Hey, Athletes! How do you set goals for the New Year? This week’s episode is about how to set goals and actually achieve them!
A new episode of The Garage Gym Athlete Podcast is up!
Finding Your ONE Goal for 2020
Today’s podcast is all about setting the right goal for 2020!! First, Jerred dives into updates for 2020 (a lot of changes coming your way), next recommending reading, then, lastly, he goes over setting goals for your year.
If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to the Garage Gym Athlete podcast either on Stitcher, iTunes, or Google Play by using the link below:
- Killing Comfort Book
- The ONE Thing
- Garage Gym Athlete Training
- Reading Recommendations
- 1-3-5 For Goal Setting
- More Podcasts This Year!
- 4-1-1 For Goal Setting
- And A LOT MORE!!
Diving Deeper
If you want to go a little bit deeper on this episode, here are some links for you:
Garage Gym Athlete Workout of the Week
Be sure to listen to this week’s episode:
Related Resources at End of Three Fitness:
Thanks for listening to the podcast, and if you have any questions be sure to add it to the comments below!
To becoming better!
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Garage Gym Athlete podcast. I’m your host Jerred Moon. The Garage Gym Athlete podcast is a result of my desire to build better humans, unequivocal coaches, and autonomous athletes. I’ve spent the last several years obsessing over program design, nutrition in every other way you can optimize human performance.
This podcast instills the latest scientific research with what I’ve learned and blends it with the not-so scientific field of mental toughness. We are here to build you into a dangerously effective athlete. If you enjoy this podcast, you can find out more about our training at garagegymathlete.com and if you want to pursue more into the field of coaching and programming, head to endofthreefitness.com. Thanks for listening.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, [00:01:00] Jerred Moon here. Welcome to the Garage Gym Athlete podcast. So it is just me today, me and you. so I’m going to be going over some new stuff we’re going to be doing in the podcast here to introduce 2020. I’m going to give you a few recommended resources, resources, and then also.
Talk about goal setting. So this podcast, in all honesty, is for those who, you know, have been around into three fitness or garage mathlete for a longer period of time, you’re, you know, kind of serious and committed to. Making change because there are a lot of different places you can get information, places you can consume content, and I understand that.
So those of you who listen regularly, you know, has left the reviews, who follow the programming, all those things. I really appreciate you being around and sticking to it and I hope you understand, realize I’m very committed to your success and that’s why I would like to do podcasts [00:02:00] like these. Something, maybe not super well known about me, but a goal setting is something that I teach.
I’ve run workshops, workshops on it. I do this for business owners, entrepreneurs, athletes. I really like to dive deep. So I’m going to give you kind of the framework for the goal setting process that I teach that I walk. myself through every year, my team, my company, other entrepreneurs, other, athletes, you know, this is the framework that we go through.
It’s very effective. I, there are kind of two versions of this. The, the, the version I’m going to give you today is kind of the quick and dirty, but just know that I could expand this into a, you know, a six to eight hour workshop, which I have done numerous times in the past. so we’re gonna start with some other stuff.
I just kinda want to let you know what the purpose of this podcast is. It’s going to be a little bit. you know, shorter than normal. We’re not talking about research studies or anything. I just really want to set you up with having a good 2020 [00:03:00] by setting the right goals and making sure that you’re moving in the, in the right direction going into this year.
So a few things for 2020 from us as a team. First on the killing comfort book. I know I’ve been talking about it for a while and I will continue to keep talking about it because it’s not out yet, but it is coming out this year coming out 2020 really excited to get it out to you guys. There’s a lot of great information in the book and you know, it’s very applicable all about killing comfort, and that’s kind of the, this year’s theme for a lot of athletes, myself included, making sure that you kill that comfort, comfort.
You get uncomfortable and you. Get uncomfortable in the right places to see success because killing comfort is not this idea of just doing stupid things that make you uncomfortable because that’s somehow always going to make you better. That’s not actually true. You can do things the hard way. You know, I could lift a barbell, [00:04:00] with bad form, you know, while swinging a kettlebell at the same time.
And that would be really hard and very uncomfortable. but it’s not very smart and it’s not gonna really move me in the right direction. So killing comfort is way more strategic than that. It’s where you more surgical and precise and a, there’s a lot of planning involved. And so that is what the book is going to uncover.
It’s not just going to be this, you know, yeah. Do hard things and you get better. That’s so like overplayed and overdone. That’s not what the book is. The book, it definitely is about killing comfort, but it’s killing comfort in the right places. So you see your results and that’s kind of what the goal setting.
I’m going to go over today, make sure you pick the right thing that’s actually going to move you forward. Now, if you do want to be a part of the release of that book, go to killing comfort.com I know a lot of you already have and I appreciate that. so that’s the book coming out in a few months here in 2020.
Next thing. The podcast podcast is changing in a pretty [00:05:00] significant way this year. This is that. This week is the last week in which we have one podcast, at least for the duration of this year. So we are moving to three to four podcast per week here in the garage, gym athlete podcasts. So previously we’ve been doing.
Seasons where we would do, you know, interview anywhere from eight to 12 athletes, and we would kind of drop that once per quarter. And then after that we would go, you know, weekly on. Doing a study, a topic, and going over the meet yourself Saturday workout. So that’s all gonna change. Now that we’re moving into 2020, we’re not going to be dropping seasons anymore, but I know a lot of people still want to hear from athletes, so don’t worry, that’s not going away.
What we’re going to be doing, is make sure I don’t, I don’t screw up the, the timing. So Mondays will remain the same. It’s going to be a typical episode where we dive into some research. You know, aimed at making you a dangerously effective and autonomous [00:06:00] athlete. We’ll talk about a topic in, in the industry or just something that interests us, something that can make you a better human.
And then we’ll also go over the workout. So Monday episodes stay the same. And then we have a Wednesday and Friday episode. So Wednesdays will become the ask me anything. You’ve heard me talk about that a lot. You can still submit. Raji, mathlete.com/ama submit your questions, feedback, whatever there, and I’m going to be answering it in both video and podcast format.
So those would be shorter in nature. Probably about 10 to 15 minutes. Monday will still be that longer podcast. Friday we’ll be, The snippets or what we’re calling cooldowns. And so this is all going to kind of be a, it’ll start next week. You guys are going to see it all, but the, this is pulled from me, their previous Garage Gym Athlete episodes, or going back to the better humility podcast days where we pull out these snippets.
It’s something to cool down with your week. with, and it’s just something super actionable, that we pulled. You know, I interviewed so many [00:07:00] great people. There’s so much great information, but it’s hard to keep it all in your head. And so what we’ve done is we’ve gone over past episodes, pulled out the best nuggets, either from a guest I interviewed or just conversations we’ve had on this podcast, and we rehash it.
So some of them are two minutes, some of them are, you know, seven minutes, but they’re, they’re pretty short just to give you that nugget and let you move on. And then also on a Tuesday or Thursday a, we might switch it up a little bit. We would love to continue doing athlete interview, so have an athlete of the week.
We already have a bunch of athletes of the weeks recorded and ready to go. So I’m doing interviews with athletes will be an ongoing thing almost on a weekly basis. And so that will be something really cool and something that we think will be awesome. so that will still be happening. So I say three to four, because if we can’t find an athlete to interview, or whatever, that’s the only one that really becomes optional.
The other three I mentioned will be happening on a weekly basis for the rest of this year. So that’s what you have to look forward to here on this podcast. And then lastly, I’m really [00:08:00] excited to get into Garage Gym Athlete training for all of the subscribed to the programming. I really appreciate you being subscribed to the programming and we have a lot more coming at you if you missed the webinar, you know, we publish it as a podcast.
Last week. And, if you were on the webinar, that’s great. But we just, we are striving to always make the programming better. You know, that’s what we’re doing. We’re, we’re reading the research where we’re diving in, we’re testing new things, and, and I think moving, you know, one big thing that changes this year is all of our de-load weeks become our body geometry balancing, programming.
And that’s, that’s something new, but I think it’s something super strategic that’s going to help. If you are training with Garage Gym Athlete for a long period of time, like a year, I think it’s going to be huge. I think, You know, just how good I feel about our training right now is, is like, you know, 10 out of 10, you know, sometimes I feel like we’re, we’re missing something or we need something.
And right now I feel things are, are really good, but that’s because there’s something I probably don’t know. And so that means I need to keep reading, keep [00:09:00] researching, and never get comfortable. Find out how I can keep sharpening. The spear, and making things better. But right now I think that we’re really at the forefront and I’m excited for all of our athletes to dive into this next cycle and really, you know, benefit from being a healthy and optimal athlete over the course of a year.
So we don’t, we don’t do movements that are here to injure you. We want you to be an athlete with us for a really long time. We, and we want to focus on you being healthy for life and for your family and for a very long period of time. So never compromising health for performance. And, that’s, that’s our stance and always has been and always will be.
there’s a lot of new stuff coming out and I, I’m just really, you know, I don’t know if excited is the word, but research on high intensity training, we’ve talked about it. I think that a lot of that stuff is going to the truth to what we’ve been talking about is going to start hitting mainstream, I think over the next two years.
This is just kind of my prediction. [00:10:00] I think that a lot of the, this high intensity model that people have been following, it’s not not good and it’s not going to be good, and we’re going to find out the damning ramifications of such, if it’s something that you, you, you do over and over and over again and never properly recover, it’s almost like you can’t.
You can’t be an extremist when it comes to biology, that something always comes back to bite you. So I’m not going to get into that any further, but it is a topic I want to explore more in 2020 and dive into and from a research base, mindset, not a non opinion-based. And, to be honest, most of my opinions on that are from research, not from how I feel about a company or a methodology of fitness, because really, I don’t.
I don’t see a lot of other fitness methodologies out there as competitors that just different ways or different approaches, but when something is hurting human beings, I think that people need to step up and say it, and I’m not talking about hurting from a, Oh, you did the, you did the snatch incorrectly and you hurt your [00:11:00] shoulder.
I’m talking about, more from a biological process anyway, that that is something we will be diving into. And something I really want to. Dust off and uncover a lot more next year. So you can expect a lot of that in, in my research and things that we select over the course of the next year. I want to keep you guys informed, autonomous, dangerously effective.
and that is about it. So really excited for all the things that we have coming in 2020. Hopefully you guys are too. Now let’s, let’s get into kind of the, the goal thing. you know, the goal process I want to discuss in today’s podcast, so recommended reading for everybody. I talk about it every year.
I kick every year off reading this book. It’s the one thing by Gary Keller. So you can get that audio a book or you can, or you can get the hard hard copy. Either way. It’s a relatively short book, and this is really pretty much a, you know, I was handed this book by a mentor, right when it came out. And that is, it’s been my, you know, quote unquote [00:12:00] work Bible, for a long time.
It’s, it’s really how I’ve managed my life, both business. You know, personally, professionally, everything, as come from that book and, and I don’t want to give it too much credit cause there’s, there’s not much magical about it, but there is something magical to, you know, picking one system and working with it.
You know, I read a lot of books and I’m sure a lot of you do too, but if you are. Always bouncing all over the place and you’re super scattered, you’re really never going to see any progress. So I decided that the kind of the one thing, methodology for goal setting and for working was kind of my thing.
And I kind of just committed myself to it. And you know, I’ve seen a lot of results, both personally and professionally, from just following the framework, not questioning it. And a lot of that is because I got to work. With Gary Keller down in Austin, you know, specifically. And, one of his mentors I worked was my mentor.
So I just have a lot of exposure to him [00:13:00] specifically. And so that’s why I love his book. That’s also why I love, you, I mean, believed in his. His book and his process. And so that’s why I’ve kind of stuck with it. And it’s the same in athletic programming or endeavors. We talk about program hopping. You know, a lot of people who are checking out all these other programs are reading these other ideas and bouncing here, bouncing.
They’re like, yeah, okay. I mean, if you would just. Believe in somebody believe in something, whether it’s our program or programming or some other program, like believe in it and stick with it and stick with it for a very long duration because that’s where the results are going to be seen. And it’s very uncomfortable to do that.
so that’s kind of what I’ve, I’ve stuck with over the years and it served me really well. And it’s something I think in the world we live in now, there’s just so much information. You got to pick somebody, trust somebody, and go with it. And in, in a lot of different areas, you know, whether that’s spiritually, whether that’s financially, whether that’s, you know, physically, [00:14:00] whatever it is, your training, your nutrition, you kind of have to pick something or someone and be like, this is it.
This is. You know, this is what I’m going to do. A, not to say you shouldn’t continue educating yourself and reading new things and all that other stuff, but if you find something that’s fairly, you know, harmless to stick with and do and just believe in, then I highly suggest doing it. And that’s what I’ve done.
Where the one thing, another book. Is deep work, by cow Newport. it’s a really great book. I think that I was, I was working deep work style basically from the one thing, one thing almost recommends how this should be done. And then deep work came out a little bit later. And I’ve read deep work and I do, I, I w I work in a very deep work fashion, so I’d read that book as well.
you can get a lot of that from the one thing. But a lot of people have, recommended that book to me when they heard I was a big fan of the one thing I read it. And, I do definitely think it’s good. So recommended reading for this podcast specifically, the one thing if you haven’t in deep work, and if you [00:15:00] have read the one thing, I suggest you read it again.
Like I said, I read it every year in January and about a day or two just to make sure I’m on track and focused for the next year. Now, last thing here on goal setting, we, we provide a lot of information on goals. And so two things I wanna point you to really just go to the show notes. If you are listening to this and you’re like, Hey, I wanna I want to dive in.
I want, I want to get more, you know, I want, I want to get the some worksheets and, and hammer this stuff out and watch some videos on it. You can do that. So go to the show notes. I have two videos with two different downloads that have a lot of forms. are two, two forms that I’m going to mention today.
And so you can download that. it’s called our simple, simple goals framework. And so you can, you can go there and, You know, watch me on video doing a, you know, five to six minute tutorial to fill out these forms and kind of have your goal worksheet for the year. So go to the show notes in three [00:16:00] fitness.com.
Head over to the blog and you will see this podcast and you’ll see the show notes. So you can go there and hit up the simple goals. And then another thing, this is really only for athletes specifically who are subscribed to our programming. If you go into the app, you go to more documents and links, there’s going to be a goal link there.
So some of you’ve done this before, but what it is, is our accountability system for goal setting for our athletes. So if you didn’t know that you have access to this, you do. And so what it is, you enter in your account information, just name, email, and then you enter in your goal and then we hold you accountable.
So what’d you get as an email series? Reminding you of your goal, making sure you’re on track if you’re not on track. you know, being able to reach out to a coach and, and communicate with getting back on track. So it’s something I really highly recommend doing at the kickoff kickoff of a new cycle, especially at the beginning of the year.
So it’s in the app, like I said, more documents and links, and then [00:17:00] you can click on the goal section there and you can submit your goal to us and we can hold you accountable. All right. Diving into goals now a little bit more. So there are two documents, and like I said, you can download these things and watch the shorter videos that I have on these, but there are two documents.
One. It’s called the one, three, five, and the other one is called the four one one something we use internally here at into three fitness. It’s something I’ve used. you know, like I said, personally, professionally, and what’s you’re really doing? the one, three, five stands for one goal. Three priorities.
And then five strategies. So if you’re looking at it as a tree, you have one goal and then you’re going to have three priorities that are going to help achieve that one goal. And then each priority is going to have five strategies. They should be able to fit on one piece of paper. So anytime I set out to have a goal, my goal has a one three, five, and I really want to push everybody listening to this to do this at some point, because we’ve interviewed a lot of athletes now.
[00:18:00] And, I mean, I’ve talked to thousands of athletes, you know, on 15 minute calls and coaching calls and the, I don’t really have goals. Comment comes up quite a bit and that’s fine. And they, you know, it’s normally, Hey, I don’t, I don’t really have goals. And then they circle back to, you know, I just want to be healthy for my family.
Well, that’s a great goal. now my question would be, okay, well, how. How can you be healthy for your family? What does that look like? because that’s what, that’s what I get a lot of times. So I’m guessing if you listen to this, you might be in that boat where you’re like, you know what, I don’t really have, and I get it.
If I don’t have a back squat goal for 2020 I’m not, I’m not trying to, you know, back squat a certain amount of weight. And that’s what people think. I mean, when I say, what’s your goal. I just want to know in general, what’s your goal? It doesn’t have to be a mile time. Like we’re, we’re really metric driven.
Just cause we want you to see the progress and you know, some people lose 20 pounds or whatever, but I think being healthy for your family is way [00:19:00] more intrinsic. That’s great. But what does that look like? Or how do you get done is, you know what, there has to be a conceptualization of that. So does that mean you’re training three times a week?
Once a month? Five days a week, like what does it look like to be healthy for your family, and what does that look like to you? So could you draw that out and really, you know, find out what that looks like? And as opposed to saying, I don’t really have goals, what is your goal? So for me, you know, my big one goal for fitness this year, this past year, was to, to hit 300 training sessions.
And, I achieved that actually. Pretty, I mean, pretty fast. I mean, I think it was the beginning of the, or somewhere in the fourth quarter, towards the beginning, I got to 300 different training sessions, and so I smashed that one. and it was good, but I didn’t, you know, in retrospect, I wasn’t a huge fan.
I should’ve put more parameters on it. I’m not, I wasn’t a huge fan of that [00:20:00] goal. I had a lot of, consistency. So that was awesome. but I should had more parameters, so I have more parameters on it now. So if you don’t know this garage mathlete we have what we call the killing comfort patch. And the only way to get the kill and comfort patch is to maintain 80% consistency within our training.
And so I want to get the killing comfort patch every cycle over the course of the next. A year, so therefore training cycles that we will run for 12 weeks cycles and I want to, I want to get a killing comfort patch. In all of them. And so what does that actually mean? You’re like, well, what are you doing well, have you been doing, I follow garage mathlete programming, and I always have, and I always will.
And the only thing that’s different is you have to actually fill out everything in the app. And so I want to make sure that I’m filling out all those things in the app and not skipping anything in the most important thing or the thing that would like really snag me for not getting the [00:21:00] killing comfort patches, the recovery game.
So we have a recovery game in our app and I don’t always fill that out, but I really want to make that a habit, cause the training, getting the training done is not that difficult for me. That’s just been ingrained. It’s a habitual thing for me, to train on a very frequent basis. That’s something I do a just a big part of who I am, but.
And I focus a lot on recovery, but not pro, not the like, you know, 90 plus consistency over the course of the year. That’d be days where I do do everything. Days where I don’t, I’m in, in as far as the recovery game is going. So I really want to maintain 80% consistency with a training. I don’t think that’s gonna be a problem, but like I said, I want to do it in all of the other areas too.
So their recovery game is gonna be big for me. I want to maintain it there. So really it’s just overall. I’m not, I don’t really, I really would much, I want much greater than 80% consistency. The only reason I say 80% consistency is because, the killing comfort patch, the. Only thing that would knock me [00:22:00] down is probably travel.
So I’ll travel a couple of times over the course of the next year. I don’t travel a ton, but it will Jack up the training a little bit. And so there will be, you know, jumping to some body weight programming or whatever is what I’ll do. but making sure I fill out that recovery game. So now I have a lot more parameters.
Right. I still want to probably hit over 300 training sessions for 2020. But I really want to fill out everything in the app and hold myself accountable to, you know, hitting the recovery game. Cause I, you know, that just makes such a big difference in, in training when you’re super consistent with those kinds of things.
So that’s one thing I’m going to do, and this is just give you an example. So my big one thing for the year is getting that killing comfort patch. Every cycle. So that’s my big one thing for the year because that means I have to at the train a lot. That means I have to recover really well. That means I have to make sure I fill out every single thing in the app, track everything like it.
That’s such a great lead domino, for 20, 20, and that’s, that’s what I want. That’s what you’re looking for with this, [00:23:00] this one thing. So going back to the one three, five, what I was talking about, now I have my one goal. Now I need three priorities to support that one goal. And so what would the priorities be in this case?
You know, I could, and now I’m going to kind of jump to, you know, other things and just give you some idea. So if my one thing is getting the killing comfort patch every single cycle in 2020, my priorities could be okay. Consistent training time. You know, making a, the app use habitual. And then, you know, I could set aside a time for recovery, activities.
So those could be my three, just to give you like an example of how easy this truly is. So then I would have those three priorities and then the strategies. You would go down. And this, this gets fairly simple from here. So if, if I wanted to work out a consistent time, I could be like, okay, it’s morning time.
What are some strategies to working out in the morning? The five strategies could be really easy. you know, it could be setting alarm, it could be [00:24:00] laying out my clothes the night before. It could be, making sure I get enough sleep. There are a lot of different strategies that would help that priority.
And then for, you know, going to the recovery, setting aside time for recovery activities. Okay. You know what? You know. Doing this every night, making this habitual tracking in an app, like all these other things like I could do strategically to help that priority. And that priority is gonna help that goal.
So hopefully that makes sense. I’m not going to go through everything of mine specifically cause I just want to give you, I don’t want to make this about me and my goals. I just kinda want to give you an illustration cause I know hearing this process is harder when you don’t see it. And so that is kind of how that, how this works.
So you need to pick that one goal. And I told you what mine is, and then you need three priorities, and each priority needs a strategy. And now we do this in business as well. And our business one still fits on one page. It’s still one goal, three priorities, five strategies for each priority. But it’s a lot more complex.
It’s not as simple as, you know, there’s a lot more work involved because there’s a [00:25:00] team of people. there’s a lot of tasks there. They’re just really big. It’s going to take the full year to, to do like, and, and so will the, the personal goal and fitness there. but just know that these can be. This can be as simple and easy as you want or robust and you know, not, I wouldn’t say complicated, but like very robust and still achieve a lot of things.
So I, like I said, I use it for my personal fitness goals as much as I do for business growth over the next year. So it’s very important. It’s very great framework and it all fits on one page and that’s the one, three, five. And so if you want to download one, watch a little bit more videos on that, you can just hit the show notes.
Now you do need to find your lead domino, and this is some pushback I get when people hear me talk about the one thing that like what’s in my one thing, I can’t find it, you know? And, and should I really only ever be focused on one thing? And I’ve started to call this the focus fallacy. And this, this pushes back against a little bit of the information inside of the one [00:26:00] thing.
But I just, I think that it makes people feel bad when they don’t feel like they have, they can’t figure out what their one thing is or they don’t know what it should be. And I like to point to, you know, pilots and a professional chef is. If, if you were to look at a pilot and they’re flying the airplane, you’d be like, okay, yeah, that they’re one thing.
Right now they’re flying the airplane. Great. Okay. Now, chef, they’re in the kitchen. They’re preparing world-class meal, so what’s their one thing? They’re, they’re preparing a meal, but. That’s that. You know, that’s a very broad brush. If you were to go into the pilot cockpit and start documenting what they’re doing, you realize they’re, they’re cross referencing multiple different, you know, gauges and different measurements in there talking to people and they’re using both hands in both feet.
they’re using their eyes, like I said, they’re communicating. There’s, there’s actually a lot of little micro processes like going on. To just do this [00:27:00] one thing that’s called fly the airplane, but we can PR, you can paint that broad brush of, Hey, they’re just flying an airplane. No big deal. Simple, right?
But they’re doing a lot of stuff and that’s really hard to do and it takes a lot of time to learn how to do that. So don’t feel bad if you, if you’re, you feel like you should only ever be doing one thing. One thing is, is juggling a lot of other things. And same with the chef. If you were to give me. Well, listen, listen, I say me cause I’m not a very good cook.
But if you were to give someone who is a fairly good cook, Joe is a good cook.
Jerred Moon: I gave him all day and I gave him, you know, and he had expert instructions on how to prepare this world class meal that Gordon Ramsey makes, he could probably do it. But Gordon Ramsey could probably do that same thing in like 30 minutes.
And that’s the difference between world-class and someone who’s not world-class, right. And the chef is not just making a meal. They. The reason they can do it so fast is because they’re amazing at juggling multiple things at once. You know this bird that you’ve got five [00:28:00] burners on there mixing something over here in the mixer and like there’s just all these different things going on.
But if we just wanted to paint the broad brush, we would say, yeah, they’re just cooking a meal, but there’s a lot more going to that. And the, the juggling is what makes. The person. Great. you know, if, if, if it took a chef, you know, several hours to cook a meal, every single one of his meals, his or her meals, they wouldn’t be very good.
They, they wouldn’t be very good at what they do. It’s, it’s adding that speed element. It’s being able to do everything quickly. And multitask. And that’s like I said, that’s goes against a little bit of what, one of the things that the one thing books says,
Jerred Moon: I truly feel like it needs to be said because people feel bad and they can’t find their one thing or whatever.
So likewise, I have a one thing focused for fitness. I have one thing focused for business, but guess what? I’m also a father, a husband, a brother, a son. You know, I’m juggling a lot of different things in my life. And that’s what is gonna make me a professional. It’s not if, if all I had to do was sit [00:29:00] here and focus on Garage Gym Athlete and that’s it.
That’d be awesome. You know, garage, gym, athlete, it would be amazing. But I would much rather be juggling having three kids and having a wife and doing all these other things and activities and stuff and trying to figure out how to make business work at the same time. It’s a lot more fun, but that’s what makes me professional.
And so. Just keep that in mind and don’t feel bad if you’re like, I should only be ever focusing on one thing and screw everything else. That’s not really how it works. You need to become a professional by learning to juggle multiple things and doing it well, but focusing on what’s important and removing anything and everything that you feel is insignificant or not important to you.
So don’t get wrapped up in the focus fallacy. We can all focus, but we have a lot of other stuff going on most everyone. So you now know what the one three, five is. You know what the focus fallacy is. Now going down from there, there is another document, and I’m going to just go over this one quickly. It’s called the four one one.
So it’s four weeks, one month, one year. [00:30:00] So really, you set your one goal and you typically write that at the top of the page. And then after that you’ll have, your. Monthly goals. So typically personal business, you know, one one to, I’d say one to three, one to five, something like that. And then lastly, you’ll write down your weeks.
So you have your annual goals at the top, your monthly goals, and then your weekly goal. So week one, two, three, and four. And I know this is kinda hard through audio, so please hit the show notes up so you can download these forms and go through our simple goals video and download these worksheets and everything.
But now you’re, you’re taking your plan, your big plan, that you made it with one, three, five and you’re transcribing that to the annual goals and you’re like, okay, for this month, what is it I want to do? Because if it involves, if any of your goals involve habit formation. That is not an easy process.
So if you think, you know, I just quickly mentioned a few things for my goal. If it habit formation is in there at all, is [00:31:00] one habit per month, like max max, that’s all you should be doing. And so my, my January goal could be like, okay, let’s set up this. Let’s make this recovery time activity habitual.
And so let’s set aside that time and do that. So I’m not trying to tackle everything on the one three, five. At every second or every day. You know what? Every week, and this is another place, people get hung up. You’re supposed to do that annual plan you make in the one three, five slowly over the course of the year.
So you want to make sure that it’s going to fit that, and if you Mark things off, great, then you can fill more things in. But you need to make sure that you know you are, you’re slowly building in and getting everything really concrete. So for instance, if you have a big goal and anything’s habitual, then guess what?
That’s your January. January is establishing this one new habit, and if you screw it up, you know what you can do, you can try again. That’s what you need to do. If you screwed up because you are going to screw it up, I’m going to [00:32:00] screw it up. New things are hard, they are uncomfortable, and it’s going to be okay if you’re not perfect because nobody is.
A lot of people throw away their goals, their dreams, because they screwed up somewhere. One time, tripped up, made a mistake, and they didn’t want to continue moving forward. If you screw up, you just start again, and then if you screw up that next day, like say you had a. Five day streak of this new habit you want it to build, and then you’re like, ah, well, two days off, and now it’s all screwed up.
Screw it. Worst mentality ever. But you could do five days, screw up two days in this. You could start the next day, and then if you skip a day because you screwed up again, guess what? You can start again. Eventually it will stick. I promise. Just keep trying. The only thing you can’t do is not do something.
So keep doing it. Keep trying over and over and over and [00:33:00] over until it’s done. Until it’s a habit. Until you become the person you want to be. It’s that simple. All right? So I highly, highly recommend getting your one three, five done. At a minimum, and then the four one one is not really something I need to talk about any further.
It’s more of a framework that holds you accountable to your goals. It makes sure that you’re keeping them in line so you know, you write down, okay, this is what I said. My annual goal was, what do I want to do this month to make sure I’m hitting that annual goal? And then after you have that written down, it’s okay, what am I doing this week?
To make sure I hit that monthly goal. That’s gonna help me meet that annual goal. And that’s just how, it’s, like I said, that’s how I operate in business and personally and it, it will really help you moving forward. So I highly recommend it. And again, if you want to download any of the forms, watch videos on this, and be able to visually get this going, check out the show notes in three fitness.com.
Hit up the [00:34:00] blog, dive into the show notes, and you’ll be able to download all this stuff and check it out. So I do want to end with, ultimately what I want you to do is I, I want you to determine what you want. We talked about this. This, I don’t really have goals is not going to cut it. Okay? So what do you want?
I don’t, it doesn’t matter what it is, but you need to say it out loud. If you’re driving a car right now, say it. What do you want? What do you want? Make a statement. Don’t be scared cause you might not achieve it or you don’t want someone else to hear it. What do you want next? I want you to answer why do you want it?
This is the most important question you can answer. Jim Rohn says, when the why gets stronger, the how gets easier. So let that sink in for a second. When the why gets stronger, the [00:35:00] how it gets easier. How true is that? If you have a gigantic why on why you want to achieve something, how does it really matter?
How has, how has just, you know, the fine print, it’s nothing that’s going to stop you. A lot of people get wrapped up on the how. They’re like, how am I going to do this? But if I said you need to lose. 10 pounds and he said, why? And I said, well, if you don’t lose 10 pounds, I’m going to kill you. You’d be like, well, damn.
All right. I don’t care. It does not matter. I don’t want to die, so I’m going to lose 10 pounds. You see how that works? Like you wouldn’t question about, Oh, well, you know, what about intermittent fasting or your keto or carnivore, you know, or are vegan. You’d just be like, I’m going to do fricking everything until it’s done.
That’s how I’m going to do it. I’m going to get it done. I’m going to find it out, find out, and I’m going to try, try, try again. And so really answer that question, why you want it. So what do you want? Make [00:36:00] sure you know what you want. No more of this arbitrary BS. What do you want? Why do you want it?
Sometimes I have to walk athletes through this exercise of going five layers deep. So why do you want it after you answer that, respond again. Okay. Why do you want that thing. You keep answering why? To the previous answer. It’s kind of like a, when you’re, when you have like a five-year-old, but sometimes we have to do that to find out what your intrinsic motivator is, because these extrinsic motivators aren’t very helpful for most people.
So the last thing I want you to do is write it down and tell someone I don’t care who you can tell me. Shoot me an email, write it down and tell somebody about it. So the research is pretty clear on writing down your goals, makes you about close to 40% more effective. I think it’s 37% [00:37:00] last I checked and he write it down.
So you know what you want. You know why you want it. You’re going to write it down. You’re now 37% more likely to achieve your goal than anyone else. But if you have, if you tell someone about it and this, someone can hold you accountable to your goal, you’re 76% more likely to achieve it than anyone else.
Think about that for a second. What do you want? Why you want it? Write it down. Tell someone, have them hold you accountable. Now when we talk about this accountability piece, I don’t normally recommend that being someone who will ever cut you any Slack. If you’re going to tell your brother about your goal and your brother doesn’t actually care if you complete your goal, and we’ll also be too lenient if you skip out or don’t do it, then maybe your brother is not the person who should be holding you accountable.
Maybe find somebody else. In your community and garaging madly, [00:38:00] community, wherever it’s going to be. Find someone who actually holds you accountable. It doesn’t really take no for an answer. Now you’re not going to get punished for it, but when you’re like, Hey, I said I was going to work out, you know, four days per week, and then you have a weekly check in with someone and they’re like, you’re like, I worked out three days last week.
Their response should not be. You know what, get it, get next week, try her next week. They should be like, well, that’s unacceptable. What rent, what went wrong? And what are you going to do differently to make sure that doesn’t happen again? That’s the response you want from an accountability partner, not someone who’s just going to let you off the hook.
And I’ve talked about, you know, these fun, strategies where you can, you know, write a check to a friend and, have that friend either cash the check or give that check to a. Charity you don’t like or whatever. If you are, if you don’t do what you say you’re going to do, we have a lot of this kind of training inside a Garage Gym Athlete as well for members and you know, a lot of stuff [00:39:00] on accountability and making sure you stick to your goals.
So that stuff’s in there as well. Another resource in our members area. But this is ultimately what I want you to you guys to do. So what you want, why you want it, and write it down and then tell somebody about it and have them hold you accountable. So that’s everything. Guys, just a quick recap. A lot of new things coming here to the podcast in 2020 and if you want to get those books I was talking about, it’s the one thing and deep work.
We have a lot of this stuff in the show notes that you can download videos to watch for them to fill out. If you’re nerdy goal-setter like me, you can check it out, get your one three fives done, and then print off those four Oh one ones every month to make sure that you’re moving forward. and ultimately find out what you want.
Why you want it, write it down and tell someone about it. All right guys, let’s crush 2020! I’ll see you on the next episode.
Thanks for listening to the Garage Gym Athlete podcast. Do you want to learn more? Go to garagegymathlete.com. You can learn about our training. Let us send you a copy of our book, The Garage Gym Athlete, or you can even get featured on the Garage Gym Athlete podcast.
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