Hey Athletes! Does chocolate milk do a body good? Listen to this week’s Ask Me Anything episode to find out!
Episode 25 of Ask Me Anything is up!
Ask Me Anything: Does Chocolate Milk Do A Body Good?
This week’s question is from Christopher. He asks what our take is on chocolate milk as a post-workout recovery drink. Jerred and Joe dive into their thoughts and go over whether or not chocolate milk does a body good!
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AMA: Does Chocolate Milk Do A Body Good?
[00:00:00] Jerred Moon: Welcome to garage gym athlete asked me anything. It’s pretty simple. I’ll be answering questions from the thousands of athletes that follow our daily programming. If you have a question or topic you want submitted, go to dot com slash AMA. Let’s get started.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage gym athlete podcast. Jared moon here with Joe Courtney. What’s up Joe,
Joe Courtney: a M a day.
Jerred Moon: Dude, your beard is getting legendary. It’s not covering
Joe Courtney: my mouth.
Jerred Moon: I just get in the way and read outcast. But yeah. The reason I had to call it out today is because this is on YouTube and people can see it.
So the evolution of everyone comes. Yeah. Just start watching past AMS or it’s me and Joe and just,
Joe Courtney: yeah, I don’t trim it. I only keep it off the neck.
Jerred Moon: Maybe I’ll bothersome. I’ll put [00:01:00] together like the evolution of the beard.
Joe Courtney: Like I think there’s ways to like, do the, do like the picture fade where if you just layer a bunch of them on top of each other, just almost like a TimeLapse.
Jerred Moon: Well, it’s looking good, man. I just don’t think you should ever get rid of it.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. Liz is not going to be on board with that. I don’t think I will have either yesterday.
Jerred Moon: You were out voted. All right. Well, anyway, I have a very Justin Timberlake beard. It’s like it’s real thin. No. The reason I’m telling this story is because if it gets like longer than it is right now, I get like angry.
I just hate it. I don’t know how you made it past that stage. Annoying stage.
Joe Courtney: It’s still there. I mean, I don’t think there’s not an annoying stage. All right. Like it just goes up and down of like, I get annoyed a little bit and then it’s like, yeah, I just get used to that little bit, but now it’s like getting in my [00:02:00] mouth and like, I go to eat soup and like it dips in the soup.
And then my. And then I’m just dripping soup off. Like I can’t eat like just a child. Let’s pick it of awesome mustaches for, getting food in milk mustaches.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. I was taking it too far down the beard, Catherine. Paul. So yeah, we’ve got a question. we are doing ask me anything today. So we’ve got a question from Christopher.
Christopher said, you guys talk about not doing dairy and eating low carb diets a lot, which are we talk about that a lot too, which are great things to do for many people. But what is your take on chocolate milk as a recovery drink? After a hard workout. So chocolate milk for recovery. I’m going to let you start, man.
Like what do you, what do you think? Is it good, bad somewhere in between? I
Joe Courtney: think a lot of people love it and I have done it in the past because it’s great for like, If you can handle dairy for starters, where if you’re [00:03:00] trying to avoid dairy now, but in the past, like if I really needed something quick or like I used to drive a couple hours to go play lacrosse and then I’d drive home, but I wouldn’t like pack protein or anything like that.
So I would stop at a gas station and they would have chocolate milk and water. And that’s basically what I would drink on the way back. And that’s. Good enough impromptu recovery, but just because like I used it for that doesn’t mean that that’s the preferred, it’s just, sometimes you just gotta throw something in there just to do it.
so it’s not terrible, but it’s not like the first choice.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. I, I think the big asterisk to what you said is if you can handle dairy, and you’re really confident in your dairy consumption, I’ve actually done chocolate milk in the past as well. That really. I think that that was a phenomenon, I guess it kind of swept the nation as the chocolate milk people.
Have you ever, this is going to be a tangent, but have you ever watched, the comedian Nate bark artsy? Nope. So he’s got a Netflix special on a what’s it [00:04:00] called? It’s called the Tennessee kid, obviously on Netflix. It really funny if I get an hour long standup, anyway, he has an entire thing on. Chocolate milk recovery.
So I suggest everyone go watch that just for, for this. I would ruin the jokes if I tried, but little resource for everybody. So if you can handle dairy, go for it. I would say if you can’t handle dairy, I would have to put it into a category of it has, it needs to be a really hard workout because I can’t recall exact amounts and it would depend on how much you’re having.
But I would say it’s going to be excessive in the sugar content category, like way more than you actually need. especially if you’re buying like some sort of pre-packaged, you know, chocolate milk from a gas station. Like what you’re saying. I think if maybe if you made your own chocolate milk with like a little bit of syrup and you can control it a little bit better, but I know it’s going to be.
Borderline like Coke, calories or Coke, sugar level. And it’s just, you don’t need that much. Your body does not mean that much sugar to recover. [00:05:00] However, that is helpful. And then the protein, like, you know, whey protein is a phenomenal source of protein. If you can handle that. And so I say, theoretically, it’s a great recovery tool.
If you can handle dairy, but you need to watch out for the sugar. And the protein content still isn’t phenomenal. I mean, what you’re looking for to stimulate protein muscle protein synthesis is typically around 35 grams of high quality protein. So not just 35 grams of like, You know, we’ve talked about this for peanut butter or something like that.
You need 35 grams of high quality protein milk would be in that category. but so would pea protein. So it would meet things like that. So that’s about the threshold. You need to stimulate a muscle protein synthesis in a, in a significant way for, for recovery, for muscle growths, for hypertrophy, for strength, gains, all this stuff.
So to hit that amount in chocolate milk would be a lot of chocolate milk. And however much as the protein increases with your chocolate milk [00:06:00] consumption, the sugar is doubling or tripling that to hit that protein goal. so in a pinch great longterm, I don’t think it’s a good strategy for those reasons.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. I was looking at a bunch of logic. I started Googling a bunch of articles and there was a lot of people that, you know, like you said, people were jumping on the bandwagon. And then after, after a while people start to question like, really why, why are we doing this? And all the comparisons, all of the studies that they did.
It’s actually the dairy industry that, pined up for a lot of these studies too, which should raise a flag. They would compare, chocolate milk with either water or recovery drinks. And like we’re talking Gatorade, carb, recovery drinks. So no protein, no fat kind of thing, or very, very low. And it’s like, well, we’ll die.
They’re going to recover better if you have give them protein. Cause. Chocolate milk has protein and carbs, but this other one just has carbs or water. So they’re kind of stacking the deck for a lot of these studies. And the studies were also like eight people, 12 people big. And it was just like a couple of things.
They were very limited, just like a really quick, Oh, Hey, this does this, but [00:07:00] are they even that great of studies?
Jerred Moon: Yeah. And versus water. That’s hilarious. That’s like,
Joe Courtney: yeah, one of the climbing one, what was it? I was on that and they’re like, really? Wow. Like,
Jerred Moon: yeah. That’s not even like, they don’t even serve the same purpose. I feel like, like you mentioned in your lacrosse days, you would get some water and you would get a chocolate milk because you knew the difference back then that U K one, I’m trying to hydrate a little bit more than normal here, but I’m also trying to get.
So tolerated protein. So yeah, that’s, that’s a funny study. yeah, I think that, that about covers it on.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. The other ones went into things like, okay, they have, it has like calcium potassium and vitamin D, which is good to get, but you know, if you’re still eating normal diets and stuff, if you’re getting that other words and like, There are some proteins that have that, like I just looked at Hule earlier, before we got on and he’ll has a lot of that.
Yeah. Equally doesn’t but you know, that’s just been very, very, it’s a very bare minimum thing. So [00:08:00] if you mix that with a little bit of like almonds, Coconut milk or something, then pretty much evens out to what chocolate would be, but you’re not getting all this other extra sugar. And
Jerred Moon: yeah, it’s the sugar I feel like is the main problem.
Now I’m not trying to say any form of sugar is the devil and don’t, I’m not, I’m not even going down that road, but it would be an excessive amount of sugar. if you’re trying to meet the recovery threshold for protein, I’d have to pull up one, but I’m guessing to get 35 to 35 grams of protein from chocolate milk, we’re talking like.
60 grams of sugar or more. And that’s just insane. Like you don’t, if maybe if you just did a marathon, go, go all in on the chocolate milk. But like you’re saying the argument for electrolytes, there are so many easy ways to get electrolytes these days. You know, you can do that. So many other ways through food, through like electrolyte tablets, make your own.
A secret juice like I do. And there are lots of ways to get electrolytes. So [00:09:00] do it.
Joe Courtney: Yeah. So chocolate milk, if you absolutely need to, but you know, it’s last resort kind of others try to do other things more.
Jerred Moon: I would say in your exact example would be the only time I actually approve it. Like in a pinch, stopping at a gas station, just at a really hard workout or played a really hard game.
What are you going to do? I might, at that point recommend like, Hey, have you thought about chocolate milk for today? But if you want to chug like 16 to 20 ounces, chocolate milk after every workout, I think you’re going to start. I think you just start gaining weight from all the sugar and you’ll be like, well, this is awesome recovery.
So I wouldn’t do it
Joe Courtney: getting seventies big.
Jerred Moon: Yeah. All right guys, that’s it for this? Ask me anything. Everything. Chocolate milk. If you guys have a question, go to garage, gym athlete.com/ama, and we will be happy to answer it. And thanks for everyone who has submitted a question. Now, if you’re on YouTube, give us a comment, thumbs up, subscribe, all that good stuff.
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I hope you enjoy. Today’s ask me anything episode. So one more time. If you want to submit a question, topic or idea you can do so at dot com slash AMA and Hey, while you’re there, if you haven’t already sign up for garage, gym athlete membership, we are the best community and programming on the internet. I dare you to try and prove me wrong.