What is End of Three Fitness?
How about I show you, rather than tell you?
As the guy who created this site, my aim is simple:
EO3 will do anything and everything to make you (and me) better than you were yesterday; a better human.
That’s why we have a ton of resources (95% of them free) aimed at making you a better human. But rather than me rambling on telling you about what resources are available, I decided we would do a “case study†of sorts.
The purpose is to show you someone’s journey here at End of Three Fitness and shed some light on how you may be able to implement some of the same principles.
I’ve decided to call this cast study: DIY Harder to Kill, and you’ll see why in just a minute. This is “Jumper’s” story, that’s his name in the community forums and that’s how we’ll refer to him today.
Well, let’s jump right into Jumper’s experience.
Take it away!
Pumping Iron to Police Elite
Let’s start at the beginning!
My entry to the fitness world was less about fitness and more about pumping iron, getting big and protein shakes, a.k.a Arnold. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at ‘globo’ gyms, and loved the discipline that came with going to the gym 4-7 times a week. I changed countries several times and therefore gyms, in Ireland, Australia, and back to NZ.
When I decided to chase my dream of a career in the Police, I knew I had to step up my fitness. Years of ‘bulking and pumping’ meant I couldn’t run my 2.4km (1.5mi) time in under 10 minutes. So I had to up my cardio, which I hated! But I got there, with not much to spare, and carried on at the gym.
To be fair, being bigger than most gave (gives) me a physical presence which is extremely helpful in my line of work. Ironically, it also means my communication is more effective than most – people listen!
To take my dream further, I wanted in with the AOS (SWAT equivalent).
Several friends had been successful, so I was sure to ask plenty of questions. Basically the answer was: fitness, fitness, fitness
So something had to change
I had a little exposure with CrossFit, and decided to break up with the gym and join a box. I found a great box with two ex-military lads running it which had a good reputation.
Also, at this time, I started my ‘other’ dream: having a garage gym. It started with the intro to CrossFit, and Rogue Fitness videos. Particularly, the video where they fit out a single car garage and get Mikko Salo to test it out ‘You can basically do evvvvery CrossFit workout’.
At home, I had a car port with a roof, and started looking into converting it to a garage – purely for making into a home gym. I bought a roller door, and it sat in my back yard for far too many months.
Long story short, organizing my builder, getting the plans approved, etc took far too long. 7 months, in fact!
During this time, particularly at the beginning of this obsession, I trawled the net looking for inspiration. Anything reallygear, ideas, workouts, etcThere were a few CrossFit types who had converted their garage into a garage gym, a few images, but nothing too in-depth.
DIY Fitness, DIY Gear, DIY Attitude…
Then, I stumbled across End of Three Fitness and loved it. Here was this dude with not just a fondness for DIY – DIY Fitness, DIY gear, DIY attitude, but a passion for it. I followed the community (rally point) for months even before I made my first post.
My plan was to train for AOS selection in my garage, but timing didn’t allow.
Local selection was called earlier than normal, in July (traditionally November). I stepped up my game and smashed it. My views on fitness had changed, and I found it easier to push myself further which meant better results. Although I was training at my local box, I had to do a lot of training on top of that in my own time.
I used some End of Three Fit workouts, but mostly I just found inspiration in the EO3 community online – just hearing about their grind and battles.
A successful local selection meant national selection four weeks later, a short turn around. So four more intense weeks and I got to experience the hardest three and a half days of my life. But I made it through (I had decided I was going to pass or they were going to carry me out in a body bag).
Just as I finished national selection my garage was finished. Most of the gear I already had waiting to go – bar, bumpers, pull up bar, kettlebells. Inspired by the DIY section on EO3, I was able to make a few items for my own – push/pull sled, jump box, and GHD/back extension that works in conjunction with the jump box. I also built a lifting platform that I had to level…the cobblestones were out of whack too much!
I was given a cheap rower which was great for the price, but I don’t regret spending the money and getting the Concept2 Rower. It’s amazing. I named my garage the smashbox. Plain, simple, and direct. It’s a box, i.e. a small space. Smash, as in get in there and smash the back out of whatever you’re doing! My hashtag is #getitdone (even though I have nowhere to hashtag, I’m not on social media *gasp!*)
So…back from national selection, (FYI, still plenty more to do before I make the squad, but the hard part is done!) and my garage is finally ready.
Programs and articles…
First thing I did was purchase One Man One Barbell, I knew it would be a great program. My strength training had taken a noticeable toll during my conditioning for selection, as I knew it would. I was keen to build my strength back up without losing too much fitness (I had just spent months on improving my conditioning). So October 2014 I purchased the program and was really impressed with how well it was put together. There was more depth to the program, more study, and more options than I thought there would be, and I was expecting good things!
So I guess it’s coming up four months I have been running my strength program now. Very happy with it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hard work. Very challenging. But I’m getting results I’m very happy with, consistent strength improvements. My latest test for a 1-Rep Max front squat and strict press were my best ever!
So, officially stronger and fitter than ever, and happier about how I feel. I trained hard all through my 20’s, and now, at 31, I’m better than ever!
I throughly enjoy the blog as well. Jerred puts time into researching his articles, and it shows in the depth and quality of material he produces – and that information is free. Which I always dig, because it further demonstrates just how crazy he is for fitness, strength, and improvement.
For instance taking cold shower to recover and become tougher..
Sure I’ll try it. Pow. Again, cold showers are their own challenge, but they definitely work.
I also loved the article of fixing holes in your brain. Eat eggs! (I was already a fan of whole eggs, not the whites only type approach, so smiled when I read that particular article).
A Community which pushes you…
Recently on the forum (rally point) one of the guys (VidaMD) asked who was doing the garage games world-wide workout. Tickled my fancy, then we basically decided we shouldn’t wait a year to do one, we should do one regularly. Ideas were hashed, coffee was consumed, and we forged a cool new idea. Any one who wants to do our monthly workout, can! And everyone who participates will get a go and writing the monthly workout. It’s only early days, but the guys are pretty excited about it.
It’s a great way to get guy and gals personally involved on a global scale; from Waikato to Wisconsin and beyond! The first one was launched, and heck, it was only Vida and myself that did it, but it was a whole lot of fun! The second one is due shortly, I’m looking forward to it! Vida has produced some FAQs, and some more lads will surely give the next one a crack. And yes we did do the world-wide workout, it was good fun!
Think the above example just demonstrates the cool medium that we have available – people from all over the world coming together to become better humans!
So really, I’m relatively fresh to End of Three Fitness, just under a year, and I’ve been doing One Man One Barbell for about four months. But I’m loving it. It’s kinda hard case, working out in a single car garage that’s freaking hot in summer – gives an immense sense of freedom. My sounds, my platform, my grunting, my sweat, my blood. No tears though. There’s no crying in the smashbox.
But is End of Three Fitness for YOU…?
So would I recommend any part of eo3? Absolutely.
But is eo3 for everyone? Nope. Why??
- Some people don’t want to work hard….
- They don’t want to challenge themselves….
- They don’t want to improve….
- They want to complain, blame, and dream….
But for the ‘other guy’?
The guy that wants more, to be fitter, faster, stronger, and to be a better human, a better version of him/herself?
Hell yeah!
If you are that guy, then this is definitely a place you should stop and spend some time (not too much, there’s work to be done).
What an awesome story from a member of this online community!
It’s so awesome to see how EO3 can influence people in different ways, however small or big. I know I didn’t do anything to help Jumper become the man he is, but it’s awesome that End of Three Fitness was involved in his journey.
Thanks for sharing Jumper!
To becoming a better human,