This one has been in the back of my mind for a while now but I just haven’t done it yet. I haven’t done it yet because I may be moving soon, but mainly I haven’t done it because I have one. Done what? Have what? Garage gym idea who? Sorry, I am talking about…WHITEBOARDS!!!
Good Garage Gym Idea…WHITEBOARD
“CrossFit people love the whiteboard more than most. We gesture wildly, and we furiously sketch charts and lists and diagrams. When it’s over—to be honest—many of our friends and clients are confused, and some need to be woken up.”
-John Hovey, CrossFit Journal
While it is not necessary, a whiteboard should be on your top 20 list of things to get for you garage gym. A whiteboard is a great training tool. It can help you plan your workout schedule, explain ideas to others, or write down information while you are working out.
The whiteboard really is invaluable to the garage gym. Before I started logging my workouts in the community forums I would just take a picture of the whiteboard as my ‘training log’. Very cool, but not very searchable.
There are a few problems with a whiteboard…First, unless you want a 10″x10″ tiny little whiteboard, they can be pretty expensive. Second, if you can afford a large whiteboard they can break if you move around or move it around too much. Not a problem for most, but I tend to move often so I really just don’t want to break my whiteboard. Third, even if you get a large whiteboard that you know will not break, where are you going to put it?
What’s the solution? Maybe a whiteboard that is affordable and can fit in any and all wall space you have? (However, it is not portable)
Great Garage Gym Idea…IDEA PAINT!!
How many of you have heard of idea paint? From their website IdeaPaint.
“IdeaPaint turns virtually anything you can paint into a dry-erase surface and any room into a hub of creativity and collaboration. Where do you want to use it?”
This is just speculation, but from a quick google search, I think CrossFit LAX is using IdeaPaint:
See how it looks like the just used a paint roller and some IdeaPaint. Anyone from CFLAX out there?
IdeaPaint seems like a great freaking idea for a garage gym. In all honesty, I would paint not only my garage in IdeaPaint, but I would paint my entire house in IdeaPaint. I am a list maker, a mind mapper, a guy that writes crap down. I could live with all surfaces having some writability.
You could make you whiteboard in your garage gym as big or as small as you want . You could put it in any space you have available, or as many places as you would like.
How much will this idea cost me??
On the IdeaPaint website…
- 6 sq. ft. – $29.99
- 20 sq. ft. – $74.98
- 40 sq. ft – $140.00
Then there is this deal on Amazon…24.99 for 50 sq.ft. Not sure how Amazon can pull of the prices they do sometimes, especially if this is a legitimate deal.