Hey Athletes! Want to know when you should see a physical therapist or chiropractor? Then listen to this week’s Ask Me Anything!
Episode 30 of Ask Me Anything is up!
Ask Me Anything: When You Should See a Physical Therapist or Chiropractor
In this week’s episode of Ask Me Anything, Jerred and Joe answer Josh’s question. He asked about chiropractic care and when you should seek outside care. Jerred and Joe talk about their views on when you should see a physical therapist or a chiropractor.
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Ask Me Anything: When You Should See a Physical Therapist or Chiropractor
[00:00:00] Jerred Moon: Welcome to garage gym athlete. Ask me anything. It’s pretty simple. I’ll be answering questions from the thousands of athletes that follow our daily programming. If you have a question or topic you want submitted, go to dot com slash AMA. Let’s get started.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage gym athlete podcast. Jared moon here with Joe Courtney. What’s up Joe,
Joe Courtney: as Ashley would say happy Wednesday,
Jerred Moon: happy Wednesday. I feel like this question was kind of made for you in a sense. Well, you guys gave me enough
Joe Courtney: crap about it for like six months on the podcast on the, on the main Monday podcast.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. So Josh is asking us about chiropractic care and just, you know, really just. Outside care in general is kind of where we’re headed with this one. but he specifically said chiropractic care. Do you see chiropractic adjustments need for garage mathletes to help with [00:01:00] longevity? I was having some neck and shoulder discomfort.
So I went to the chiropractor. These adjustments really seem to help with both. And with my insurance, it’s relatively affordable as a side note, I think they share the mindset of this community, which is find the root cause and treat it. Don’t just treat the symptoms, continue pumping, being out. Good work.
All right, John, thank you for that. And yes, let’s talk about chiropractic care, or just outside care in general. So I really think and believe this is also for my coaches out there. Our job in’s fairly fast as a coach. I think a lot of coaches, go into this mindset or mentality of. You ha you have a problem.
I’m going to be the person to fix it. I’ll fix any problem you have while you’re injured, I’ll help you with that. You know, like, and that’s, there’s too many professions outside the scope of a strength and conditioning coach that we don’t need to pretend like we’re experts in. So if you’re injured, you’re having some sort of problem, like Josh talking about.
[00:02:00] I’m not the guy to see I’m here to keep you safe. The programming provide effective programming, moving forward, give you basic nutrition guidelines to follow it. Makes sure you stick to things beyond that. You need to go see someone else, you know, mental health. There’s a profession for that, you know, your ankle and need jacked up because you did something silly.
There are people who went to school for like six to eight years that you can go see, you know, like it’s not a coach’s mentality. So I absolutely believe that the, you know, chiropractic care or physical therapy is kind of where I’m taking this as well is something that you should, You know, seek out.
but I do have like some asterisk to it that you need to make sure you’re whether it’s a chiropractor or physical therapist, I’m going to go ahead and throw this out there. I’ve never seen a chiropractor before ever. She’s not because I’m against it, but any problem I’ve ever had, I’ve gone to physical therapist, which is really, yeah, I’ve been twice in my athletic.
Career just because I don’t know, my, [00:03:00] my issues seem more specific to a physical therapist, but you need to try and find performance based mindset, chiropractors and physical therapists and that’s people who are more geared towards. Athletes. And I, because I do think that you run in like chiropractic. I do know a lot of chiropractors, it can get really weird, really fast with the different types of chiropractors.
So some of them great, you know, they’re more performance based mindset and then some of them are. Are talking about some, some Wu stuff that you just might not want to be a part of, and they’re not really helping you with their issue. They’re trying to just push their own agenda. And again, I like chiropractors have chiropractors in my family.
but yeah, I think it’s definitely, we’re seeing in physical therapist, same go with a performance based, make sure that they’re there to, like you said, find the root cause and treat it, not just the, the symptoms. So a, what do you have on this one, Joe? I have
Joe Courtney: of a little bit of experience with PT, you know, as far as the, when you’re talking about like, make sure you’re getting the right one.
Yeah, definitely towards sports [00:04:00] physical therapy, because you know, not to throw the military under the bus, but usually they just, as long as you can walk and move your arms and that’s pretty much checking the box for them, not actually doing anything athletic, but picking, picking the right ones. of course.
And we get athletes all the time asking or like that, that I get questions of. Yeah. Sometimes along the line of. Okay. I have the shoulder issue. I can’t really press overhead and it hurts. What should I be doing in the workouts instead? And the first thing I say is I can’t advise you to do anything until you get it checked out until you know, the issue, and then we can go from there.
So I almost say like, I like I’ll still provide some help, but usually it’s no matter what as is, you need to figure out what this is to treat from, from here on out. And from my experience going through physical therapy. A lot of times, it’s not what you think it is. You know, your pain might be one, one, one spot.
Like I would get a lot of shoulder pain in the front because my shoulder would, internally rotate to the front. But the actual problem was toward the back because my lower trap [00:05:00] and mid back was actually not activating to pull my shoulder back. And, These trained professionals are the ones that actually can diagnosis and see what you’re doing and see things that you just don’t know.
And then the same thing with my hip, I was having hip issues, but it really was came down to like my groin and like quad tightness. So it’s, it’s other issues outside of it. And they’re going to be in a lot of times I got assessed in like an hour and they’re like, yeah, you have this, this, this issue. And it’s like, wow.
I thought it was something else. So getting that and getting a plan and, is, is really, really important.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. And yeah. Yeah, just really do your research on your, on your providers, and what they’re trying to get you to do. I’ve been, so the person that I saw, locally here, her name is Brooke Miller.
She runs peek RX physical therapies. If you’re in the Dallas area, you can check her out. She’s a cash based physical therapist. And the only reason I want to hit on this topic just quickly is because the reason I liked. That, and just, this is just kind of like different mindset is [00:06:00] I’ve been to physical therapist, where they just like, they were stringing me along.
And this is, this was when I was in the military. And so, you know, to Joe’s point, they’re just kinda like. They’re just trying to see you as many times as they possibly can, because they know the military is paying for it. It wasn’t a military physical therapist as a physical therapist that they contracted with.
So they’re just trying, they were trying to see me as many wait times per week as they could for as many months as they could and doing really nothing with me every time I would show up like very little attention to my problem. Like, I wouldn’t even really see the physical therapist except for one to two minutes at a time.
And he’d be like, yeah, go do. He was giving me like a 70 year olds program for someone who’s like. Really athletic, you know? And so I had a really bad experience with physical therapist and that’s why when I needed a physical therapist, again, I went this cash bait cash based route because she only wanted to see me a certain number of times and had a very dead, you know, dedicated program to this.
And so just really do your research on. Who you’re seeing and like what their methodology is and their plan. And I’m not saying you have to [00:07:00] see someone who’s cash based necessarily, but that performance base and that they have a good plan. And like, they’re going to give you the time and attention. You need to get your no problem better.
Cause that’s all I want. Like I just want to get better as fast as I possibly can. I don’t really care about, anything else. And so that’s, that’s the goal you should go in with, with any of this stuff, no matter what, right. You’re going to go see a chiropractor or a physical therapist or anything like that.
Joe Courtney: Yeah, to piggyback on that. I’ve had physical therapists with there, which were, you see them for like a 15 minute appointment once per month. And then every other day, if you go twice a week, it’s just one person that gives you your sheet of list of exercises. Like, Hey, okay, go do this for an hour and let them know.
I don’t know if you have questions versus when I was in San Diego going to. catalyst, PT and wellness there. I was actually like hands on with my doctor of physical therapy for 30 minutes every day. And then the other 30 minutes with an, a, an assistant, which was in the same room. And the PT was still like watching me as she was doing something else, but making sure things were, were proper.
So like that, that level of care and attention is really what you, [00:08:00] what you want to, want to pick out.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. Cool. So we’re more, we’re way more physical therapists based if you guys can’t tell, not that we’re anti chiropractic, we just. We don’t have a lot of experience there. I, you can pull up the research on it.
It’s fine. I do think that those adjustments are really helpful as he was saying, kind of as a, as a preemptive strike. and I think that that would be good, but again, I don’t need someone to just crack my back and tell me I’m good. Like, I want to, a performance based chiropractor who is going to keep me in the game and have that kind of like performance mentality.
But that that horse has been beaten dead. So we’re going to move on question, go to dot com slash AMA. And we will to answer your question. If you’re on YouTube, leave a comment, subscribe to the channel, thumbs up. If you’re too scared for the comment portion, all you gotta do is click a little thumbs up saying you liked the video.
And then if you’re listening, Five star review, positive comment. It helps us out so much. So please do it. We would love for you to do that. and that’s it [00:09:00] guys either way. Thank you for watching or listening.
I hope you enjoy. Today’s ask me anything episode. So one more time. If you want to submit a question, topic or idea you can do. so@garageteamathlete.com slash AMA and Hey, while you’re there, if you haven’t already sign up for garage, gym athlete membership, we are the best. Community and programming on the internet.
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