney: or be displays and stuff.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. I don’t know the difference there, but, yeah, that’s, that’s what I would get because it’s really expensive.
I would use it. All the time for the same reason, I just kind of talked about with like having a PM five in front of your face. Like I think I could dial my running in a little bit more on that. So yeah, I would go with a true form runner.
Ashley Hicks: Have you run on one?
Jerred Moon: Yeah, I have. I will actually, I don’t know if it was a true form runner.
I think it may have been the assault version at a gym. But I have,
Ashley Hicks: yes. Yeah. They haven’t been on [00:31:00] base for the,
Jerred Moon: I actually think that’s what I ran. I think I ran on one in Hurlburt, like last year or something like that. They had a, an assault runner shoe form runner or something like that. And it wasn’t.
It was fine. Like, I, I didn’t have any issues with it at all. It felt good.
Ashley Hicks: It’s pretty, it’s pretty accurate too. Cause like I had it on with my Apple watch and then obviously the, their screen, like the pacing and whatnot. So I just did my 5k on one. On base. So yeah, which was, it was cool. Connor thought it was the coolest thing ever.
The problem was he was trying to get on it with me. So I had to like, make sure I didn’t kill my kid while I was
Jerred Moon: doing
the concept. Just makes so much sense to me because we. We haven’t done that in any other exercise equipment where we’re like, no, I will force road at you just jump and we’ll measure the distance. Like that’s what a treadmill is. And could you imagine if that’s what they did with a bike? If that was their idea for the bike is like, [00:32:00] we’ll just move the pedals as fast as we can and you try and keep your legs on them.
Joe Courtney: There you go. Makes
Jerred Moon: sense. Yeah. all right. That’s it for that? the, the, workout is,
Ashley Hicks: yeah, I’m just kidding.
Jerred Moon: Yeah, it is digital it more. So, you want to brief it? Sure.
Ashley Hicks: It’s It’s basically death by is what you should call it, but it’s death by 10 meter sprints. So you will set up a cone, whatever you need to do, measure out 10 meters and you will do one 10 meter sprint.
And then within a minute, and then however long you have, so let’s say that takes you. I don’t know, 10 seconds, maybe less, then you have 50 seconds of rest. Then the second minute you add two of those. So you can do it like a shuttle run, go down and back and then down and back, and then add three. So on and so forth until you can no longer do however many, 10 meter sprints that you can do.
So like, let’s say you can’t [00:33:00] do 17 of them, then that’s where you end. And then you rest for five minutes and you go onto death by pushups. And it’s the same concept. One pushup, one minute, two pushups, the second minute. So on and so forth until you can no longer do a certain amount of pushups. During that minute, and that is the workout.
Jerred Moon: And your goal should be 20 on both?
Ashley Hicks: Yes. Okay.
Jerred Moon: Well, no, I just threw that in there cause that’s basically an unachievable standard, but doable for someone. So
Joe Courtney: 10 would be, that would be tough. is the, the sprint purse part, a food portion, the beat test that basically the beat test or is that something different?
Jerred Moon: That’s slightly different. Yeah.
Ashley Hicks: Yeah. So you’re the put, all I’m going to say is for the sprints, you just kind of have to, you have to push yourself and kind of what Jared said, like, you know, whether that’s 20 or whether that’s 15, like, you know, push yourself to the [00:34:00] limit here. that’s the whole point of this, meet yourself Saturday.
It’s gonna feel easy, but at the beginning you’re going to start and you’re gonna like, what in the world am I doing here? But then by the time you get to like, Five six, seven you’re you’re you’re gonna understand why it’s a meet yourself Saturday. So definitely push yourself on that. And then the other piece of advice I have is for your, we talked about form earlier.
If you are warm, warming up, like w O R M like a worm, stop doing the pushups like that major form has gone, you know, so, make sure that you are doing good form when you are doing those pushups.
Joe Courtney: I’m going to kind of counter that and say don’t
Jerred Moon: you said
Joe Courtney: no, no. On the spring one you said, try really hard.
I say, don’t try hard until you have to, you can literally walk 10 meters within, within a minute, and then you can do the same with the second.
Ashley Hicks: Then that’s not a sprint. That’s the whole way. It’s a 10 meter [00:35:00] sprint.
Jerred Moon: I mean, Let’s just let Joe do it. How many minutes?
Joe Courtney: See how many minutes can you get though?
That’s the thing?
Jerred Moon: Well, okay. And my tips for that, what did you have more tips
Joe Courtney: as a fight, as a fire enough tip.
Jerred Moon: Okay. So yeah, you could walk the first couple of weeks, the walking would stop pretty fast though, because, but do push yourself, you’ll find that you can always like. You might be squeezed in a little bit more, other tips for the doing this is like a, an agility type thing where you touch you run, touch the line and go back to the other line.
You’re going to probably find out that you have a good side to your, like everyone does. I want wanna, I want to reach out and touch with my left hand, or I want to re reach out and touch with my right hand. I do want to encourage you to at one line. Bend down touch with your right hand at the other line, bend down, touch with your left hand and not just always reach and touch with the same side, because [00:36:00] that’s going to make you a little unequal.
And I just, I don’t want you to end up with like a lower back issue or something and making sense, Joe. Yeah. Okay. You gave me a look. so yeah, make sure you’re doing that. because you will start to feel it in your lower back. If you’re not warm from like doing this agility stuff. Cause we don’t do it all the time.
that. I do say go faster as I always do, but you get more rest. So you’re actually rewarded by going faster. so in Joe’s example, if it took you a minute to walk 10 meters, As he would like to do on his first verse, the temperatures of just like taking like a quarter of a step at a time, you have to immediately go into work.
So you get less rest. So I say go faster. That way you can rest more in these. And that’s it. I say, shoot for 20. if anyone gets 20, let me know, tag me on Instagram. Tell me you got 20 and I’ll shoot you a $1 bill in the mail. So, Whoa. Yeah. Do you get 20 on both [00:37:00] on same day? Like it’s in this workout, not like, Oh, I got 20 today and I will send you a $1 bill.
First person only
Ashley Hicks: I was taught to be
Jerred Moon: wow,
Ashley Hicks: so many people are just going to stop at 20.
Jerred Moon: Well, we were talking about doing giveaways again on the podcast and here’s the first one. So death by 20 meter, you have to put in a ridiculous amount of work and you get a dollar and you have to be the first one to tell me.
So a lot of incentive and everyone’s going to want to do it.
Joe Courtney: How, you know, thinking like just, just doing 20 fresh, like not even doing leading up to that would be hard.
Jerred Moon: I just know it’s been done. but I don’t know if it’s been done back to back. So when I was physical training leader, we did a death by 10 meter in the morning during PT and a few of us got 20.
And then when we got back to work. In uniform. I made everybody do death by pushup and a few people got 20, so I’m like, okay. And that’s the standard. [00:38:00] And that’s really fricking hard. That’s not what you should have to do. That’s just what I’ve seen done. But again, they weren’t back to back. They had like two hours arrest in there.
Okay. So I think I’ve sold garage Matthew pretty well here, if you want a dollar, cause it’s also, you have to be. Sign up for our training. So there’s a lot of stipulations here. You have to be an active garage gym athlete to be eligible for this dollar giveaway on the death by 20 meters. So if you want a dollar sign, go sign up for garage, gym athlete, and you get a free trial garage, graduate mathew.com, but really the best part of everything that we’re doing.
And what I hear about all the time is the community. It’s it’s crazy. I was on a call. This was just yesterday. I was on a call with a guy who was interested in our coaching program. And he, this is not the call. You’re talking about two calls yesterday. I’m talking about, I’m talk about the less, the less funny call.
so anyway, I was on a call with a guy who had dabbled [00:39:00] in many other, let’s just say, online fitness communities. And I don’t do that. Like I’m not, I’m not in anybody. Else’s community, obviously where I’m just in my own. So I don’t really know how anyone else is running their community, but he had been in like, Any, any one that you can probably think of her name right now?
He had been in and he had tried them all out for like three or four months at a time, and then just randomly stumbled across us. And he’s been with us for like, I think it’s been like four, somewhere, four to six months, something like that. And he was just talking about how ridiculously awesome. The community like the Facebook group community is he’s like I was blown away that people are posting all the time that people are encouraging.
Like, no, one’s a Dick, you know, for the most only, only Joe and, you know, everyone’s like super nice and supportive and the community’s awesome and people are posting all the time and, you know, motivation and stuff. And that’s not really on me, you know, that’s on the community. So everyone listening to this, [00:40:00] who’s a part of that community.
Who’s making it awesome. Thank you very much. And I do think that, Joe helps by weeding out the people who have a chip on their shoulder. You know, if you, if you don’t have a slight sense of humor and you end up working with Joe and support in some way, shape or form, and you’ll probably, you’ll probably be out.
And so it’s okay. It’s like a litmus test for being a part of the community. anyway, the community is awesome and it’s just cool to get that kind of. Validation from someone who’s been on with like all of your competitor. And he’s just, and he’s like, yeah, they have Facebook groups, but like no one ever posts and like not nothing ever happens in them and stuff.
And so, I really do love our community. The programming is awesome too. That’s pretty cool part of it as well, but if you haven’t, haven’t joined up, do it. And if, you’re part of the community making it awesome each and every single day, I do appreciate it, but, that’s it for this one guys. Thanks for listening to the garage gym athlete podcast.
You want to learn more? Go to garage, gym athlete.com. You can learn about our training. Let us send you a copy of our book, the garage, the [00:41:00] mathlete, or you can even get featured on the garage gym athlete podcast. Thanks for listening. .