Finally! The Ultimate WOD Log is ready to be released! This one has been in the works for a while and I am glad to finally get it out there. I absolutely love this thing and I use it to track all of my workouts. It is great! I can easily track all of my CrossFit, strength and endurance workouts. It has about a dozen other features packed in there that make it a very useful training tool. Here I’ll let you take a look at the rest. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!!
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[wpcol_1third id=”” class=”” style=””]DO….
Personal Data Sheet
Nutrition Log
[wpcol_1third id=”” class=”” style=””]MORE….
PR Tracker
Wendler Strength Program Calculator
1, 3, and 5 Rep Max Calculator
Basic Strength Standards Calculator
[wpcol_1third_end id=”” class=”” style=””]FASTER….
Conversions Calculator
Master WOD List
CrossFit.Com RSS Feed
Substitution Picker
About The Ultimate WOD Log
Taking CrossFit back to its roots!!
- I don’t want a share button.
- I don’t want to challenge a virtual friend.
- I want no nonsense training with a no nonsense log.
….I set out to find just that, and couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for. I found a lot of half put together excel sheets and websites that wanted to charge me a MONTHLY FEE just to track my workouts….
This inspired me to put my vision to life!! The IDEA was simple:
- Create an excel based document that has everything we would want as crossfitters.
We did just that!! The GOAL:
- To help you as much as possible without too much hassle, and to keep an easy log that will last for a long time.
I hope you enjoy The Ultimate WOD Log!!