This one comes up quite a bit. What kind of flooring do I get!?!?! Flooring is important for your safety and for your equipment. So what do you use and how should you use it?
First Things First
You do not need to completely re-do your garage gym with a specific type of flooring. All you need is enough to where your weights would hit the rubber and not the concrete, or just enough for you to stand on.
3 Popular Options
1.) Academy / Amazon
If you prefer to buy in store and you have a local Academy around you can get cheap flooring (mats) there. It is pretty cheap and you can expect about the same on the quality, but it is great for the price.
If you like to order online, Amazon carries just about everything. They will have the same stuff Academy has AND they have horse stall mats which I will introduce in the next option. Even if you go to Academy for you mats I would check out the Amazon reviews. There are some good reviews posted with pictures, complaints, and praises.
Academy Options: CAP Barbell Puzzle Mat 6-Pack
Amazon Options: Horse Stall Mats or Cap Barbell Mat
2.) Tractor Supply
This option really only works if you have a Tractor Supply Co. in your local area, but most people do. You can check out their website Tractor Supply Co. and type in your zip code to find a store near you. You are looking for horse stall mats. They are a little bit more expensive than the Academy/Amazon option, but they are certainly more durable.
3.) Rogue Fitness
This comes down to how much money you are willing to spend, just like everything in a garage gym. Rogue Fitness has the mats/flooring that will last forever. I have not owned it, but I have worked out on it. Very durable, practically indestructible, but you will pay for it, and then you will pay for the shipping too. Do a search on their site for flooring and mats. They are different. One you will have to contact them for pricing and the other is just expensive.
Secret Option #4
Got an old mattress? This worked for me for a long time. I had an old futon mattress from college that was banished from the house after I got married. I would use an old piece of plywood, or most of the time just make sure the concrete was swept, for my platform. I do not drop my weights unless it is actually necessary. A lot of CrossFitters drop the weight because they think it is cool, it’s not cool. Especially if you spent a lot of money on your equipment….ANYWAY…if I needed to drop I would drop on the mattress. Saves my weights and my money. Definitely is an option. Not as visually appealing, but it works! Long live functionality!!