New logo, new programs, new opportunities
Are you ready?
Let’s start with the logo.
Two things End of Three Fitness has been about since 2011
1.) Becoming Better Humans
2.) The Barbell
And today, we meld the barbell and EO3.
I’m excited to announce, and introduce to you, the newly updated EO3 logo
Pretty cool, right?
In 2011, my wife and I fumbled our way through photoshop to create the original EO3 logo (yea, we have mad skills) and it has served us well.
At the beginning of this year, I decided we were going to need a new logo to take EO3 into the future. I didn’t want it to stray too far from the roots, and the designer I worked with did a great job of preserving the past and prepping us for the future.
But enough about the logo, let’s talk about what’s coming up.
Barbell Programming Video Series LaunchesTODAY!
With the 2015 One Man One Barbell update on its way (more on that in a second), I have launched a new Barbell Programming Video series, to get you amped up!
The intent is to educate about EO3 programming, and specifically, One Man One Barbell programming.
If you already have One Man One Barbell, the series may not be as beneficial to you, but hey, you may get a nugget of info here and there. The series is intended for those who may not know much about One Man One Barbell, or Barbell programming.
[You can sign up for the video series HERE.]
One Man One Barbell Update Launches2 July!
The One Man One Barbell update is ready to go!
It’s a two part update.
- Part 1 (this week and next week): Get everyone (who owns OMOB) migrated over to the new One Barbell membership site (you’ll get email instructions in a few days).
- Part 2 (July 2, 2015): Conditioning Update
Now, this update is pretty cool.
Originally, the update was going to be a few conditioning templates you could follow, but now it has grown to become a “Barbell Conditioning Programmerâ€.
You heard it right!
You will be able to generate conditioning workouts based off of your lifts using this “programmerâ€. Doing it this way will give you about 10,000+ conditioning options. Anyway, you’ll get more info on that July 2, 2015.
Apply to our Barbell Squat ProgramTODAY!
There’s a new program in the works, and I want you to be a part of it!
I have created a new program specifically aimed at adding poundage to your back squat. It is a short and effective program!
But I don’t like to release anything at EO3 until I have a large testing base.
That’s where you come in!
I’m limiting spots, but accepting applications. If you want to be on the cutting edge and add poundage to your back squat (for free), then apply to be a part of this program.
[You can apply for the new back squat program HERE]
EO3 Barbell Apparel Launches9 July!
It’s coming! It’s coming!
I get frequent emails asking for some EO3 apparel, and I hate when I have to say “Umm, not yet…â€
The main reason I’ve delayed is because I knew the new logo was coming. I’ve ordered a lot of samples and played with some designs and I finally like where everything is at, so you can expect the launch of the apparel store on 9 July.
For the Eo3 Veterans out there, the store will have a limited amount of Tees with the EO3 Original logo on them. If you truly loved the original logo and want some vintage Eo3 apparel, don’t miss the store opening on 9 July :)!
Alright, better humans! That’s it (for now)!
Take action today by applying to our new program, checking out the video series, or sharing the new EO3 Logo 🙂
Thanks for making EO3 great! EO3 wouldn’t exist without you, so THANK YOU!