Hey Athletes! Want to get some answers to the most common asked questions here at GGA? Then tune into this week’s new cycle quickfire episode!
Episode 37 of Ask Me Anything is up!
Ask Me Anything: New Cycle Quick Fire
In this week’s episode of Ask Me Anything, the coaches decided to try something new. First, Ashley joins Jerred and Joe to tackle this episode. Second, each coach answers a commonly asked question in a quickfire fashion.
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Ask Me Anything: New Cycle Quick Fire
[00:00:00] Jerred Moon: Welcome to garage gym athlete asked me anything. It’s pretty simple. I’ll be answering questions from the thousands of athletes that follow our daily programming. If you have a question or topic you want submitted, go to dot com slash AMA. Let’s get started.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage gym athlete podcast. Jared moon here with Ashley Hicks. How’s it going?
Ashley Hicks: Going great.
Jerred Moon: And Joe Courtney hydro man,
Joe Courtney: actually welcome to the first AMA. Welcome to Wednesday.
Ashley Hicks: Thank you. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the cool kids club.
Jerred Moon: She is part of the AMA and it’s a new style AMA.
So this is just all sorts of new things happening right now. so this isn’t ask me anything. We’re calling it the, ask me anything new cycle, quick fire question, answer session now. So we’re gonna, we have, Joe basically jotted down eight very common questions that we [00:01:00] get any time a new cycle kicks off.
I let them know that. Yeah, I could probably talk about each one of these for 10 minutes. So we’re going to try and keep each one to around a minute. I can be a talker at times, so we’ll see what happens, but I’m going to shoot for 60 seconds. not just me, you know, all of us within 60 seconds. Joe, you don’t have to read the question fast.
So the answers might come quick. You guys might have to rewind. So on the clock, wait, I will use a stopwatch. You guys just won’t be able to see it. It’s more, it’s more for like pressure, more fun. Wait I’m so I’m stopped. I’m still trying to figure out how to use a Garmin.
Ashley Hicks: It’s going to be like, you know, when you do the MES or whatever, and they like tell you to wrap up your speech.
Joe Courtney: Cause I, I, I do a quick button, custom button, you know, government does that.
Jerred Moon: Don’t even. Okay. All right. I won’t start it until you read the first question. So first question, what do you have. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Let’s go ahead and determine an order who [00:02:00] wants to go first?
Joe Courtney: This is it. This will be turning this into a game.
Jerred Moon: Alright,
Joe Courtney: I’m gonna go with, I’ll say, cause I’m reading. I’ll just say my first thing real quick and then I’ll pass.
Jerred Moon: You go, Ashley goes, I go,
Joe Courtney: okay, cool. Are we, are we happy now?
Jerred Moon: Ask me anything quick fire.
Joe Courtney: Let’s 10 minutes later. Okay. First one is. How are, so this is just brief overview. How are the cycles structured?
And the first, the main thing that I will say is that each week it’s comprised of four work, four workout days with a fifth optional day. And you can do them in any order you want on any day of the week. You want whatever you want, depending on what your schedule is like.
Ashley Hicks: Yep. And then the cycles are 12 weeks long.
You’ve got three de-load weeks in there as well. So, you’re nice and balanced.
Jerred Moon: You guys are just going to steal it all to where I don’t have anything to say. So they nailed it. Next question. [00:03:00] That was 28 seconds.
Joe Courtney: Well, okay.
Jerred Moon: wait. Okay. It they’re 12 weeks in long, 12 weeks, long they’re four week waves.
so every four weeks is kind of a great time period to come into the training. There’s, de-load where we’re doing body geometry and a lot of zone two work. and every 12 weeks we kind of change up the focus of each cycle.
Joe Courtney: Next, what are some apps? What are some tips you have for the apps or a quick app rundown?
for those? So, one thing that I will go into is that if you have needed to know any, demo videos for, or exercises, there’s usually yeah. A demo video, a small red button in that thing. Or if there isn’t one listed, it’s a circuit, then we always have an exercise finder at the bottom of every workout.
You can just search for whatever you’re looking for and pull up the video that way.
Ashley Hicks: Those three dots at the bottom, right? more.dot dot has a lot of links and documents. Sorry that, help you out there. Cause that’s where you’ll [00:04:00] find those, exercise helpers as well as track changes, and then also pay attention to the colors and the lettering.
when you look so for super sets for, so if it’s a BB and it’s the same color, you want to do those one right after the other kind of thing.
Jerred Moon: Okay. She stole my app tip. So my active is going to move to, going to the actual exercises themselves and possibly changing or setting your max, pinning your max, if you will.
Well, like what, what are Apple do is calculate your max. So if you were to do like some crazy amount of weight for 15 reps, it’s going to be like, you’re way stronger than you think you are. And it’s going to auto adjust your like say squat, max, and that can be. Annoying. When you get into later sets, you’re like, Whoa, I shouldn’t be lifting off 50 pounds heavier than this, but you can go into the app where like back squat is and like lock it.
And so you can lock it to her. This is my max. Don’t change it. And then it won’t change anyway. So that’s my tip for the app.
Joe Courtney: Next. And this one is the big [00:05:00] one is probably the most popular one that we get every single time, somebody new changes. And that is, and I’m going to kick it to Jared first on this before me and that is blocks.
What are the blocks and tips on staying in the blocks?
Jerred Moon: Yeah. So the blocks there are, They are 10 minutes of training. And that doesn’t mean we, every single thing is broken down into 10 minutes. It can be three blocks, four blocks. We can have five blocks. So each workout should fit into one hour. that last block we call the invisible block time, check your phone, all these things to transition with weights.
so every week we programmed five blocks of 50 minutes worth of training. To stay within the blocks. You just need a time cap yourself if it’s out of block and move on, that’s the biggest thing. and then you’ll find out over time that you’re going to get fitter and more efficient and be able to fit all the training in as you should.
Ashley Hicks: I will. Second what Jared said, just move on. Or if you want to take a little bit, if you have a little more time, like more than 60 minutes or more than 30 minutes, depending on what track you’re on, then, you know, you can take. [00:06:00] A little longer if you need
Jerred Moon: to.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. And block zero is our warmup. That is the first block it’s started blood zero.
We always program. And one of every day, why don’t you just take you about 10 minutes, but you don’t need to do our own luck, but you have to warm up. So you can do the blocks of year that we have programmed, but you don’t have to do what we do as long as you do it. Something for 10 minutes before your starting block.
Walk next, this won’t take 60 seconds. Is there a sample program?
Jerred Moon: Okay. Garage gym athlete.com/ 2020. Correct. If it’s the year 2020,
Joe Courtney: it’s a Griffendor. No. Okay.
Jerred Moon: that’s great. We don’t ask for email address or anything. Just go there, get it, look at it. Train.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. Yes. Yeah. The equipment. What is there some equipment or common equipment that we will be using for the programming, what you might need and don’t need or fun to have.
So barbell and rec called it first. Next.
Ashley Hicks: Kettlebells, you can use dumbbells too.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. Typical
[00:07:00] Joe Courtney: any one kettlebell, but you know, the more the merrier
Jerred Moon: hello bar plyometric box. I’d add to those things. I think that covers just about.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. Sometimes we do have med ball stuff that are programmed, but most times we can sub those with a kettlebell or something depends on what the stimulus we’re going for and the same thing with the sandbag.
But I think we did an entire M AMA on Sabine and stimulus and stuff like that. But just more, the thing is if you need help with it, just reach out. Of course, in the feed posts in the closed Facebook
Jerred Moon: group, whatever it is, the funniest thing that we do is program reverse, hyper and say, do Superman. It really should be the other way around.
Do Superman’s and then. Sub upscale up with the reverse hyper. If you have one, Hey, I’m the one who does it. I write the programming, but it’s because I ha I have a reverse hyper and I want you all to have a reverse hyper to one day. So that’s why I just leave it in there.
Joe Courtney: Well, and yet, if you have boxes, just extra boxes and kick your heels.
Yeah. That’s what I would always do. All right. If you want to add some additional training, additional running, you have cardio goals or another event. How [00:08:00] would you go about adding those? I mentioned before that you can do there’s a four program days per week, and then a fifth optional day. So feel free to have that fifth officer day be the extra training that you want to do.
Cardio and whatnot.
Ashley Hicks: Listen to your body. if you need a rest day, take a rest day, but I would use maybe the Thursday or Sunday as a running day for you. If, if you want to get in all of the four days of our training, but yeah, that’s my suggestion.
Jerred Moon: I would say, assess how serious your goal actually is because I’ve done.
This is just anecdotal now. So this is for me alone, but I’ve done Spartan, beast, all and everything in between with not really doing anything extra, like just doing it hard to kill track. The only time I add something is that I’m doing like the a hundred mile bike race. Cause that’s a little bit more serious, longer duration.
So I will more cycling like they said, but. If you are, if you have like a, what are, what’s the middle tier Spartan race called the [00:09:00] super super, if you’re doing a super Spartan race or whatever, and you’re falling hard to kill, you probably don’t need any additional. Yeah. Great. So, and anything less than that, you really don’t need any additional training.
So the training is pretty well suited for most things. but maybe yeah, throwing some more running, if there’s going to be running or whatever.
Joe Courtney: What have you, what do you do if you don’t have a garage? we are an equal opportunity, programming fitness group. And although we like to tease Globo gyms and those, the, those types, plenty of people don’t have their own garages or gyms or like the cities, or, you know, like me, our military and work at a military gym.
So. Everything could still be done. Sometimes you got to get a little creative, but you know, actually you dealt with that in jolly old London,
Ashley Hicks: England, but yeah. Yeah. I worked out at a military base for years. And then, you can do it in your house if you are not. I mean, if you’re on the no gear track, let’s say Rhona’s still ruining some things for you.
You can just do it in your living room. You could do it outside, [00:10:00] you know, get creative. You can find a space in. Take some equipment outside and do it out there.
Jerred Moon: When I started my first official start as a garage gym athlete, I went to a field where there was a railroad tie and that was all I used. And then I got a pair of rinks.
And then after pairings, I built a plyometric box. After that, I bought a barbell. So you don’t need a lot. You can really do anything anywhere, but if you are in the basement, the basement dwellers, or you go to a gym or whatever, you’re, you’re going to be covered. It doesn’t really matter where you’re at.
The programming is effective. Wherever you drink.
Joe Courtney: And to cap it off, let’s talk about form fail and, or an end inform with tempo. So I’ll just talk about form with tempo. And that is one of the, one of the benefits of tempo lifting, which will program in which the strength Jack is going to start off with.
The cycle is that the slow and controlled reps, you can really dial in your form, make sure you’re paying attention just as long as you have the right load, the right way to do so. So pay attention to your form, [00:11:00] especially with tempo, because you’re going to be spending a lot of time under tension with those, and then that will help you when you, we move to dynamic and explosive efforts.
Ashley Hicks: Yeah, I think form should be important no matter what we are doing. and again, I love tempo for that reason, Joe. and then. just make sure that you’re never doing something too heavy. You can’t do it with correct form or, B you’re going to hurt and injure yourself.
Jerred Moon: Yeah, so form is always something I try and preach in the athlete briefs.
wait is a magnifying glass. So to put that in perspective with other things, alcohol is the magnifying glass. If you have, if you know a friend or somebody and they get tips or whatever, if they’re more of an asshole, they’re probably just an asshole and they they’re removing their, their drinking. And they’re just showing them their true selves.
Same with money. You know, someone, if someone. Finds a bunch of money or, you know, wins a lottery or whatever. And they do a bunch of crappy things with their money. That’s just probably who they are and the money magnifying that now [00:12:00] weight is the same kind of magnifying glass. If you have crappy form, you’re trying to cheat reps and then you add a bunch of weight over time.
It’s going to expose all those weaknesses and end up in a horrific injury. So fix the form now, drop the ego and really stay focused on very intentional repetitions. Every time you do that, that’s it. That’s it quickfire ask me anything. Awesome. Loved it. Well, that’s it for this one, guys. If you are listening on the pod.
Podcasts, please. Five star review, positive comment helps us out. and then YouTube subscribe, thumbs up comment. Let us know what you like. Let us know how you loved this new style and with Ashley here as well. So even better. So that, that’s it for this one, guys. Thanks for watching or listening.
I hope you enjoy. Today’s ask me anything episode two, one more time. If you want to submit a question, topic or idea you can do. So at garage gym, mathlete.com/ama and [00:13:00] Hey, while you’re there, if you haven’t already sign up for garage gym athlete membership, we are the best. Community and programming on the internet.
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