Hey Athletes! Want to learn more about our coaching tier? Then tune into this week’s AMA!
Episode 40 of Ask Me Anything is up!
Ask Me Anything: What Is Our Coaching Tier All About?
This week’s Ask Me Anything is a question about our coaching tier. Jerred and Joe talk about what an athlete will receive from one of our coaches and how it works!
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Ask Me Anything: What Is Our Coaching Tier All About?
[00:00:00] Jerred Moon: Welcome to garage the math. He asked me anything. It’s pretty simple. I’ll be answering questions from the thousands of athletes that follow our daily programming. If you have a question or topic you want submitted, go to dot com slash AMA. Let’s get started.
Welcome to garage gym athlete. Ask me anything. It’s pretty simple. I’ll be answering questions from the thousands of athletes that follow our daily programming. If you have a question or topic you want submitted, go to dot com slash AMA. Let’s get started.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage, the monthly podcast chairman here with Joe Courtney. It’s up, Joe. Hey, here we are. So shad has a question, which is completely self [00:01:00] serving and awesome for us, because we get to promote one of our services, but he says, can you expound on what the coaching plan of GGA offers?
Thanks. So if you’re not aware, we do have. Two different levels of membership at garage gym athlete. the first is $25 a month. this is where a lot of athletes reside and you get access to all the programming tracks, PR shirts, all the stuff that we do at garage athlete. Now the coaching level is currently $47 a month.
This is something that could change in the future. So depending on when you’re watching, this is a very important, but right now it’s $47 a month. And. You get everything in that $25 a month of $25 a month. Tier programming switch tracks. At any time you get access to a little bit more of a personalized experience at garage
So the programming doesn’t necessarily change, but you get access to a coach. so a coach will actually do a zoom call with you or a phone call with you. This is on a, on a monthly basis, one to two of these calls per month, they will [00:02:00] map out a plan for you with nutrition, and then hitting that cadence of a monthly basis of doing these calls.
The biggest thing that we are trying to do with this coaching tier is to not provide a personalized 100% personalized. Like you get your own programming, everything is different than every other track. That’s not what we want to do. Cause we all have our athletes. Having that same experience. Now, like I said, this could change in the future.
but right now, what we’re really want someone to get is when you’re trying to target something a little bit more specific and maybe you need it. That’s that dialed in nutrition. Yes. Do get a 100% dialed in nutrition plan, from our coaches. And you also get that accountability, which is huge. in fitness.
So if you are struggling with sticking to a nutrition plan or sticking to the fitness plan and you get to talk to a coach every couple of weeks, every two weeks to see how you’re doing, that’s what the coaching tier offers is really that accountability and nutrition piece that isn’t as packed into the normal garage gym athlete membership.
Joe Courtney: And on top of that there’s video reviews. So if you’re, if you’ve been on the fence or on [00:03:00] the, think your form needs will need some help or you’re, you’re trying to get some more PRS, but you think it is a form is lacking. we do video reviews for those as well and fully break down and even send links of like how to improve certain things and what mobility you might need to work on to improve those.
And, A lot of times, people that joined the coaching, I’ve already been athletes for a couple of months and they just like, okay, you know, I’m committed to the program. I want the, I love the programming and all these different tracks, but I really need to dial in X, Y, and Z, or they needed help doing, you know, substitution of this, that, and the other.
And then just a more hyper-focused. On to get the most out of the, the program, you know, just a little, little, little step up from, from the regular, tier, just to really, get, get the PRS that, that they want.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. Being a true solo garage team athlete can be hard. So if you need that form, review that nutrition help that accountability it’s there for you.
And to be honest, at $47 a month for what we’re providing. And the reason I said this could change is that we’re way under charging. So if this is something, I mean, if you just look at. That level of service anywhere else, [00:04:00] you’re gonna be paying a lot more. So like this could change. If anyone is interested in it, definitely check it out.
we even close it down at times. You don’t even know it. We don’t like announce it. It’ll just kinda be shut down for a little while because we just can’t take on more athletes at that level to provide the level of service that we want to. but if it’s open@garagegymathlete.com. you can go check it out.
but yeah, that’s all I have. Do you have anything else about it? Nope. No shad. That’s awesome. You, I love questions where we get to promote our business a little bit more. Either tier is awesome. so if you, you are a member of ours and you’ve been listening to any of these AMS, go to dot com. Sign up for a free membership.
the 47, the coaching does not come with a free trial because you’re talking to a coach right off the bat. but the $25 a month, when does come with a free trial for 14 days, you can sign up. but that’s it. If anybody else has a question, especially awesome win like this, go to dot com slash AMA. We will get that question answered.
If you’re on YouTube, give us a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel. Also leave us a comment. And if you are listening to this five star review, positive comment helps us out a long way, but that’s it for this one, guys. Thanks [00:05:00] for watching.
I hope you enjoy. Today’s ask me anything episode two, one more time. If you want to submit a question, topic or idea you can do. so@garagegymathlete.com slash AMA and Hey, while you’re there, if you haven’t already signed up for garage, gym athlete membership, we are the best community and programming on the internet.
I dare you to try and prove me wrong.
I hope you enjoy. Today’s ask me anything episode. So one more time. If you want to submit a question, topic or idea you can do. so@garagegymathlete.com slash AMA, and Hey, while you’re there, if you haven’t already sign up for garage, gym athlete membership, we are the best community and programming on the internet.
I dare you to try and prove me wrong.