A garage gym comes with a sense of pride. I mean you created it, you clean it, you workout in it. If it is dirty or poorly put together than this can only reflect on you, right? Well good news is it isn’t that serious, but there are some items you just have to have if you plan on making a garage gym (aside from the mandatory items to make a GYM).
1.) Radio/Stereo System
- If you are the type of person who enjoys working out in silence, quit being that person. Some workouts I am bothered by too much noise, but if you are trying to get amped up for a 1 rep max you need some audible motivation. This can be a cheap old radio or something that hooks to an ipod where you can set your own playlists. I once saw a crossfit video where the guy would play terrible music because it would make him want to finish the workout sooner where he could turn it off quicker. This is a must for the garage gym. Especially if you aren’t alone. A couple of guys grunting in a silent garage could get some rumors flowing in the neighborhood.
- A garage gym is completely susceptible to its environmental surroundings. Meaning when it is hot, it is going to be HOT. I live in Texas. I pushed some WODs out this past summer in a 115+ degree garage. Ouch. Well now you are probably thinking what does this have to do with chalk. If you are getting super sweaty in really hot temperatures that bar is going to be hot and slippery halfway through the WOD. More important than being comfortable is being safe. I use chalk on the regular in those situations. The more the better. If you are working out alone and drop the weight on yourself you’re in trouble. I say use chalk and use it often for safety.
- I am going to do a standalone post on the concentration dot to dive more into the mental and physical connections between working out and muscle memory. Until then…A concentration dot is simple. I put it on the wall right in front of where I squat about mid torso height. Just draw a dot on a piece of tape and slap it on the wall. The idea is to completely focus on the dot during your lift. Mental concentration can go a long way in physical fitness. Concentrate on the dot and think about the lift. Never take your eyes off of the dot and perform the lift how you taught yourself to do so. You’ll be amazed when going for those 1 and 3 RMs.
- In my opinion nice flooring should be the last on your list when making a garage gym. I mean it’s important but not necessary. Cardboard will work just fine. I use cardboard for push-ups, sit-ups, and really anything that involves me being on the ground. We moved not too long ago so I have a stockpile of cardboard boxes too.
5.) Motivational (something)
- To each his own on this one. If quotes do it for you, then print off some quotes and put them around your garage gym. If it’s pictures of whatever, put those pics up. Whatever may make you work a little harder. It can be something very personal to get the intrinsic motivation going. Or it can be superficial to get the extrinsic motivation going, which never lasts long….