Hey Athletes! Want to learn why your water quality matters? Then tune in to this week’s episode of Ask Me Anything!
Episode 42 of Ask Me Anything is up!
Ask Me Anything: Does Water Quality Matter?
In this week’s episode, Jerred and Joe go over water quality. We all know that H2O is important, but they talk about why the quality of water you drink matters!
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Ask Me Anything: Does Water Quality Matter?
[00:00:00] Jerred Moon: Welcome to garage gym athlete asked me anything. It’s pretty simple. I’ll be answering questions from the thousands of athletes that follow our daily programming. If you have a question or topic you want submitted, go to garage. Team athlete.com/ama. Let’s get started.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage gym athlete podcast gentleman here with Joe Courtney. What’s up Joe.
Joe Courtney: Hey man.
Jerred Moon: How’s life. Great. Don’t go into too much detail, right? I
Joe Courtney: know. I, I can say a little bit, but like, it’s going to be really old. So like, yeah, it’s good. I’m. Store I’ve worked out.
Jerred Moon: Cool. Yeah. All right. So we’re getting into ask me anything. this week is from Trampas on water quality. He says, how much stock, if any, do you put into the type slash quality of the water you drink? [00:01:00] I want to ask you, Joe, do you care about what type of water you drink or the quality of a water you drink?
So it’s
Joe Courtney: actually pretty cool timing. Pretty great timing now because. I just moved to a place where the water is not potable, so we can’t drink the actual running water. We have to have bottled water for everything. So like a couple of times a week, we either have to walk to the store to get, packs of liters of water.
So it’s basically like rucking and getting water or a where we’re going to be moving to. We’re going to get the big five gallon jugs, which actually I posted a video or two of me doing workouts with the five gallon jugs. And we were locked in on, our quarantine. So that was, that’s a big change. Did I have to use bottle or bottle water for everything like in coffee and soups or anything like that?
it was pretty different, but everything else is fine. And then I also recently watched a Netflix show, Zac Efron, one about a water it’s like he’s he has a new show about called down to earth and one of them was took place in France. [00:02:00] And the devil thing about water. And it’s just, it was pretty interesting to me.
I know you’re big about Berkey, but we have started so beside a bottle of water, we also started, we are becoming Pellegrino people which has mineral water. And I’ve just read a few things about how mineral water is really, really good for you. And just the bubble is, is kind of nice. But yeah, I do like to have pretty good quality water, even though I, we used to do the Brita filter ones.
I don’t really, I haven’t done too much. Research into the best kind of water or like even what filters would do for the tap part of that. You have like, yeah, it’s going to filter out stuff, but things might filter to be filtered out so much that you’re still missing things. That’s why I turned a little bit to middle of water, but you might know a little bit more, cause I know you’re all about the Berkey.
Jerred Moon: I’m all about all sorts of things. So tell me a little bit more about the, if you have any other points on the down to earth, what were they saying about the water and in France?
Joe Courtney: I can’t remember all of the things that they want over, but this the way they treated it and how they processed the water and they didn’t do it like introducing [00:03:00] chemical wise that they did it through certain.
Different levels of filtration. And then they did that. They have it through this UV tank and then it gets pushed out to like the masses. And this is like high quality water that they have in like water fountains throughout the city. And they even had like sparkling water fountains everywhere. We can just fill up your bottles and they have these vending machines where you just buy an empty water bottle and then you fill it up wherever you’re at because they have water fountains everywhere.
And just how they treat their water was a lot better versus just, I’m just going to dump a bunch of chemicals in this so that it’s drinkable.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. so water quality. I don’t have a study, to point anyone to, because I mean, we could, we could just go over hydration, but I think we all know that’s important, but water quality.
The question, the exact question is how much sock, if any, do I put into the type of quality water you drink? And for me, it’s a lot. A lot because I drink almost exclusively water. and so I want to know what it’s like the largest thing I consume per day, even probably per pound, [00:04:00] per kilogram, you know, that’s what I’m consuming.
So I want it to be as clean as possible. So, cool thing about my current house. so one, yes, I do have a Berkey water filter. I’ve used Berkey water filters for like the last five or six years. And we still, we still use it. So you can go. I don’t even know. Maybe it’s that called Berkey filters.com. You can check it out.
it filters basically everything known to man. But this house has a whole home water filtration system. so it has like this, it has a bunch of filters that all the water. So even my toilet water is filtered right now. cause it’s a whole home water filtration system. It has, has like four different, a four stage filter and then a UV light at the end that you, you know, you mentioned, so we, are kind of freaks about it if you, if you will.
And that’s just because, like I said, we drink. We drink a lot of water. but I think what everyone should probably do, is look at your city, like pull up your city’s water system. cause they’re, they’re [00:05:00] obligated to publish some sort of, annual report somewhere. And then you can look into what chemicals they have in there, because there, there are allowable amounts of certain.
Stuff in your water chemicals. And a lot of these chemicals are not good for you. and so you might want to look into, you could just start Googling one at a time, so you could pull up, get the water report from your city. And then if it’s like, okay, this was. Within normal limits or whatever that doesn’t mean.
It’s okay to me. I mean, it’s still in my water, but the government, some government agency, the EPA or whatever it was like, yeah, it’s probably fine. And you know, some sort of parts per million. And so you can look at each one of those and Emily and I did this and we were kind of Googling like one by one and it was like carcinogen, you know, bad for you causes cancer, like all this crap.
And we’re like, Oh, Hmm, That seems kind of crazy, you know, and there’s just, I can’t even name one singular thing. [00:06:00] Cause there’s so many different things that are PFO A’s, chloramines or chlorine, you know, those can be an excess depending on where you’re at. And then you can just get, go down the rabbit hole of all the things that end up even in your treated water.
Is it that big of a deal now? Here’s where I go to like, is it really that big of a deal? I mean, if you just Googled like water quality in the United States of America, You’ll probably find some pretty serious issues. And these things always come out after the fact. Yeah. Whatever was it Michigan? A few years ago where they’re like, Oh yeah, sorry.
There was a shit ton of lead in the water. And a lot of you will probably end up having serious health problems because of that. So you, if you think that the government’s just taking care of you. That’s that’s a strong, strong vote of confidence there to, to, put all your stock on them, just being okay with the water quality.
So I think that everyone should do something, but here’s how I look at it, because if you’re looking at whole hot, whole, whole home water filtration system and a Berkey, like I have your. between the installation, the cost, everything, your thousands of dollars into this [00:07:00] stuff. This is not what I’m recommending for people getting started.
But I think that you, everyone should be doing something like Joe mentioned Brita. Great. You know, that filters out a lot of the bad stuff that you want. You don’t have to have these like ridiculously amazing, water filtration systems. And the way I look at it as a Berkey cost, a couple of hundred bucks, several years ago, we have to replace the filters.
But, you know, I look at kind of like an ROI, like, okay, I have to spend a couple hundred dollars and I’m not saying that’s a small amount of money, but it’s versus my family’s health potentially. And so then that becomes a non-existent cost to me. So when, when I’m looking at my family’s health, cause I prioritize health so high on my, my hierarchy hierarchy of crap.
I spend my money on my family’s health is going to be at the very top. So that’s the way I look at these things. and that’s why I have such a high threshold for, for stuff. There’s some things like I absolutely wouldn’t spend my money on. I think it’s silly that other people spend their money on, but when it comes to something like that, I’m like, okay, a couple hundred bucks and [00:08:00] my kids aren’t drinking led and all this other crap that could end up in our water.
Cool. You know, I’m definitely going to do it. but that’s just kinda how I look at it. I don’t look at it from a scientific standpoint. I don’t trust, our current water treatment, plan, like it’s awesome. Like I’m glad that we can turn old water into good usable water. That’s an awesome thing, but it’s a kind of aggressive, some of the chemicals they use, and I’m not necessarily looking to put any of those in my body.
So a short answer, I put a lot of stock into the type or quality of water I drink.
Joe Courtney: If you’ve ever read a nutrition book that talks about. Standards of nutrition. That’s, what’s allowed to be eaten, consumed because basically it’s not going to kill you right away, but basically the same standards that it is for nutrition.
Now, it’s not very good that all of these things are allowed to be put in your food and everything like that. Basically the same with water.
Jerred Moon: Yeah, exactly. Like you, you nailed it. You know, you can, all these things are in. Like I said, they find out after the fact like trans fat, right? Like they’re there, they phased out trans fat because they like, Oh, that might be really [00:09:00] bad.
But we were okay with trans fat for like decades. Yeah, it’s fine. But then all of a sudden their acknowledges might be bad. So that’s why you kind of have to, you really have to take your health into your own hands with all of this stuff. So I think to go one step further, I put a lot of. Stock into almost everything.
Like we have air filters in our house, you know, and we have a water filtration system and all this stuff. Like I think all of these things matter for your overall health. you don’t have to, like the only time I find these things problematic is if you’re becoming a freak about it, like I look at when I’m at home, I’m kind of in like my fortress of.
The food is good. The water’s good air is clean, all that good stuff. But if I travel and I have to have like a water from a water fountain, I don’t really care. You know, I’m not like, yeah, I don’t have like, anxiety about it. I just do the best I can when I’m home. And then when I’m out, it’s just, I figured my body can have some level of resilience beyond that.
So that’s kind of how I look at things.
[00:10:00] Joe Courtney: That’s kinda how we do with nutrition anyway, you know, w when you’re in your controlled environment and you can stay, you know, 95, a hundred percent. So then when you’re out of it, it’s no big deal. You don’t need to really?
Jerred Moon: Yep. So, yeah. Great, Greg, question Trampas, and anyone out there, you’ve got some resources to look at.
if you guys have any questions about. Anything else? hit me up. Well, I’ll say and brands and say
Joe Courtney: Agua, lovey sister.
Jerred Moon: That was a good one. That was well timed. All right. That is it for this AMA, if you have a question, go to garage, mathlete.com/ama, and we will get your question answered. If you watch it on YouTube, give us a comment.
thumbs up and subscribe to the channel and I think that’s about it. Yeah. Well, thanks for watching or listening and we’ll catch you guys next time.
I hope you enjoy. Today’s [00:11:00] ask me anything episode. So one more time. If you want to submit a question, topic or idea you can do. so@garageteamathlete.com slash AMA and Hey, while you’re there, if you haven’t already sign up for garage, gym athlete membership, we are the best community and programming on the internet.
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