Hey, Athletes! Do you think that glycogen depletion could impact your lifting? Tune into this week’s episode to find out.
Episode 77 of The Garage Gym Athlete Podcast is up!
Does Glycogen Depletion Impact Lifting?
In this week’s podcast Jerred, Joe, Ashley, and Kyle are back again! They give us their updates and announcements before going into the study. This week’s study is on glycogen depletion and how it affects weight lifting. For this week’s topic crew talk about fit week during the holidays. They give you tips on how to tackle fit week during this busy season. Lastly, this week’s Meet Yourself Saturday Workout is a tried and true Eo3 5K! Get after this one!
If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to the Garage Gym Athlete podcast either on Stitcher, iTunes, or Google Play by using the link below:
- Glycogen Depletion
- Fit Week
- Workouts During The Holidays
- Eo3 5K
- Kyle’s Winning Christmas Attire
- Tips For MYS
- Updates and Announcements
- And A LOT MORE!!
Diving Deeper
If you want to go a little bit deeper on this episode, here are some links for you:
Study of the Week
Garage Gym Athlete Workout of the Week
Be sure to listen to this week’s episode:
Related Resources at End of Three Fitness:
- Impact of Varying Dosages of Fish Oil on Recovery and Soreness
- Dr. Robert Pastore on How Dietary Sensitivities Can Impact Recovery and the Importance of Sleep
Thanks for listening to the podcast, and if you have any questions be sure to add it to the comments below!
To becoming better!
Jerred Moon
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage mathlete podcast Jerred Moon here with Joe Courtney Kasha. I’m Ashley Hicks. How’s it going?
Kyle Shrum
Merry Christmas. This is
Jerred Moon
the Christmas. So if you’re not watching on YouTube, we’re all festively dressed right now. Me probably the most three
Joe Courtney
Ashley Hicks
Joe Courtney
3.5. Okay, you don’t get it. Yeah. This is like the person in the in the group project that just kind of showed up to hold the pairs.
Kyle Shrum
This is the guy who did nothing for the group project.
Joe Courtney
I brought.
Jerred Moon
Some people only ever listened. But so I did actually dress up. You know, I have a Santa Claus hat on.
Joe Courtney
And it wasn’t yours. Yeah.
Jerred Moon
Well, let’s do a vote. Who wins?
Hold on.
Jerred Moon
You can’t vote for yourself. So do vote Joe. Who do you vote for?
Joe Courtney
revoke Kyle, because he is soldiering on through the sweater. That’s because it is hot. And I mean, I have I have sweaters as well, but I want with the T shirt because it is hot. Even though that’s his only sweater. But he’s also been killing it with the Christmas mugs because he has yet another one behind him.
Kyle Shrum
my sweater lights up as well. Okay,
Jerred Moon
and it lights up. So okay, actually, who do you vote for?
Ashley Hicks
About for Kyle to I like the rack. That is also Christmas lights. And then of course you got Elf on the Shelf.
Joe Courtney
She likes your rack.
Ashley Hicks
Okay. Ah.
Jerred Moon
Although for Kyle, too, so just we’ll just go unanimous. Kyle, I was festively dressed.
Ashley Hicks
Does he get a white elephant gift? How do we do this?
Kyle Shrum
You know, this was like a robot gift card
Jerred Moon
in the amount of shipping costs. All right. Well, let’s get some updates. Kyle, I think that you have the most important updates. And you also won, this will be your prize.
Hey, yeah, man, I
Jerred Moon
get to go first get to go first. prize. Yes. dressing the best.
Kyle Shrum
All right. So biggest update is I got to meet Marco in person over the weekend. He and his wife came up to Chattanooga, to do a little vacation. And because Chattanooga is a fantastic vacation destination, if anyone’s wondering, you should come. But got to meet Marco. That’s really cool. Because, you know, I know we all seem really friendly. And we’re best friends and stuff on the podcasts. And people were probably jealous. But we all hate each other awesome. But this is an online business. We don’t get to actually see each other that much. And so this was the first time I’ve ever met Marco. And now the only one on the team that I have not met in person is vd. And so Mzs almost there.
Joe Courtney
They’re nice.
Jerred Moon
Marco is the only one I haven’t met in person. I’m sure it’ll happen at some point.
Kyle Shrum
Yeah, so that was fun. And then apparently on the podcast last week before it got edited. And somehow it got out there that we were talking after the podcast was technically over. And Hannah had actually brought me lunch during the podcast. And it was sitting here next to me. And so if you watch the YouTube video, you can see me like looking off to the side and mumbling something I was talking to Hannah, she brought me lunch. And during the podcast, and somebody asked in the Facebook group what my lunch was that I got brought. And so it was the same lunch every day. It was scrambled eggs with chicken and salsa. And she makes the best scrambled eggs of all time. So I used to make it myself. So my lunch last last week during the podcast was better than usual. So there you go. You know who you are the one that asked about it. Now you have your answer. And I’m not going to tell you until you listen to this podcast next week. So you can hang on to it.
Jerred Moon
All right. Thanks, Kyle. Yeah. Was it awesome?
Kyle Shrum
Yeah. Joe.
Joe Courtney
Hi. So this week is d load week upon recording. And I am taking an extra D load D load week. Because I just really want my back to get fully back to 1%. So I’m not even touching a barbell this week. I’m just doing going to the parts of the gym that has the dumbbells doing some banded stuff. And then I’ve also realized so this is kind of a flashback to the the mobility episode we had the mobility tips. So my blowbacks been been the problem of the Watson pain, but I think I realized that it’s actually my quads and my hip flexors that are super tight, and that’s been causing it. So I think it’s causing my hips to tilt forward, which is due to the tightness in the front. So every night this week, all watching TV or whatever, I’m making sure to do a couch stretch, because well, it’s called a couch stretch and I’m on the couch anyway, while watching TV to do that, so that I can really loosen that up. staying away from any any kind of weighted squat, like even a light goblet squat is about as much as I’ll do this week. And although I really wanted to retest my back squat max next week, because after my three and five rep maxes were so good. I was thinking I go for another PR, but I’m gonna dial it back and not do that this week. Because it’s about the long game, not the short. So that’s what’s happening right now. So extra D load for me. And still getting some some good running in with the new newish new soon to be new zone two metrics standards. trial?
Kyle Shrum
Hmm. No, no. Yeah, I don’t know. I’m just,
Joe Courtney
I’m going for dogs. I’m just going for some dogs now.
Jerred Moon
Well, I guess the webinar will be I’m covering that in the webinar. We haven’t actually had the webinar as of this recording, but everyone will know about it per
Joe Courtney
Yeah. This last one, I would have been out for a couple of days. So cool. Yeah, I didn’t break anything. You didn’t break the fourth wall? You didn’t pull it off? No. Yeah. So yeah, I
Kyle Shrum
thought that that was gonna get taken away from me in this moment. And now. That’s still not.
Joe Courtney
In my last update, I’m going to ask the start with a question for you guys. And everybody at home can answer in their head too. So true or false? and easy question. True or false? Are there spin bikes with heart rate monitors in the seat?
Jerred Moon
I’ll go with true.
Kyle Shrum
I feel like that would be I feel like that’s too crazy of a question that should be like that to not be true.
Ashley Hicks
crotch rate,
Kyle Shrum
monitor what crush Rate Monitor
Joe Courtney
your heart still there? So I’m pretty sure it’s false. I don’t know for completely sure. I tried to Google to find it. But the other day says that it’s you don’t even know you’re going crotch rate monitors. I know. Patrick. Okay. Well, that’s, that’s a little much. But I mean, you go right ahead and Google that. And we can see you can see what happens. I just don’t
Ashley Hicks
Joe Courtney
Yeah, go right now. Don’t let somebody else do that. And then you just tell me what to tell me I guess. But so I was sharing my screen. At the end of the deal week workout, there’s 1520 minutes of zone two. So I was at the the base gym and after I did the lifting parts I got on the bike there. And as I was going, saw knows the heart rate monitors pop populating, but like my hands were on the handlebars. Usually that’s that’s how it reads. It was like, okay, they just read it from there. And it’s pretty accurate for my watch. Okay, cool. Well, I sat up and I was playing with iPhones to switch something over, send a little message, whatever for about a minute. And usually it disappears after like five seconds. But I noticed the heart rate was still there. And it was really accurate. I was like, What is this wizardry? How is how is this populating my heart rate monitor? Wait a minute, is this in the seat? Their heartbeat monitors in the sea now? I was blown. My mind was blown. I was telling Liz like, do you know that there’s heartrate monitors in the seats now. Took me like five minutes to realize it was actually auto sinking to my chest strap.
Jerred Moon
I was about to say that something was broadcasting your heart rate. And it was Yeah. Yeah.
Joe Courtney
I just like to think that it was really crazy. So
Jerred Moon
I thought you hadn’t figured it out. And I was about to tell you what it was.
Joe Courtney
Online live. Yeah, I was. I mean, I eventually caught up. I wasn’t smart at the time but
Jerred Moon
so that have since gain intelligence since then.
Joe Courtney
Awesome. evolved a little bit.
Jerred Moon
That’s a good question. I think that it’s I think it exists though. I’m gonna go with it.
Joe Courtney
Yeah, that’s right. Tank. Right. Whatever. wonders.
Jerred Moon
Measuring a Crusher, the Google results. sylars.
Joe Courtney
Yeah. I mean, there’s, yeah,
Jerred Moon
it’s a heart crushed monitor.
Joe Courtney
Yeah. Wait, yeah.
Jerred Moon
Crush heart monitor.
Kyle Shrum
I think it would have to be crotch heart monitor.
Ashley Hicks
Y’all are just thinking of names for trampas Oh
my gosh, she’s gonna
Joe Courtney
kind of in between.
Kyle Shrum
We’re not gonna call Trump as a crotch heart monitor.
Ashley Hicks
No, I’ve meant for a shirt a goof.
Joe Courtney
No, that’s not that does not go on a shirt. Or shorts. Or you know,
Jerred Moon
okay, I’m going to Ashley cuz
Ashley Hicks
follow that.
Jerred Moon
crotch rate was a little much.
Ashley Hicks
I don’t want to follow that but it’s kind of my fault. My banners up. I got my banner, like a week and a half ago but I finally put it up. It was great. I love it. Hey guys, it’s cool. So we got a banner we have a Texas Tech flag in our garage or garage just pull up now. And then to go with my jet Christmas shirt. Scott did something real cool this weekend and he did a flyover for a football game which was pretty neat. I didn’t get to go they weren’t suppose they were supposed to go and like be able to like land and then enjoy the football game and you know, probably sit up in a cool place or maybe down on the field or whatnot. But because of Corona. They decided Not to do that. And if anyone saw my video that I posted on Instagram or Facebook, like if you look at the stadiums, like the stadiums are obviously not full. So I don’t know. It’s just kind of sad to me like, Yeah, well, but anyways, he had a good time and he got to just come home the same day. So it was kind of nice. He just flew and then turned around and came right back but and then I’m gonna tag on Joe’s D load. I love D load week, like we just did our first first day yesterday, and I don’t know what it is about supersets, but I am always more sore on D load week than I am. Sometimes most of the time. But anyways, yeah, I’m very happy to be on D load week before we go to fit. Fat week.
Jerred Moon
Fit fat week.
Mm hmm.
Jerred Moon
All right updates. For me, I don’t have a lot I did a Murph randomly this weekend.
Oh, I’m gonna go.
Jerred Moon
It went well, better than I mild times. Well, and this is this, okay, so this is also done on truform. I really feel like truform is very far off on a mile, or it’s just harder, that’s very much could be the thing as well. So I love trueform. I love running on it. But the reason I would never do time trials on it is because I’m very familiar with what it takes to run a mile, you know, and I just feel like when I run a mile on my true form, and I’m trying to get like a step at a time, I would expect, like, let’s say a 630 or a seven minute even. It is very taxing. It’s like a high zone for like touching zone five workout on the true form. But that’s not the case, like we just had a on the BCT. We did two miles, a two mile run three minutes off two miles run three minutes off one mile run. So five miles total. And during the first two miles, I kept like a sub seven minute pace. And that was me like trying to force my body to get my heart rate into zone four, I had to run that fast to get to zone four, because that was a stipulation. And so I just know that Okay, a few days ago, I do that run. It’s so hard for me to get into zone four, I’m having to run like 630 mile pace for two miles before it finally gets there and then holds and then I can back off to like a seven or 720. But then I run a one mile on my true form. And it’s like, really hard. So that’s one thing I’ve noticed, I’m not saying the distance is wrong, I don’t think I’m necessarily running longer. I just think it’s probably actually a little bit more challenging for the body to run on a true form runner than not. So update both there. But other than that, I did not wear a vest. So I thought I was doing awesome. Because I was comparing all of my calisthenics I did the 510 15 I was comparing all my calisthenics splits to the been the benchmarks in my brain for wearing a vest. And I was like, I’m crushing it. This is great. Like I have not lost any Murph capacity. And then I finished and I was like, Oh, you’ve actually done this unvested, nine minutes faster. So yeah, that it went well. But it wasn’t actually that good. I should have tried harder.
Kyle Shrum
Jared, yes, you got to do another year of it.
Jerred Moon
Well, the thing I was happy about is I did not get fatigued on push ups or pull ups, I didn’t get to a point where like, I couldn’t do a set of five or a set of 10, which I thought would be the case i thought i would have lost those completely. squats were as expected, not a challenge. I just actually wasn’t trying to go as fast as I could. And that was a problem. That’s why I mean, I could try harder if I would have tried knock things out faster. I would have gone faster. And I think I could, but it was still a pretty good time and I was happy with it and it felt good. And I’m not sore. So all good things. As Olaf would say, Oh gosh, there we go. Alright, let’s get into this study. Alright, so the study this week was done in 2020. And it’s about glycogen, the actual name of the study, sub cellular localization and fiber type dependent utilization of muscle glycogen during heavy resistance exercise and elite power in Olympic Olympic weightlifters. So they had 10 competitive male power lifters and Olympic weightlifters that were in the study and the coolest thing to me probably about the whole study was the programming for this the programming was actually really cool and the level of like how trained these guys were. These were not like these dudes were strong. I don’t know if you saw their like average deadlift It was like, like 240 kilograms or something like that. Like how do you find these People. And so a really awesome, I’m really happy with the actual programming too. So I got into that a little bit. They did. back squats done the coordinates with international powerlifting Federation standards, I thought that was cool deficit deadlifts from a 10 centimeter platform and dumbbell split Scott squats with rear foot elevated on a standard bench. The exercise belt was designed to last around 70 to 90 minutes in total. And working sets are performed in rep ranges spanning from five to 12 repetitions per set, with loading ranging from 60 to 75% of self reported one rep max. So really cool. The reason it was done, the researchers hypothesized that high volume resistance exercise would lead to different patterns of localized glycogen depletion in specific storage depots and fiber types. And that’s pretty much what they found. They they basically found if you exercise, do the strength training, it’s going to take a significant hit to your glycogen stores. But even more so for type two muscle fibers. And if you are unaware of what glycogen is, it is just how we store carbohydrates in the in the muscle. And so that’s what your body would utilize most easily for immediate energy. And we talked a lot about different energy systems and stuff. So that’s another reason why this one was cool. So let’s talk about why this matters. And what you guys kind of took away from it. But I think I kind of highlighted the majority of it. So would you guys think?
Ashley Hicks
Okay, so this study, it makes me want to actually test my muscle fibers and see what I am I have a clue. I think I’m type two, I think I have the fast twitching stuff. But I don’t know, again, like I would really want to see what that is. But the thing that obviously, Jared gave it away type two was more depleted of glycogen. And and so for that to me, I wanted to highlight here for our athletes, I don’t think so we, we talked about many different diets and how like carbohydrates sometimes get a bad rep, right, we talked about how you know, a high carb diets are not good, you need to make sure that you’re getting a sufficient amount of protein, fat and carbs. And I still believe that but I also think that if you’re going to use utilize carbohydrates, and your nutrition to make sure that you are able to do strength workouts or able to do what you need to do in order to train, make sure the carbohydrates that you’re fueling your body with are good quality carbohydrates. So you’re not eating sugary cereals, or you’re not eating, you know, just bread like substance substances, you know, vegetables are counted as carbohydrates. So you can also get, you know, there’s low glycemic carbohydrates, third, high glycemic carbohydrates. So you can also dabble in that as well. I loved that they did do 10 Elite guys, I wish they would have done females. I know sometimes that goes away just for different reasons. But I also think that females could have a higher depletion of carbohydrates as well, just because I feel like females need a little more carbs than men do. That’s just from a little bit of research that I’ve done. But yeah, that’s what I took away from that. If you’re going to utilize carbs, make sure that you’re using good quality cars.
Kyle Shrum
Oh, oh, I was waiting on you. Okay. I would say, as always, nutrition should be individualized when you’re eating to support your training. And it’s gonna depend on the training that you’re doing. So they were testing weightlifters here. And so if strength training is not what you’re focusing on, then results are going to be different. Like if they did, if they did this study with people who were not, who were endurance training, instead of resistance training, I think the outcome would have been different, because you use different muscle fibers and your body uses glycogen differently depending on the training that you’re doing. And so it’s going to depend on which type of training that you’re doing. And you also need to get your your nutrition to the training that you do individually. So I would just say when it comes, especially, there’s a lot of talk around carbs these days, they even mentioned that in the study. There’s a lot of talk about carbs these days and to kind of turn in carbs into the enemy and things like that. And, and Ashley kind of covered it as well. carbs are not necessarily the enemy. It’s just what type of carbs are you eating, what type of carbs you feel went up with. And so I would say, experiment with that depending on which training you’re doing, and Find out what level of carbs works for you, and what kind of carbs work for you, and just implement it that way. I would also say, shameless plug, take our fuels course when we open it up, because we help you figure all this stuff out exactly how you need to fuel for what you’re doing in the training session that you’re about to put in. So we help you dial all that kind of stuff in. But I think that’s, I say that because we want to help you do that, we want to help you do exactly what I’m talking about, we want to help you dial this kind of stuff in for your training, so that you can get it right in. So that’s what I took away.
Joe Courtney
So the one thing that I was kind of think I took away from this, it was kind of hard, it was a little bit hard for me to digest, but I was just thinking that you, you still need carbs. For the for the strength days, you know, a lot of times, people want to load up on carbs on the endurance and conditioning days, but your strength days where you’re lifting weights, you might not feel like you’re getting as tired, your heart rate is knocking up. But I think this just shows that carbs should still be had on those days. And if you just keep keep a consistent consistency with your carbs. Now unless you have something some like really intense training or something else going on, then it’s so nice that you suddenly have those on on those days. And another thing I thought of was, if you’re doing a higher volume cycle, whether it’s like you know, like shred for us, there’s a lot of volume, sometimes strength will do a month of higher volume. And that might lead to if you have more carbs that might lead to, you’d be able to get higher rate higher, higher reps to do more and more volume on those days versus, you know, if you have three, four or five sets of something, you might start to fatigue, or burnout or whatever, after four or five sets, where if you don’t have that many cards, where if you if you do, you might be able to last through those sets a little bit better, and then in the long run will be able to have a bit more volume. So those are the two things that kind of jumped out to me or that I thought of all reading this one.
Jerred Moon
Awesome. Yeah, so glycogen, the I have a lot to say about, you know, glycogen in general, Kyle naturally mentioned, carbohydrates are not the enemy. And I agree with that. I think it’s it’s funny that all these things have been vilified over the years of like one particular macronutrient. But I mean, carbs, fat protein, it’s like, it’s like money, right? Like you. You can be like a greedy a hole with your money, or you can donate your money like money. There’s nothing wrong with money in of itself. But money can, like what you do with your money is what like, determines, you know, really the kind of person you are and then what you do, and it’s no different with carbohydrates, there’s no like, Oh, you had a carbohydrate that’s bad or good. But there are points where carbohydrates can be bad, you know, excessive amount of carbohydrates that you don’t need, versus carbohydrates that are about to be used for fuel. I think that that’s really important. And the reason carbohydrates do get a bad rap is because if the most challenging thing that you’re going to do today is walk from your car to your office. And you’re also having a Starbucks drink with 45 grams of sugar with some sort of pastry, you know, and then another sugar hood, sugar hit at lunch, and then let’s finish it off with like, a giant potato and whatever at night, and what are you doing with those carbs? Like it? does it serve a purpose for you in your life and this is what I try and stress to people about carbohydrates, there is absolutely nothing wrong with them, but are you using your carbohydrates and typically in carbohydrates, it is shorter bursts, intense type stuff, that is strength training, you know, some people get lost in like the three different energy systems strength training is that lower tier energy energy system is not glycolytic you know, it’s that game that we we train so much, that is what you’re gonna do. So it’ll either be completely without oxygen. So creatine phosphate is going to be the only thing that takes it but that’s super short. So if you’re doing anything for like 12 reps like they are doing, creatine is already gone. You know, creatine helps you reps, three through five, maybe, and then you’re immediately going to Okay, what kind of glycogen can we pull from the muscles, and then you’re going to be depleted. So that’s just something to keep in mind. Now I wanted to also hit on what they had said participants arrived for testing app after overnight fast and then provided a standardized pre exercise meal 60 to 90 minutes prior to a standardized bout of resistance training, which I kind of already talked about. The meal provided about 560 calories with a macronutrient breakdown, 45% carbohydrate, 26% protein and 29% fat which I think is fairly decent for a pre workout. meal. And they go on to say, you know, does does any of this like how does it affect? Like, what if you’re using a low carbohydrate diet or you’re doing high intensity a lot of the time or you’re fasting for long periods of time, all of these things change. Because my theory, and there’s no way to prove it is that I sit relatively low on my glycogen stores. I think because I just because of the training I do, because of my metabolism, because of my diet, I think that I set relatively low on glycogen store. So I keep that in mind kind of the day before, or even leading up to exercise because I think that I really maintain a very low level of glycogen stores. And I will run out really fast, it’s apparent when I try and do high intensity if I’m not. And so but there’s no way to know how full you are. So my big takeaway for garagem athletes, if you don’t worry, worried about being lower carbohydrate or anything else is you need to treat your carbohydrates like you do your hydration. So hydration is not something where if you’ve been dehydrated the last seven days, and then you know what I’m gonna do meet yourself Saturday workout tomorrow, and so you drink a gallon of water on Friday afternoon, to be hydrated for Saturday. I’m not saying you won’t have some level of hydration, but it’s better just to be consistent with Okay, I drink this many ounces of water every single day I get my electrolytes and you are just a you’re just hydrated. It’s the same with carbohydrates. They recommend in this study three to four grams per kilogram per day of carbohydrate. And, you know, that’s probably fine. The you really have to dive into what you’re doing, you know, how are you going to use them all those things that I talked about, because I am relatively low carbohydrate, but I’m not a low carb, fascist, you know, like, some of these other low carb people are, where it’s like, I’ve just found that that works for me really well, it has nothing to do with me thinking it’s the best thing on the planet for a human being. And that’s where I think nutrition gets really, really dicey. But just shoot your carbs like water, if you’re eating enough carbohydrates every day, that’s why you can run into you can go into training sessions with no food and still perform pretty well, because you have those glycogen stores that will support you for a while, but then they won’t. And then you have to go to fat, and they’re just like fuel, like Kyle said, you should probably just take our fuels course, you know, whatever, we there’s a lot of put a lot of work into it, we teach you a lot of stuff. And you know, I can’t even take several weeks to get all that information out anyway. So to try and teach the whole thing right now would be impossible. But what we do teach in that course, is fasting as a big part of it to eliminate and lower those glycogen stores. That way, we’re more in control of what we’re putting in our body, pre post, or even intro workout is being utilized as fuel for that training session. But that involves a bigger picture lifestyle strategy of following our elements of fasting, all these other things for the fuel, of course, to really work and not just okay, here’s my pre workout meal for fuel. Like you have to be thinking about these all the time. So treat your carbs, like water, eat enough of them every day, and you shouldn’t have any fuels problem fuel problems for the most, most of these types of training sessions like this, but if you do feel like you’re not, you’re inconsistent on strength workouts. Maybe try some carbs to see see how that goes.
That’s all I got. I was good.
Jerred Moon
Dan, Joe, you’re the topic guy. So
Joe Courtney
So I think it’s gonna be maybe a little bit of a hodgepodge, we’ll just kind of keep it loosey goosey. See how it goes. But it’s fit week upon publishing, and we’ve done over a week, four times a year because we have four cycles for fit weeks. And so and so so we can do a just a quick overview of what maybe 50 tips that we have maybe just one quick thing and then because it is Christmas week as well there might be you know, maybe a lot more family obligations you might be even though you might not be at work, you might still have a lot more going on so it could be harder to fit in. You know any kind of workouts versus just fit week so we can talk about that a little bit as well. And I’ll just kick off the first thing about fit week and that’s kind of echoing what I was part of my update and that is don’t worry about getting in every single test that you can it’s okay to skip you know half of them if specially if you’ve been around for a while. Newer athletes I would usually try to encourage to test as much as you can, especially if he’s your first or second cycle because then you can really see you know, the dividend paying offer for the programming and you can really know that how much it’s helping all around but for the veterans out there, you pretty much know know the deal know where you you probably gain the most and, you know, maybe hit the important ones that you think you really want to want to hit on. And just maybe have some prs on record if you have some, but I wouldn’t stress about hitting everything, especially if you’re having any little bit of injuries or anything like that, it’s best to just rest and look ahead toward next cycle and the following fit week, because training doesn’t stop after this week, you’re still gonna be doing it for a while after this.
Jerred Moon
So I want to chime in there. Because I agree with you. I do it too. I skipped some workouts. But there we go, Kyle, I want to warn people this is my main point was to watch out for the slippery slope. Like Joe has something going back going on his lower back, he doesn’t want to test smart decision, he shouldn’t test you know, he’s been really smart at this training. And same if you. But if you get into this, you’re mainly talking to people in our training for a long period of time. If you look at your training over the last year, and you’re like, you know what, or even two years like I haven’t sat on a rower for 2000 meter time trial, in two years,
Ashley Hicks
that’s fine, I was gonna bring up
Jerred Moon
you’re on, you’re on the slippery slope of just cherry picking and not actually being safe, or anything else. You’re just not, you’re just not pushing yourself to do the stuff that sucks. And so I do think everyone needs to be mindful of that. So that does that also means I’m not I’m not disagreeing with Joe and saying, Hey, you got to test everything. I’m saying just look at what you’re testing if you are going to be selecting, because if it’s this cycle, if you want to break it up over a year, be like yeah, okay, so I’m going to do these four tests. And the, you know, the first part of this year, I’m doing the next four in the in the second cycle of next year. And just make sure that you are testing all these things, and you’re not leaving something out and cherry picking so hard to a degree that you just don’t know. And, you know, I’ll talk more about that week and other stuff. I just want to throw that in there. Because I think it’s it can happen to any one of us, like the 2000 euro is my example. That’s why I use it, because I will do that. I’d be like, well, I ran really hard mile Do I really need to do the 2000 meter row, you know, but I kind of want to know the the result of both of those tests. So anyway, I think that’s great advice. But watch out for the slippery slope.
Joe Courtney
If that makes sense. Are you to think like
Ashley Hicks
I said warm up, but don’t overdo it. I know when you go heavy, sometimes people just like to start like really low, and take forever to get to their max weight. So make sure that you’re getting a good warm up in but at the same time, like don’t do it at the detriment to potentially max out is my my tip for that. And then I will echo kind of what Joe said and what Jared said. I am picking on so I’m gonna do BCT next cycle. So for me, I will probably max out my back squat and my deadlift and and definitely test my mile. I’ll do the 2000 meter row just because it sucks. But I’ll probably I mean, I might press but I probably won’t, you know, be too hurt if I don’t pee. All right. So just you know, stuff like that. And if you don’t PR It’s okay, like, there’s another there’s always another fit. We it’s cool. And let’s say you’ve been around a long time, and you’re just like, you know, fit week I just, I’m gonna stick with my old numbers because I just want to train that way still, like it’s okay, we’ve got alternative workouts for you too. So, but have fun with it. That week is always fun. And it’s always cool for us to see everybody’s videos. So make sure you get those up so we can we can see your vids.
Kyle Shrum
So speaking of videos, one of my points is make sure to video your prs properly. Oh, yeah.
Joe Courtney
And the proper things. Yeah,
Kyle Shrum
that’s excellent. That’s all I’m gonna say, I’m not gonna say anything else. Just make sure to video your prs properly. Or if you happen to be videoing a PR for someone else do. As Ashley said, it’s a fun week. It’s always fun. To me. It’s always the most fun week of the cycle, every cycle. So we have four of them every year. It’s the most fun week every single time we do it. And so have fun with it. You know, don’t get in your head too much about it. Get in your head enough to hit a PR because if you don’t hit a PR You should be ashamed. No, I’m just kidding. Don’t know. That’s not I’m just kidding. Have fun with this with the with fit week. You know, approach it with a fun attitude because this is what the 12 weeks are leading up to each time and this is where you get to see your progression and really enjoy your training. At least that’s how I look at it. I would also say since this fit week happens to fall on the week of Christmas. This, that you’re probably all going to be traveling, most of us are going to be traveling. So I would say Tom your test around your travels. So specifically, what I mean by that is Hannah and I will be at her parents house for Christmas, which is what we do every year, Hannah’s parents don’t train. So they don’t have a squat rack. They don’t have a barbell, they don’t have plates, despite my attempts to change that. But I can’t take you can’t take a squat rack and barbell and plates with you, right? If you figure out how to do that, more power to you, that’s awesome. But I’m not gonna be able to test those barbell lifts while we’re gone for Christmas time. So, plan the barbell lifts or plan the other tests that you’re going to do plan it around your travel, if you’re going to be away from your gym, then make sure to save the test that you can do without a gym. For when you’re away from your jam. So like, I’ll be testing the run test, I’ll be doing those kinds of things that I don’t need gear for, I’ll be doing those while we’re out of town. I’ll save those for while we’re out of town. But the things that I need to test in a gym, I’m going to do at home. So you and that applies to all of our training. If you need to switch days around during the training, we put things in there on specific days. If you need to switch your days around during the week, no matter what you can switch them around. That’s if you have to fit them to your schedule. But I would say don’t let the holidays be an excuse to just not do anything for fit week, like scheduled scheduled test Ranger travel so that you can actually get them done.
Ashley Hicks
Make sure you get your plate jump in before you leave. Right.
Joe Courtney
Right. This is not to be a plate as long as you can measure to the right.
Ashley Hicks
I’m gonna plate jump onto a chair.
Kyle Shrum
Just go get plates from the kitchen, you know and jump on those plates.
Joe Courtney
Yeah, I’m sure cinderblocks will tear up your shins if you miss Oh, no chance
Jerred Moon
to talk about fit week in bigger concept unless you want to say no, yeah, okay. And the reason I want to talk about my fit week is important to us as an organization and why you should test and all that jazz because, you know, I call them old, crusty coach coaches, there are a lot of them out there, it happens to almost every coach, I’m trying to not let it happen to me. But it’s like an evolution. I think coaches over time get annoyed. And you know, they think that they’re right, and all that stuff. And I’m definitely guilty of that one. I think that I’m right on, on programming. But what I’ve seen the evolution of other coaches who’ve been doing this longer than I is they run into something along the lines of programming doesn’t matter. And then I kind of look at the coach when they say something like that. The only coaches I’ve seen who say that train really high level athletes in which they have multiple hours of training to work with that athlete per day, in multiple days per week. So that’s why they come to this conclusion that somehow programming doesn’t matter. Because you know, what you they’ve seen a lot of success with their athletes. But in my opinion, you can miss a lot of shots if you’re going to take a lot of shots. So if I’m going to sit, sit down at a basketball goal in my I need to make five. But I take 100 shots, I got my five, right, but I took 100 total. And that’s not what we’re doing. We don’t have that time to work with the athletes, you know, we we run really mandatory, we want people to train four days per week. So what we’re trying to put together and our training sessions are never longer than they’re an hour, the most efficient training possible to still get you a result. So we’re saying for 15 minutes, training sessions per week can affect all these other areas of training. So you’re still getting faster in your mile, you’re still getting better back squat, you’re getting better and all these different areas. And I don’t really know anybody else who’s specifically doing that. But that’s why we have the standards, because it well, I could just give you busy work from a programming standpoint to do, and you could sweat and your heart could be a little bit faster. And you could say, You know what? Great, I got a good workout. And that’s the other crusty coach that I see is that they’re like, Look, all you need to do is like some low intensity, aerobic work and some weightlifting. You don’t need anything else. That completely leaves out the people who want something else. You know, I don’t ever want my fitness to get to that point. Because if all I’m doing is walking for exercise, and you know some bicep curls, I’m just going to be so bored. I don’t need high intensity but I need variety and I need some adventure and I want to test my fitness for as long as I’m able to. Whether that is just doesn’t have to be like a Spartan Race but just going on hikes and going on longer rides and being able to do things without injury and Having an extreme capability as a human being not a baseline capability where you feel uncomfortable in athletic situations, and you’re not sure what your body can really handle. And so I really feel like that’s what we’re doing. And I don’t think anyone else is doing it, there are a lot of programming sites out there that will, they’ll get you the sweat, and they’ll get you the the elevated heart rate. And that’s doing something for you. That’s great. But it’s not what we’re doing. We have a standard, I don’t know many other people out there who have standards for their, for their athletes, or other companies. And I don’t want to turn into one of the coachee, the coachee, the crusty coaches now called coaches that just thinks none of this stuff matters. And I think it doesn’t matter if you have the wrong perspective, but it matters a lot to us. So test and prove what we’re trying to do big picture. That’s what we’re trying to do. We’re trying to say, Hey, we can make you have an amazing, dangerously effective human being. And for training sessions per week, 50 minutes per day, and you’re going to be able to do so much cool stuff, as opposed to burn 200 calories feel good about myself, let’s let’s do some cooler than that. So that’s why we do fit week. And I think it’s awesome.
Joe Courtney
Yeah, actually, I just thought it would point a little earlier. And it goes with all those you’re saying for playing for the the programming and aiming towards something. If you don’t want to test everything, every fifth week, and you want to plan out your year, I mean, we’re going to be starting the year now, plan out your next cycle. So 12 weeks from now you’re going to be testing again, pick, you know, a couple of strength, a couple of explosive things, a couple of the conditioning things, get a variety of Fit Test markers, and say now what you’re going to do in 12 weeks, and then while you’re doing the 12 week cycle, think of the though you know, read your benchmark, right, the couple of things you’re going to do that really focus on. And just think about those when you go into some of the workouts especially, you know, we have a few studies on here about dialing things in mentally Well, if you just pick out a couple of benchmarks that you want to do now, for next week, instead of every cent every single thing, then you can think about that throughout the cycle and then really hit it on the next that week. And then you can from there, switch it up to other benchmarks. So if you don’t really want to hit every single one, and you’re gonna be here for a while, you know, we a lot of people sign up for the for the year, membership over the better even Friday is just another way to plan it out, plan out your year, plan out your cycle and really dial in mentally how you want to focus on the training.
Jerred Moon
And how I avoid the slippery slope that I was talking about earlier is I forced myself there has to be I don’t pick which one it is one cycle, I have to do every single test every single test on that week. That’s my the way I go around it. Because if we get to the end of the year, and I haven’t done it great Christmas time, I’ll be doing the full fit week. And so that’s that’s how I avoid the slippery slope is one cycle, I have to do every single test on that week. Other ones I might do half of them, I might do three I might do most. But I try to hold myself the standard of doing every single test at least one cycle per year, at least one fit week per year. All right, guys want to talk to three, five k? Again, all we need to talk about is yes, you have to time the rest at the end. Is there anything else that needs to be stated about the year three, five K, so the workout is six rounds 800 meter run in three rounds of 510 15 of push up sit up squat? cannot add those up or whatever? However, you got to do them differently. Yeah.
Joe Courtney
Or do 1530 whatever.
Jerred Moon
Yeah. So it’s six rounds of that jazz six rounds of running a half mile and then doing three rounds of calisthenics. And then you I forgot the rest time. So I’m doing this all from memory. So is it rest? Three minutes? Three minutes. Oh, it is three, three minutes. Run 100 meters rest one minute. 100 meters. All right. Yep. Yeah. Nailed it. Look at that. Boom. It’s like I created the workout or something. So that’s the eo three, five K, you will run a five K and you will do lots of calisthenics, and we have standards for it. What tips do you guys have?
Joe Courtney
Pay attention to the runtimes. That’s you that’s going to be most of your time on it. And while I don’t say pay, don’t pace it, but don’t get gas yourself on the first two or three runs. Because the first three runs you can run out really fast and then but then after you hit that halfway mark, your runs are going to be drag and they’re going to be hard. The calisthenics are pretty easy. You can only do those so fast because those are going to be as fast as possible, but you need to pick a 90 95% intensity of a rate on your run. And then be able to keep that for the six. So the first three might be okay. Then after that you’re just going to be focusing on keeping what you already ran. And that’ll help you time a lot.
Ashley Hicks
yeah, I just said, all out on the calisthenics be efficient with how you do it. And then I’ll just go wine pairing because that’s what I’ve been doing every week. Now, I said, if you want something with a beat, and more EDM techno stuff, listen to commander radio on Pandora, just trust me on this one, it’s a good one. And then if you need something a little heavier, Slipknot radio was always a good time. But I’ve been throwing it back to pod radio lately, and it’s been it’s been fueling my fire too. So yeah, choose on, choose your poison.
Kyle Shrum
I just said, real fast calisthenics, real fast run equals a real fast finish. So
Jerred Moon
I love that I don’t have to get my own advice anymore.
Kyle Shrum
There you go. There you go. Yeah, if you’re gonna try to pace it out, we put a we put a 60 minute time cap on it. But just remember, there’s four minutes of rest built in that count towards your time. So really, you’re not working with 60 minutes, you’re working with 56 minutes to get the work done. or less, obviously, or less, but I’m just saying, if you’re gonna try to divide it up and try to set a pace for yourself, oh, I need to get this fit each round finished in this amount of time. So I’ve got time for the rest, I’ve got time for the the Sprint’s you know, just keep in mind you got four minutes of rest that count towards your time. So you’re actually working with 56 minutes to divide all the work up. That’s what I would say.
Jerred Moon
I’m gonna go hard on this one. I normally just do the three five K, it’s not like I’m not trying to do like breaking records most of the time. But we’ve been running so much and I have like expectations of paces I can hold for repeated for hundreds and repeated eight hundreds. And so I kind of want to set a slightly unrealistic 800 meter pace time and see how many I can hold in with the calisthenics and see what happens see if the wheels fall off. So that’s my plan for my next year three, five K, which I haven’t done in a while, but I don’t know I’m in the mood for it been running a lot. Let’s see what happens. So anybody wants to do it to then do that?
Ashley Hicks
Are you challenging vd but not challenging?
Jerred Moon
Okay, I was gonna throw it throw out a challenge, but uh, I don’t think vd counts as rest times, but
whoo. Okay, yeah.
All right, here we go.
Jerred Moon
So, just to be clear on the rest times, if you did none of the work, you’re you’d still have four minutes.
Kyle Shrum
Right? Nobody finishes this workout in less than four minutes.
Jerred Moon
Yeah, not possible. Four minutes is the minimum time. Okay, so that’s it. Really, you know, happy holidays to everybody. And I hope you guys have a good one. And yeah, we’re all kaiwen the company dress up today. So good work, Kyle. And as far as the the community and garage mathlete and training, where you know, we’re right around the corner for a new year. So if you do want to hop on, now is the time this is when we’re starting off a new cycle. Yes, we start multiple cycles per year. But this I mean, come on, you’re excited. It’s January. It’s a new you this is the time to do it. So I am saying that a little tongue in cheek because you could start it at any time. But if you want want to start fresh with a new cycle, then do it because we have right around the corner. Starting so garage gym athlete.com sign up for that 14 day free trial and you will be good to go. Alright guys, that’s it.