Hey, Athletes! Want to learn more about the difference between eccentric and concentric training? Then tune in to this week’s episode of the Garage Gym Athlete podcast!
Episode 90 of The Garage Gym Athlete Podcast is up!
Eccentric Training verses Concentric Training
In this week’s episode of the Garage Gym Athlete podcast Ashley’s back with Jerred, Joe, and Kyle. The coaches give us their updates and announcements before they go over this week’s study. It’s over eccentric training vs concentric training and they look to see what causes more muscle damage. For this week’s topic the coaches go over travel workouts. Each coach talks about what workouts they use for when they are out of town. To end out the podcast, the crew goes over this week’s Meet Yourself Saturday workout. It’s an oldie but a goodie-the EO3 5K!
If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to the Garage Gym Athlete podcast either on Stitcher, iTunes, or Google Play by using the link below:
- EO3 5K
- Eccentric Vs. Concentric Training
- Ashley Back!
- Travel Workouts
- Muscle Damage
- Tips For MYS
- Updates and Announcements
- And A LOT MORE!!
Diving Deeper
If you want to go a little bit deeper on this episode, here are some links for you:
Study of the Week
- Eccentric exercise per se does not affect muscle damage biomarkers: early and late phase adaptations
Garage Gym Athlete Workout of the Week
Be sure to listen to this week’s episode:
Related Resources at End of Three Fitness:
- Body Geometry: How to Keep Athletes Safe, Healthy, and Optimal
- S2E1: The need for discipline from police officer and paramedic Tyler Karns
Thanks for listening to the podcast, and if you have any questions be sure to add it to the comments below!
To becoming better!
Jerred Moon
Alright ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage mathlete podcast Jerred Moon here with Ashley Hicks Kyle Shrum. Joe Courtney. Crew. What’s up?
Good morning was cracking.
Jerred Moon
Much. So we’ll get into it. We’ll just get right into it feels like it’s been forever since we podcasted all together.
Joe Courtney
Yeah, it’s almost like it’s been two weeks.
Jerred Moon
Well, I’m actually hasn’t been here for a while and that
I know you guys offended every woman ever that listening to the podcast?
Kyle Shrum
You say we do.
Jerred Moon
Yeah, I’m the least offensive person on the planet. So not possible
Jerred Moon
Alright, so I’m gonna start my shout out for I don’t think I’ve shouted, I need I need to keep a list. Because I’m not keeping a list right now. And I’m definitely going to start repeating shoutouts. So if I shout you out more than once.
Hey, awesome, extra shout out.
Jerred Moon
Well, we have Jeremy couscous. He says I’ll be completing competing in my first 24 hour trail run on April 9. I know I can get a distance PR aiming minimum of 50 miles but I’m thinking of trying for 100 kilometers in zone two. So he’s been on the on the podcast very involved in the community. So Jeremy, good luck on that. I have no tips for you. I’ve done a marathon. Anything above that will most likely never happened in my lifetime. So good on you for
Kyle Shrum
a second hard.
Jerred Moon
There you go. All right. Now as far as the show goes, we are doing a study cold eccentric exercise per se does not affect muscle damage biomarkers early in late phase adaptations. This was done in 2020. This one, this one kind of blew my mind. Not unlike a just let’s say change some beliefs, not like blew my mind and like groundbreaking information, but changed some beliefs I had about Essential Training. And we’re going to talk about that. The topic for this week is travel workouts, some of our favorite travel workouts, things that we do maybe some of our philosophies. Then we’ll be going over the workout. The eo three 5k
Kyle Shrum
Oh, yeah.
Jerred Moon
So now we’ll get into updates. Ashley, how’s life
is good. I’m back.
Ashley Hicks
I was I saw my doctor actually last week. And so the medical updates are my bloodwork has looked the best it’s look since July, which is awesome. Like my antibodies are the highest, or they’re the best they’ve looked, I don’t want to say something wrong, because they’re not fighting against me, is basically what’s happening. Um, but for those out there that eat pretty clean, but feel like something might be going on with your gut or whatnot. Like we eat free range chicken, we eat grass fed beef, we do nothing but wild caught fish. And I mean, all of our produce is pretty much organic, or coffees organic. I still have gi issues. I don’t have leaky gut, or H pylori. But I did test positive for SIBO. And there’s a couple of bacterias that my gi map just kind of showed that shouldn’t be there that are there. So taking some supplementation to hopefully heal my gut and still eat the way that I eat because that’s the best way to help that along. But yeah, still with my slow, low, slow, slow, low intensity, it is slow intensity. But it’s a my energy. I actually have energy in the afternoons. And that’s been the biggest thing that I’ve seen these going for weeks of kind of dialing it back. And so clearly something’s working. So yeah, so I don’t feel like I have to take a five hour nap in the afternoon anymore. So it’s pretty good.
Kyle Shrum
Hey, let’s not hate on five hour naps.
Ashley Hicks
Hey, I mean, I love me a good nap. I am a great napper but it’s not conducive to trying to do work in the afternoon and prepping for dinner and I like to get my laundry and my my my mom wife choice done in the afternoon if you so
Jerred Moon
napping is awful.
Joe Courtney
I’m gonna go to the top of my shift list or just get you know really angry bear in your face. Don’t wake me up from a nap. Don’t let me take a nap either. That’s basically why I don’t like naps.
Jerred Moon
I get all hot and then pissed off. I don’t know what happens about nap
Joe Courtney
like super sweaty. Yep. Yeah, I’ve
Jerred Moon
tried like three or four in my life. Never again. Wow. Three or four naps.
Ashley Hicks
Like, take a nap every Sunday after church like at least a solid hour and a half, maybe even two. It just depends.
Kyle Shrum
See that’s when I get cranky is when my kids are supposed to nap and They don’t know what to do. I don’t.
Joe Courtney
I don’t see monkey do.
Kyle Shrum
Especially on, especially on Sunday Sunday’s are nap days.
You’re not wrong. Wow.
Jerred Moon
uncovered a lot here got some nappers, half nappers, half no nappers, we’re
Joe Courtney
on the same page here,
Jerred Moon
all those listening out there, please let us know, are you in? Team nap or team? No nap?
Kyle Shrum
Are you team now or are you wrong? That’s, that’s where we
Jerred Moon
that’s strong opinion.
Ashley Hicks
pretty great. All right, Kyle, since your team now, right. Sorry, Joe.
Kyle Shrum
So my big update, I’m officially a Mac user, except for the podcast. But
Joe Courtney
you’re an imposter.
Kyle Shrum
So I’m an imposter. Yeah. Finally, I’ve been I’ve been wanting to make the switch to Mac for a while. And everybody else here uses Mac’s and you guys have been telling me I shouldn’t make this week. I finally did. And but for some reason, the webcam I have was like really grainy on the Mac. And yet,
Jerred Moon
it’s impossible. That’s a user error to it.
Kyle Shrum
Yeah, I didn’t didn’t realize that until I was getting ready to get on for the podcast. And I was like, Man, that picture looks really bad. So I’ll just switch for today. And I’ll figure it out later. But anyway, officially on the Mac train.
Ashley Hicks
So this next update will be I’m on my Mac. I fixed it. Yeah.
Jerred Moon
Hopefully it’s Mac fixed it for you more likely. They’re like, we see what you’re trying to do. Would you like us to fix this? That’s like, yeah, Max, do.
Kyle Shrum
Give me that option. Like, throw me up the dialog box and just push the button and y’all just do it. Like, google it like,
Ashley Hicks
typically, like Mac support pops up first. And it’s like, here. This is what you need.
Jerred Moon
Have you tried googling it?
Kyle Shrum
I did try googling it. I did. I didn’t have a whole lot of time, though. So yeah, I just did the quick fix and move back over to this one that I know works. Yeah,
Jerred Moon
trustees, etc.
Kyle Shrum
Yep. Anyway, all right. Yeah. Exciting stuff. That’s it. Joe, you turn.
Joe Courtney
I got a lot, but I’m not gonna share them all right now. I just realized I gotta remember, I got a new office chair, which is exciting itself.
Jerred Moon
Yeah. You think like you’re on a throne.
I know. You got
Joe Courtney
so awesome. Yeah. The King of the castle.
Kyle Shrum
You could lean your head back and take a nap in that thing.
Joe Courtney
I can also switch it. Oh, no, that’s actually a funny story. Oh, no. Yeah, when I was looking at chairs, there was one that literally would was completely horizontal to the ground. It was like it was like a dentist chair. Like, why would you want this in your office? And a couple of them did that. And then I found one when I was down there just because I got when I was laying down because I did test him. There’s a foot rest that came out. So you could completely lay down in your office chair.
Kyle Shrum
With your TV on the ceiling word. Yeah,
I guess you put your stuff and then like get your
Joe Courtney
like, I don’t know maybe this is the siesta crowd who do dab? But they just nap at work.
Ashley Hicks
Not know that’s lame. I’ve never had like a Google
Jerred Moon
workspace or something. Oh, yeah, exactly. Right. A little nap pods and everything. Yeah, you guys. You got beds to nap and way better than a nap.
Ashley Hicks
But I’m saying the like, into three fitness headquarters like throw in a futon. And like,
Kyle Shrum
no throwing in that pod.
Jerred Moon
It’s gonna have a Murphy bed. A queen sized Murphy bed.
Kyle Shrum
Oh, wow.
Okay, so well, whoever wants it?
Ashley Hicks
If I’m out of the office, I’ll just have like a little sign. That’s like, excuse me, naptime. Yeah,
Joe Courtney
yeah. And then and then Jared and I will go play basketball and throw them against the wall and you do those things. Anyway, and we are done counting macros, finally, which is exciting. It feels so freeing. I got so excited at the grocery store. Cuz before when it came to prepping, I was like, Okay, if I cook meat, I have to cook just meat. I could vegetables, I have to cook one vegetable and keep it separate from the rest of the vegetables so I can weigh them accordingly. And everything was very segregated. Now I’m just like, that’s just the that’s just all this shit in a pot. So I’m just gonna eat it. Oh, happy. So I got a whole bunch of stuff. I got some pork bones and I made a stock out of pork bones. Because here you can just get the scraps and stuff that they don’t use. I just made a soup stock out of it. And that’s in it. Yeah. So I did that. Some vegetable stuff I’m going to do because of St. Patty’s day tomorrow upon recording. bangers and mash. Hmm. So no macros.
Are you sure they were pork? Sorry?
Joe Courtney
labeled pork? Yeah. So they’re looking for Yeah. Well, you can tell if you know me. You can tell what me looks not a dog. Yeah, yeah, you can tell. It’s funny because in our grocery store, there’s only one The grocery stores that we go to that sells pork because of the religion here. And yeah, I’m surprised this hasn’t come up yet. But do you remember in like, when there were video stores, there was like the adult section of the video store the back corner behind the curtain. That’s how pork is here. So we go to the go to the dirty food section to go get our pork which is in like a hidden corner in the grocery store.
Ashley Hicks
That’s why I asked if you knew their pork bones.
Joe Courtney
So it’s like it’s like shunned and hidden away so you can’t see it if you’re just walking through. Yeah, it’s pretty awesome.
Kyle Shrum
So you’re just playing into like an American stereotype there now. Like all those dirty Americans back there getting the pork stuff.
Joe Courtney
I mean, no everybody but them eat pork, because there’s a lot of UK people in the bath and stuff.
Ashley Hicks
Okay. they retire out there.
Joe Courtney
Yeah. And lastly, I actually tried to carb rinse
had also
Joe Courtney
a great because in the past, I’ve talked about doing Murph and how halfway through the calisthenics I start to get a little nauseous. And I kept thinking that it was maybe because I always thought it fasted. And maybe because I was running out of you know, whatever, blood sugar or energy. And so at the halfway mark, you know, when I break it up 510 1510 rounds, I started getting that feeling again, so I went inside, I swish some orange juice in my mouth because I don’t have sports drinks. And I spit it out. When did five more rounds felt better felt good. started to get the smallest feeling again. I knew I was gonna have to run. So I went inside and I just took a shot of orange juice this time. So I just swallowed a lot a little bit. Yep, took a shot and finished up my five rounds went for my run. felt completely fine. So no, no, nothing. Usually it’s those last five rounds run like Yeah.
Ashley Hicks
When you say take a shot though, like did you actually drink it? Or did you like rinse
Joe Courtney
the second time around? I actually drunk it the first time. I actually switched and spit. Then I started to after five rounds, five more rounds. I start to get a little dude, it was wearing off. And I actually took a shot and my body seemed to be like, cool. I’m happy. Like the sugar. Yeah, so Oh, J for gains. And that’s all I got. What’s up, dude?
Jerred Moon
Okay, let’s get right into the study. Cool. You’re fun. All right. No, I went out of town. I went on a family ski trip, which was the first time my family my kids have been skiing all three of them skied. So Eleanor, Eleanor. Eleanor is only two. She’s about to be three. But everyone skied and it was awesome. My my boys. Well, let’s see my boys very different. William the oldest, he’s very cautious. But he’s also incredibly athletic. So he was like, he was just getting good at skiing, like, you know, being able to take turns and like he could go fast if he wanted, he was like, in very much in control. gram is our fearless one. Also very athletic, totally
to see him just
Jerred Moon
go down all he does. So if you’re familiar with skiing, you know, just throw down when you are, when you’re starting. When you’re starting, the only way to stop is the they call the pizza or the snowplow where you you’re kind of putting your skis like in a any V shaped pizza and french
Joe Courtney
Jerred Moon
Yeah, he would just go straight down the mountain. And if you want to slow down, he had pizza a little bit until he got to a speed that was comfortable. And then he would go straight skis again, but not a single turn. I think the kids ski are turned a single time, left or right, as we were going down the mountain, but it wasn’t like a bad thing. We would all like you know, get off the lift, and it’d be like William and Emily. They were kind of going down together. Then we would just lose Graham, I would have to like I’d have to speed down the mountain to catch this kid. So though it was just a lot of fun. We had it. We had a great time and no one got hurt is the biggest thing. I’m always worried. I don’t think the kids get hurt. But like, like I could tear an ACL pretty easily. I like trying to catch gram, or break something.
Ashley Hicks
Have you seen the YouTube video of the dad like yelling at his kid to pizza? Have y’all seen that?
Jerred Moon
No. Was it me? Cuz that was probably on the mountain.
Ashley Hicks
Top clarius y’all need to go YouTube is just type in dad screaming pizza or like, it’s really funny. Go watch him.
Jerred Moon
I have one other update. And this is also a game. You guys don’t know this is happening. I got a new piece of gym equipment. And as long as you haven’t been told, like if Emily told you actually it doesn’t count. If you haven’t been told if you guess it. I will also buy you one.
Jerred Moon
So you each get one guess with free equipment on the line. I will ship it to your house. If you guess what it is. You all get one One guess,
Kyle Shrum
man could
Ashley Hicks
be something crazy expensive cuz like he will not ship us
Jerred Moon
or maybe feeling very generous. And I want to send you a rogue eco bike. All right, Kyle, you’re gonna go first cuz I feel like picking you first. Great. I know how strategic you are in life. So I’m strategic.
Kyle Shrum
My strategy is what do I want Jared to send me maybe this is what he got,
Ashley Hicks
like out of all of us has never even been here. Here’s
Jerred Moon
also the deal. I won’t tell you if you’re right or wrong until everyone has guessed. So. So one eliminate anything for anybody. All right, Kyle, what you got?
Kyle Shrum
I don’t know. I don’t remember what you had before.
Jerred Moon
Who’s too saddened by another one? I have everything. I know. I don’t have a GHD.
Kyle Shrum
Let’s see that was gonna be my guess. But I thought that you already have one.
Jerred Moon
I’m just I’m not playing any games.
Kyle Shrum
I think you I think you’ve already got one but I’m just gonna say the echo back. Okay.
Jerred Moon
Echo bike, one guest for echo bike from Kyle. Joe. What’s your guess?
Joe Courtney
I was thinking of something that is going to be more for accessory work. And something that’s just helping you either in recovery or just adding making things a little more challenging for either like a band hookup for either squats or deadlifts. But I think with your with, you know, your small back injury going on. And because I think he’s focused more on deadlifts, you might want to take some strain off of it. So I guess it he’s not saying if I’m right or wrong?
Yeah, but if he’s right or wrong.
Joe Courtney
That’s just my train of thought.
Ashley Hicks
Can I have a clarification?
Is it for you?
Joe Courtney
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, timeout.
Jerred Moon
You can’t have a clarification.
Ashley Hicks
Emily, a female bar. That’s my Emily’s female but
Jerred Moon
let’s see. Okay. Ashley wins.
Joe Courtney
Oh, no, that’s that’s not fair
Jerred Moon
find out but but there is there is a further designation she got a not a regular barbell a curl bar. Something I would never generally buy that’s why
she asked her if
Jerred Moon
she wanted it because like if she’s squatting or dead lifting stuff, she can just use the regular barbell but she feels like she can’t do like any upper body work with the even like 35 pound I think was challenging so we bought a crowbar which I think is kind of funny. I haven’t touched a crowbar in a long time
okay just bought like a 15 pound bar
Jerred Moon
but you technically guessed it in generalities so
Joe Courtney
oh generalities
Kyle Shrum
that she said did you buy she said did you buy can
Joe Courtney
deadlift anymore? Yeah. Easy bar.
Jerred Moon
Okay, I guess we have to throw to the listeners. Does Ashley get to get
Joe Courtney
the fries? It’s also not your piece of equipment. It’s for Emily. Okay,
Jerred Moon
you know what’s funny, though?
Kyle Shrum
Something for new for my GM.
Joe Courtney
That’s what he said. Okay, yeah,
Jerred Moon
the next thing on my list because when I was buying her bar, I was like, Well, I’m gonna buy something for me too. It was going to be a trap bar.
Kyle Shrum
But as soon as he said trap bars, oh, man, I remember him talking about a trap bar.
Jerred Moon
But rogue is still like I’m on their waitlist. And I don’t I’m not good at like buying things like it would have been right. You would have been right.
Joe Courtney
You’re good? Yeah, well, not Kyle, but no.
Jerred Moon
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That was it. That’s the only other update I have. What? You have the echo bite? I don’t I have no airdyne right now okay, so I was that still could come. That’s what I thought. I
Kyle Shrum
thought that you didn’t have one.
Jerred Moon
I have a concept. I’m a biker.
Ashley Hicks
Thank you have the concept to
Kyle Shrum
me that got rid of I don’t know. At least I didn’t get something that you did have. Yeah.
Jerred Moon
And then HQ, progress is swimming along. They have like they’re working the electrical lines out there. And they’ve roughed in all the plumbing. So this week should be pouring the foundation and then framing after that. So it’s moving a lot faster than the initial start of it, which was like seven months of doing nothing. And now it’s like three weeks of doing a lot, which is cool. So that’s it. Now let’s get into this study. Now that I played if I should play that game with you guys all time.
Joe Courtney
Sure you keep buying.
Kyle Shrum
Just keep buying equipment.
Jerred Moon
Well, I don’t think I’m going to ship anything to you. You like, it’d be like a reserve? It’d be like,
Joe Courtney
just hold it until,
Jerred Moon
like, when you get back, you can have this thing you can like keep it as like a
Joe Courtney
visa waiting on his.
Jerred Moon
Because he technically one yeah, the barbell. Alright, well we’ll get into this study. Alright, it’s about eccentric training, which is the lowering, or the lengthening of a muscle. So if you think pull up, like, if you were to pull yourself up, that is the concentric part of the movement, the lowering back down to the earth, would be the East centric. If anyone needs help with that, you know, it gets it only gets confusing with when you’re talking about the difference between like deadlift, and strict press, you know, which bar is the eccentric, I think people can get confused sometimes. But the, if you’ve ever done any sort of Essential Training, you know, it can wreck you. It is absolutely Rocky. That’s why I find this study. Interesting, because when I was doing more bodybuilding, my my buddy always wanted to do that. And so we would do like bench press, because with with eccentric, also you can lift, I forgot the percentages, I think it’s up to 30 to 50%, more, you can control more weight in the East centric than you can be concentric. And so what we would do is we would load up, we were doing bench press at the time, we’d load up like 110 120% of our one rep max. So more than we could actually lift. And the your spotter would unwrap the weight for you. And you would just control the weight down to your chest as hard as you could. And then you you’d push up but your spotter would, you know, pull up on the same so you’d get it back up. And you’d only do like three to five of those reps. But you’d be so sore the next day, it was like unbelievable. And so I was pretty interested when this study came up. The main purpose was to see what high intensity unaccustomed eccentric training happened or like what happened to beginners, I think. And they did what they did was they tracked muscle damage biomarkers. And the aim of the study was to investigate whether causal relationship indeed exists between essential exercise and muscle damage. So there are 24 men randomly assigned into a concentric only, I think it’s funny. Like that’s a weird, that’d be a weird way to train. So concentric only or escentric only training group and performed 10 weeks of isokinetic resistance exercise, one session week of 75, maximal knee extensor actions, physiological markers of muscle function in damage were assessed prior to and 123 and five days post each session. biochemical markers of muscle damage creatine kinase and inflammation, C reactive protein were measured prior and two days post each session. And it seemed like the big conclusion here was that over time, your body becomes accustomed to things that you do. And then at around week 10, there were no alterations in muscle damage, biomarkers, and nothing was observed. And then the even the strength gains at the end of the training period were pretty close between the two groups. Didn’t matter if you did concentric or eccentric, which, if you would have told me like, set up the experiment and had me guess my hypothesis, it would have not been that it would have not been, they would have been close to the same or that your body would get accustomed to essential exercise. So I have some takeaways for that. But what do you guys find about the study?
Joe Courtney
Well, I was very
eager beavers.
Ashley Hicks
Were saying even in body mass, like I thought one would have a different body mass than or like muscle mass, like nothing they were about if you look at the chart, they’re both very, very similar, like maybe point 05 off of one. So like, nothing really changed within the 10 weeks for like the strength or the muscle like they both have the same. Basically the same throughout. But let me the reason I wanted to go first was just because I want a clarification. Like we talked about this a little bit before the podcast like what a leg extinction and describe a knee extension to me. I’ve never seen that. And I am trying I’m having a hard time visualizing that.
Joe Courtney
I think it’s the same thing.
I think it’s just a little words. Yeah. Oh,
Ashley Hicks
well, then there you go. Nevermind.
Jerred Moon
I’m trying to think ISO kinetic. I think the difference is that it has the same amount of force throughout the entire movement in there done with like these special machines. So some people, you know, you’ve been to a gym and maybe you’ve been on like a leg curl or leg extension machine. And you’ll notice that you can probably lift more weight at the bottom than you can the top You know, and that’s the same with with everything, even like a bicep curl, you could, if we were only doing a quarter of the movement, you could lift a lot more weight. But these isokinetic machines, if memory serves me, correct, it’s from the first millimeter of the movement to the very end of the movement has the exact same resistance all the way through. So there is no like a lot of what Louie Simmons talks about, or if you’ve heard of, like, banned training or, or chain training, like it’s supposed to compensate for those things. But these machines, like remove that you just have the same amount of resistance throughout the entire movement. Okay, so he or she mathletes? Can’t do. But yeah,
Ashley Hicks
Joe, you can go first, I just wanted to clarify that.
Joe Courtney
That’s kind of what I was, I guess along the same lines of like, they did it one day, he centric wanted concentric, but like, you can’t really do that. Like most people can’t do that. Unless you are doing negatives with a spotter or like doing sled push like drags. Other than that you’re gonna do both at the same time. You can’t really just most people can’t just train one at the same time. So I wasn’t really sure how or why I guess they just really wanted to see if just isolating one would, what would it would do. But who’s gonna just do one like we do tempo? we’re doing we’re we’re focusing on one part, but we’re still doing the other, you still got to get back up with the weight.
Ashley Hicks
Yeah, I’m thinking like in a squat, like you would have to be at the bottom of a squat and someone put the barbell on your back and then drop
Joe Courtney
it right back up. So I can do it again. That doesn’t work. I was also curious as to why they measured torque. So to me measuring torque is like a dynamic thing. Yes. or? Yeah, so I was wondering why they’re measuring torque? Because how are you gonna measure torque on the eccentric part of a training?
Jerred Moon
I guess? I think these machines are reported either way, because of that constant resistance I was talking about, like, I think you’re, you’ll be applying some form of force to the machine no matter what, even way down or way up, right. And yeah, that’s kind of this train. I mean, I get it that they’re trying to isolate, they’re trying to isolate a form of movement. So it’s a proper experiment. So there are three types of muscle contractions. There’s concentric, eccentric, and there’s isometric. So I also think it’d be cool if they just threw an isometric, just for a full experiment, that would be a cool, I feel like we know very little about isometric contractions in general, because if you think about just lifting any type of weight, or doing any type of movement, we’re going through all of them isometric, you can skip all together most of the time, if there’s no sort of pause, you can just not do isometric training at all. But I would be very curious to know what happens if we had isometric only training. So that would be one person does just the lowering of the the knee extension, one person just does the straightening of the leg. And then one person just holds it for a set amount of time, like I’m gonna hold it to muscle failure every single time. I think that’d be really cool. Just to see what happens.
Joe Courtney
Yeah, I didn’t really see the backgrounds or what the subject quirements for. But it was good to see that, you know, it took seven weeks for the the to adapt. Yeah, for the E centric, so and it I mean, you’re gonna adapt everything after a while, but seven weeks is fairly significant. and attend to, that took that long to and if that’s all they’re doing, if you’re doing something else, like if you’re doing a training, how we would with, you know, doing both sides of the movement, but just focusing on the east centric portion with like tempos, then this is it just kind of clearly solidifies how it can be a useful tool to really break down your muscles in different ways, whether lighter loads, you can’t be lifting heavier, heavier loads, it really helps to show that to how beneficial it could be to incorporating that into the training. So that was cool. Kyle was Yeah,
Kyle Shrum
I think I think everything is kind of been said, I would say that we we kind of kind of harp on studies, sometimes when they use inexperienced lifters when they shouldn’t or we don’t think that they should like it. Like Of course you saw gains and stuff with inexperienced lifters instead of using some experienced people. But I think this was a good one to use experienced inexperienced lifters for simply because you’re trying I think part of what they were trying to see was how you could adapt how your body could adapt to it. And so that would kind of be my takeaway from it would be for like newbies, newbies in the in the gym, whether it’s garage, gym athlete, or wherever it is like newbies are gonna see those those newbie gains but you’re gonna see those newbie Dom’s as well, like your muscles are going to be sore when you’re first coming into it. Things like that. And so you’re trying new things, but it doesn’t I guess it doesn’t just apply To newbies, it applies to people who are just trying new things, new ways of training. But I would just say to like newbies like your body’s highly adaptable, you know what I mean? Like these people were specifically focusing on one, one piece of a movement. And, and it took them a while to adapt to it. But by the time that 10 weeks was over, didn’t matter which piece they were focusing on, they were basically training the same, like their, their muscle damage in their, in their strength gains, and all that kind of stuff, it was all the same and all equal to itself out. So I would just say, keep moving forward, even when you’re when you’re feeling the dogs when things are when things are feeling tough, and your body’s gonna adapt to it because the the human body is extremely adaptable anyway. And I think that’s what this really showed was just how adaptable it can be, even with people who are new to it.
Jerred Moon
Yeah, I had a very similar takeaway with just putting this in relation to garage gym athlete if someone’s relatively new, and you just look at these time, timelines, seven to 10 weeks, something like that, let’s just round it up to a cycle. So if you’re a new garage, gym athlete, and you train with us for 12 weeks, you that one cycle should be good. If you are brand new, like I know it’s going to be you’re going to be really sore, and things are going to be painful. But that will normalize by the end of one cycle. And then after that, a lot of what we do should just be fun, because you shouldn’t be waking up with like this terrible soreness and pain and everything else. And those things aren’t necessarily bad. And my other big takeaway was harder isn’t better. Which is kind of what changed my have, I just say, my prior beliefs on a centric training, because sometimes when you like I like to be sore, like, you know, a chi i know you’re very similar to like, we enjoy that soreness, because if you do like a really hard workout, and you feel nothing, sometimes, and I think it comes from that beginner mindset of just like, Did I do anything? Did I do wrong? And the answer is, is No, you didn’t, you know, that’s just more of a mindset thing, wanting to be sore. That doesn’t mean I I still like to be sore when I’m sore. doesn’t change the fact but it doesn’t. I can if I did a really hard workout or a good workout and I’m not sore the next day, there’s still a lot of benefit there. And even even in your muscle, not just cardiovascular or you know, respiratory or whatever. Like there are still muscular benefits your body just so accustomed to the training, that you’re not seeing the ridiculous dogs that you would previously like I know it’s it’s fairly difficult for me to get sore now. Even with like Murph like I can, I can take a lot of time off Murph and come back to Murph. And I won’t really be sore. After doing Murph. But the first year that I did Murph, or the first year of doing it every week, I was ridiculously sore every week for 14 weeks. That’s how long it took before eventually just stopped. But it also has never come back. It’s like never come back to that level of sore again. So your body does get accustomed to these things. And so that’s kind of my my big takeaway is you don’t always have to chase things being hard or always being sore, you can still see a lot of results. And it does go away after about one cycle. And then after that, you’re just having fun. Anything else? Anybody?
Joe Courtney
II don’t think so. All right, cool.
Jerred Moon
Let’s get into the topic. Joe, what are we? What are we talking about?
Joe Courtney
Travel workouts. You had your trip coming up, and then you two bros are traveling again. Soon. I might be traveling lashley has been popping on and off. So we’re talking about traveling workouts working out while we travel. Things of that nature, how we get things done. Kyle, let’s let’s kick you off.
Jerred Moon
Oh, interesting. Well, I don’t want to call you out, Kyle.
Kyle Shrum
I’m actually interested, I want to know where you are going with.
Jerred Moon
Okay, fine. We’ll go there.
Kyle Shrum
Let’s do it.
Jerred Moon
So in our team meetings, we have a team meeting every single week, just a little behind the scenes here. And we all report to each other. It’s kind of like an accountability thing. every single week, how many training sessions we completed, and what book we’re reading, so keeps us on point physically and mentally. That’s just something that we do as a team. And I do recall one time, Kyle went on a trip. That’s right, vacation and came back. And we’re doing our little report. And I was like alright, how many training sessions you had this week and you were like, zero. drained none while on vacation. So I am interested to hear about your travel workouts or let’s just say philosophy on when you should train. And when you shouldn’t train when you’re traveling, because I do believe in in unplugging for a bit, so I’m not, I’m not saying what you did is bad necessarily, but I want to, I just remember that as a funny moment,
Kyle Shrum
we’ll let the let the community decide what you were actually saying there. Yes, that’s exactly what I was gonna talk about. First point I was gonna make was I don’t travel a whole lot. And so like, I’m typically at home I’m taking typically at my gym. And so the training sessions I do are just the, it’s the track that I’m following. So we do go out of town sometimes. Specifically, I was thinking what what came in my head was, we typically go to Hannah’s parents over the Christmas holiday. So basically the entire week of Christmas, which is what you’re talking about. The entire week of Christmas. were gone. And so I have taken the kettlebell and stuff with me before and done some stuff. I’ve done some bodyweight stuff while at a town. Oh, I think the one you were talking about cuz that we did, we did some kettlebell stuff. And we did some running and stuff. Last time, we were at her parents house, but we went to the beach last summer. And the only workout we did was we went on like a 40 minute run. That was it. And it wasn’t on the beach in the sand. It was like out on the street. So like we did road running, we ran out for 20 minutes and turned around and came back. And so but to me, like if you’re if you’re vacationing, you know, it’s okay to, you know, be on vacation, you know what I mean? It doesn’t mean, go completely Berserk and just throw everything out the window or anything, but it’s okay to relax and chill and make your workouts a little bit different, you know, if you’re, if you’re going to be working out because you can’t take your whole gym with you. And so I would just say mostly, when we’re out of town, mostly we’re going to do some kind of running or some bodyweight stuff, or maybe we would take a kettlebell with us and do some kettlebell work. That’s typically what I wind up doing. Oh, I get to pick now. I’m not. I never pick Joe, actually.
Joe Courtney
All right. Hey, the lines were drawn.
Jerred Moon
This is why you don’t take sides on political things like napping. Yeah.
Kyle Shrum
napping is a political thing. I don’t think we
Joe Courtney
have time to get we have triggered a lot of people. I am how Murphy’s cliche.
Kyle Shrum
Oh, yeah, that was last time. Yeah.
Ashley Hicks
I haven’t heard a lot of flack for that though. I thought I figured for sure on the Facebook group, people would have blown up after that.
Joe Courtney
And I listening that long. So
Jerred Moon
we can say whatever we want. People take about 25% of the way through the podcast,
Kyle Shrum
they just skip over mystics. They skip over what I say anyway, they don’t.
Jerred Moon
Fast forward fast forward.
Ashley Hicks
Um, so I said, we’ve done this one before. And so I’ll reiterate the one man system is my favorite thing to do on traveling. My husband and I probably have done the one man system every single time we were traveling when we lived in your we lived in the UK, but we were traveling within Europe, or when we go home sometimes. So his parents live, like 15 minutes from a base gym. So sometimes we’re able to still thankfully follow the programming and just go to the base gym. But if we can’t one man system is the way to go. I said never have I been so sore for just bodyweight workouts like the one man system will kick your tail. And the Tabata Workout. Out of that is probably one of my favorite bodyweight workouts like it, it’s 40 minutes long. And if you’re not dying by the end of it, you did it wrong. And we basically will sometimes switch out movements, if we’re just like, we’re kind of bored of this, we’ll just figure something out and do a different movement or something like that, just to switch it up. But yeah, one man system is the way to go. And funnily and fundamentally, whatever. I picked the three five day as well, I said, just some version of it. Like you don’t have to do the full version. Like you could do like half of it or whatnot. Like I love it. There’s a reason it’s my favorite. It’s because you can do it literally anywhere. And we’ve even done it on a sidewalk. I think I remember telling you guys and y’all were laughing at me. We did it around the sidewalk where we were visiting. It was like an Airbnb and this man stopped on the side of the road like stopped driving backed up, because I was on the sidewalk, like doing my pushups, or whatnot. And he thought like I had gone from running to just probably falling. He was like, are
you okay? I’m
like, yeah, I’m
Ashley Hicks
good. I’m doing my calisthenics. I was like, like, flip over to do like my setups or whatnot. So if you don’t care what other people think you can do the three 5k anywhere. Yeah. Alright Joe, I’ll pick you up.
Joe Courtney
Ashley’s, that person that goes on your on your retreat or your girls weekend and is like, have you heard about the fact
Kyle Shrum
she’s done that before?
Joe Courtney
So when I travel, so I’ll kind of go, Well, you know what I was gonna go to Kyle’s aid for a second, but I’m not going to. But I just will say that when Liz and I travel, we, we don’t vacation. Well, we vacation hard. We’re typically walking like 12 miles a day, when we’re doing things we’re like, always out and about and doing stuff, and have things that are like, there’s not really much relaxing period. So if we work out, it has to be like first thing in the morning or something. If not, then we’re, we’re just so busy that we’re, we don’t get it. And so certain trips, we don’t do it a lot like structure workouts, but where I like at my parents or her pants or whatever, then we’ll work out then. So do the things that we normally do our if I want to feel any sort of muscle fatigue, or you know, pump or anything like that grids, we’ll do grids throughout the day, I structured my grids, my work, whatever they are put push up, or whatever you’re doing. My grids are very structured, I will always pick a rep scheme and stick to it for the entire grid. I don’t just do like random reps throughout. It’s like, Okay, this entire grid is going to be 10 push ups and 15 squats. And a lot of times there’ll be a superset to where I would do my grid. So my grids are a little bit are very, very structured, and sometimes a little intense, but it’ll be throughout the day. So by the end of day, I’ll definitely be feeling it. So that’s what I do for those because they’re really easy to fit in no matter what you’re doing. And then the other one is, usually if I’m away for a while, I just want to sweat, I just want to get my heart rate up. And then just to feel like I’m doing something, you know, zone two or you know, increase the blood flow, all those all those things I just want to get get sweaty and get get my heart rate up for a little bit, even if it’s not that intense. So if we can, if we bring brought our running shoes, we’ll go for a run, like a 3040 minutes zone to jog or something. Sometimes I’ll make up some intervals. Or if like when we were in quarantine for two weeks, and we couldn’t leave the hotel. All we had were you know bands and the friggin water jug was I decided for us to do a 30 minutes of zone to like melee free for all to where you just do whatever you want for 30 minutes to keep your heart rate in zone two. So like I did burpees, air squats, push ups, jump squats, it was just whatever to keep your heart rate in, like, in your whatever the zone is that you set,
Jerred Moon
like a jump squat is AutoZone for
Ashley Hicks
Yeah, I was like burpees are
Joe Courtney
not for me. So the burpees I did pretty slow. I was able to do another for like seven minutes before I moved on to something. But the jump squats, I’ve partnered with push ups because when you get down to do push ups, heart rate drops big time. So then once you get to the bottom, you get up in your push ups and do a couple jumps, squats like three, and then you get back out and do push ups. So we just did that for 30 minutes. Because you’re in a hotel, you got to do something. And it was just kind of fun.
Ashley Hicks
Did you just do like an accidental flex on like I just did seven minutes? And how do you know the workout? Seven minutes and seven? That’s seven minutes. Oh, I didn’t sound too No big deal. Like
Joe Courtney
No, it wasn’t because it was like a 10 second burpee. So it was like dropped down. Go. Cool. All right. Drop down again. And yeah, it was very, very slow and controlled. burpees to stay. Stay there. Yeah, so those are mine. grids and zimtu basically and runs
Ashley Hicks
I feel like you ran a ton in Maryland then you like get lost? ran like 10 miles around the whatever. And your Garmin showed you the map. Do you
Joe Courtney
remember that? So I did I when I did a tank out of heartland Harbor, but there was one time when we do so there’s like a been a trail to it goes. It goes from Baltimore to Annapolis in what’s called being a trail. And my intervals took me out like three or four miles. And how I thought about what it was going to be in my head. I usually face like my my turnaround point. And then I get and it was only it was only one way so then I got to a point I was like wait a minute, turn around and I just hit you know, like four miles. Well, I guess I’m running eight miles today. So ya know, when I was in Maryland, especially my parents I ran a lot because there’s a really awesome trail to run it and it was just that’s just what I had to work with. Awesome, Jared.
Jerred Moon
Yeah, I don’t do anything on on vacation. I just completely unplug and
Joe Courtney
chase your kids. I just
Jerred Moon
like eat whatever I want to eat. And
Ashley Hicks
can we talk about taho you doing your pull ups and Murph? Yeah,
Joe Courtney
no I when I woke up to
Jerred Moon
so this this ski trip I just took was the least I’ve ever exercised on a trip. So I normally like Joe mentioned if you’re gonna exercise while you’re on. I keep calling a trip because Emily and I are very careful to To distinguish a trip from a vacation, and when you have three young children, any number of children, you have young children, there are no vacations with them, right? There are trips, you’re taking trips with them. And I’m sure a lot of people understand the difference. So yeah, it was a trip. But what was interesting, I only really worked out like three times, but you know, skiing every day skiing everyday, basically, from open to close, they opened at nine and would close at four. And so it was a very active trip. That’s why I was okay with not exercising more. But I typically get in first thing in the morning, as Joe mentioned, because when you are on any sort of trip or vacation, you want to do the other things that are there, you don’t want to have like a because all said and done if you have to go to the hotel gym and you train for an hour, there’s whatever, 30 minutes before 30 minutes after. Yeah, I don’t want to burn up two hours of my trip or vacation, exercising, to be honest, I want to get it done. First thing in the morning, and I don’t really change my sleep schedule. I don’t sleep in because I sleep enough every day. So vacation is not not a chance for me to catch up on sleep. I know a lot of people are. My parents were like that we go on trips. And they don’t actually as much now but I used to go to the gym relatively regularly. And but they didn’t sleep a lot. So it would just be like absolutely no exercise on the trip. And they would sleep like 11 hours and all this ridiculous stuff. And I’ve just never been that way. I get enough sleep every day. And I’ll continue to exercise. I feel bad if I don’t exercise. I started to feel I wasn’t feeling good. Even even on that ski trip with only three training sessions. It’s probably more mental than it is anything else. But yeah, my favorite. Just calling me out on it being mental, right? Yeah. Oh, okay. We each have our own approach. Don’t. That’s it. That philosophy, so yeah, get it done early in the morning. The one man system is my favorite as well. These days, if I don’t ship a kettlebell to your house, pre my rival, then I will just do the one man system or zone to run for the most part. My favorite workout I mentioned every time we talk about it, because it’s sneaky, effective. Sneaky, hard. And you can do it. In the hotel room anywhere is 100 handstand push ups for time. Oh my gosh, every time you drop from the handstand push ups you have to do 20 air squats. And it is the it’s it’s basically meet yourself Saturday, I should just make it the travel meet yourself Saturday or whatever, because you can do it anywhere. And it gets insanely hard. Really fast, because by the end, I don’t know how other people are with handstand push ups. But after really, let’s say 30 I’m having to break it into very small sets. Oh yeah. So the you start to get really pissed off when you’re doing sets of one and then doing 20 air squats. And and you get really pissed off because you’re trying as hard as you can to get that handstand push up and you literally just got one you’re so fatigued like I was just one you have to do 20 you could sit there and wait but it can take a long time to scale that however, you know if you want to do 20 handstand push ups for time with 20 air squats or 25 5075 whatever it is or you know a CEO and be a box elevated a bed elevated. Put your put your feet on the bed and your hotel or something to do the handstand push okay you Yeah, bed elevated handstand push ups, there’s a lot of ways to that’s my favorite one. If it’s a short trip, like say like a three day I’d probably do that I’d probably do a run and then something maybe random The next day, probably like the one man system, like just calisthenics portions with the slow the dynamic and the control stuff. So those are my, my favorite. And I used to be a lot more hardcore. I do not visit gyms. on travel, they’re people who are more hardcore than I were, they would go pay a drop in fee at a gym or whatever. I just don’t want to be that person. I also don’t want to disrupt a trip by having to like, it just makes it seem so self centered at that point. And I’m not trying to if you do that on your trips, that’s awesome. Like Go for it. But I just feel self centered. If I’m like we’re gonna need about four hours today for me to find a gym, go exercise in the gym. Come back, you know, it just it seems a bit ridiculous. So my stuff is always bodyweight and just getting something simple done. Still always about an hour though as well. So yeah, that’s my travel philosophy with I can’t not do it. I can’t not do it. That’s,
Joe Courtney
it’d be great for when we do our team retreat in Tahoe. When I’m living out back in Monterey. I just load my car up with kettlebells and my sandbag
Jerred Moon
will do the handstand push up one
Jerred Moon
No need we have equipment? Nah, we got a mountain to climb. We need to do that one together as a team I want to. I like to see everyone’s struggling point. angry face.
Kyle Shrum
What do you mean? Spartan Race Spartan?
Jerred Moon
Yeah, I’ve seen I’ve seen Kyle give looks to an obstacle that should have broken these inanimate objects what
Kyle Shrum
I was trying to do. It didn’t work, but
Jerred Moon
I was. I’ve also seen Joe really pissed off.
Joe Courtney
Ashley I think you
Ashley Hicks
did. It was the first Hill coming down because I’d never done a Spartan and I looked at you and I go, this is effing stupid. And I don’t ever say
Jerred Moon
such good times. Alright, so
Ashley Hicks
started with a sprint. Oh, man.
Jerred Moon
Speaking of travel workouts, what’s the the meet yourself Saturday for this week?
Joe Courtney
Oh actually shouldn’t take the whole thing.
Ashley Hicks
I haven’t pulled up just in case, it’s the oh three 5k. That’s why I say it was funny. It is six rounds for time. While the whole thing is four times, but six rounds of an 800 meter run. And then right after the 800 meter run, you’re gonna do three rounds of five push ups, 10 setups and 15 air squats. And then after you’ve completed six rounds of that, you get to rest for three minutes. And then you will do 100 meter sprint, rest for one minute, and then do another 100 meter sprint and you have a 60 minute time cap to do that. So you have four minutes of rest built in and we always laugh because we see people’s times you at least should submit a four minute time
if you get this
Kyle Shrum
all right, I did the four minutes
Ashley Hicks
I timed get myself after the format of
Jerred Moon
what’s below recruit.
Ashley Hicks
I feel like we are always split on this because some of you believe that the makeup time should be doing your runs and smarter people to like you make up your time in the calisthenics. Right, Joe?
Joe Courtney
Yeah, to logisticians. Yeah.
We’re split on this too. So it’s kind of funny. I
Kyle Shrum
just feel like you can only do the calisthenics so fast. And so if you’re doing it as fast
Joe Courtney
as possible,
Kyle Shrum
well, yeah, you do them as fast as possible. But then like, so you’re really like, you’re coming from how fast you can do the run. Like
Ashley Hicks
I’m not saying sandbag and run. I’m not saying that. Yeah. But I’m saying like, stick to a pace and do the runs at that and then bust out calisthenics as fast as you can go.
Jerred Moon
I don’t even know what camp I’m in anymore.
Ashley Hicks
You were in the run camp last year, I
Jerred Moon
was just do it all fast. I just did this workout a few days ago. So I have things to say about it.
Ashley Hicks
I can’t do this workout anymore. I guess I could do it like in a zone to 800 meter. And just like take the time cap away.
Joe Courtney
75k. Maybe I will do that. On the outside with the runs. Pick a sustainable but uncomfortable pace. So like the first one or two rounds, you might be like, yeah, I think I think I can do this for a while. Then after like, three rounds halfway through because you add on that air squats. It’s gonna that pay that same pace is gonna be uncomfortable. And then the last two are gonna be like, holy crap. So yeah, I think that’s how that’s my main takeaway for it.
Jerred Moon
Yeah, do we have?
Kyle Shrum
Do we have a wine pairing for this one?
Ashley Hicks
I would be the same wine pairing that I get all the time. My rosae all day would be EDM for this my love EDM for this or it has to be something with a beat because you have to get going. Like you can’t I couldn’t listen to like, smooth jazz right now. Or
Jerred Moon
a new album comes out the week this is published.
Ashley Hicks
That’s true.
Joe Courtney
I used to slow. Why TNF is too slow.
Kyle Shrum
Get Out. Out.
Joe Courtney
I’ve really I’ve tried to listen to a couple of songs.
Jerred Moon
Let me send a couple that you should be listening to a podcast
Joe Courtney
on there. Maybe he has too many songs. I just go to the Spotify page. I usually start at the top.
Jerred Moon
Yeah, well, his most popular one is like my least favorite one. And it is relatively it was the one that like made him popular. It was like there’s like a girl in it and stuff.
let you down. Yeah. Oh, let
Kyle Shrum
you know.
Jerred Moon
Yeah. And he just dropped the new one. I think like today, a new song from his album. Like he there was clouds and then now there’s last last year he
Ashley Hicks
he also had not just clouds paid my dues to that one is that was good. Yeah. pretty sad. Cuz he’s he raps almost as fast as m&m and that,
Joe Courtney
congratulations NF you just got about 60.
Jerred Moon
Yeah, well, he doesn’t need our No, no. Yeah. Okay, so I just did this, I did it rowing, which is way faster than running apparently, I did it without the Sprint’s added in there and the four minutes added in there, I did it in 32 minutes, which is the fastest I’ve ever done, I track both, just so we’re, we’re clear on that, I tracked both I tracked the the main work time. And then I track the four minutes plus the the extra 100 meters. So I track both. But I was experimenting with this one. And I want to give some tips on execution from heart rate zone standpoint, because this is what I did. I would do the the 800 meter portions on the rower at around zone three. And this is how you’re supposed to do things just so everyone’s aware, there’s zone two that we talk about a lot. It’s building up that aerobic base, helping with a lot of just general health issues. There’s zone four and zone five, which are these like, killer paces, right? Like they’re, they’re hard to maintain, you can’t maintain them for very long, most of the time. And so zone three is supposed to be for an endurance athlete like a true endurance athlete a longer like an a longer race, let’s say half marathon marathon, that is supposed to be the zone you racing. And that’s the only really time that you do things in zone three is you would run your marathon in zone three. And then if you want to push it up to zone four later on, but the reason they do that is because you you could maintain zone four and we’ve proven it on the BCT track, you can maintain zone four for 30 minutes, if you want to. But it’s it’s really hard to do. And so I think I would go zone three, the first three rounds of 100 meters, I would keep it in zone three. And so it would become my rest because I could in the calisthenics, I would move so fast, my heart rate would bump into zone four for all the calisthenics. Then I’d get back on the rower, and I’d bring it down to a pace, that’s just upper zone three. And I’d keep it there. That was the first three rounds. And then the last three rounds, I just went everything, zone four, so and then even zone five for round six. So I tried to keep everything in zone five for the last round, which was challenging, but spent about five to six minutes in and zone five. So I would play around with your heart rate in doing this, so you see how I it was I guess it was really three rounds in zone three ish zone four for their calisthenics. The next two rounds, were all zone four between the rowing and the calisthenics in the last round zone five. And that’s only because I felt like I had a tank to empty. Like I felt like I was still like, you know what, I can go harder than I am. But that was just really good pacing, it was fast. Like I said, it was like right around. It was like 3203 not with the like I said not with the rest and the 100 meters. But that’s probably the fastest I’ve done that workload. But I’ve also only ever really done this workout running. So I think running is just a little bit slower than you wouldn’t be with rowing. So that I would say play with your heart rate on this and really dial things in to where you think because if you just try and go fast, and you you kick off in zone four, on round one, you might be able to maintain it. I think with some of the practice we’ve had on BCT, I think I could maintain zone four throughout the entire thing. But that’s because we’ve been practicing almost that specific heart rate zone for longer intensities. For a while now. I don’t think I could have done that, whatever, six, eight months ago. So just keep that in mind. If you are wearing a heartrate monitor this during this workout. And it’s just cool that you kind of know these things about yourself. Because if you are wearing a heartrate monitor and you’re doing any sort of exercise, you just know, you kind of know what you can handle what you can’t handle, and where you would like hit a wall. And I think it’s really cool to know these things about yourself because I felt so in control during that workout. I never got to a point where even when I was in zone five, I never felt like out of control or like I was breathing too hard or my heart was beating too fast. I still felt very in control the entire workout. So playing around with those things, makes these workouts a lot of fun because you you know where to push it and where to where to hold back as opposed to the old way of doing things of doing a hard workout would just be I just go as hard as I can until I have to slow down. And if you haven’t slowed down halfway through the 35k that’s a lot of workout left. You went too hard too soon. So there you go. Try it out. Try out the heart rate as also looking for more information to give because I think we’ve briefed this like nine times on the podcast and I can’t just say go fast. So there you go. Be strategic. That was a Joe move.
Joe Courtney
Yeah, I was gonna say like, Yay. We’re talking about pacing.
Jerred Moon
Yeah pacing according to your heart rate, try it out. Try it out on every workout really any meet yourself Saturday workout. That’s how I do a lot of things now because I just know. I know we’re all fall off. Alright, anything else? Any other tips, tricks?
Joe Courtney
I don’t think so. Hopefully everybody has a nice weather now they can do it outside.
Yeah, Denver just got hit with a ton of snow.
Jerred Moon
Yeah, we just barely missed that. It’s like it was rolling in the day before we left. All right. Well, we can wrap this one up. Thank you so much to everyone listening to the podcast if you’re even still listening. I know. I know. We can we can ramble on but I do appreciate all the podcast subscribers listening in every single week and you know, being part of the community. That’s the big thing to their listeners. And then they’re the people putting in the work every single day. The the true garage mathlete community and I appreciate each and every single one of you. If you want to be part of that community, go to garage gym, athlete comm you can sign up for a 14 day free trial and become a part of that awesome community. Either way, guys, thanks for watching or listening