Outcome for our conversation: for you to share the best advice you have for fitness gurus, garage gym exercisers, pipe hitters etc. as it relates to your personal area of expertise in fitness.
Betterhumanology Podcast Flow:
- I’ll call you and we will chat for a few minutes before I start recording the show.
- I’ll ask how you want to be introduced on the podcast and I will record the introduction at a later time (where we can stick to having a great conversation)
- My first question on the show will beabout our WEEKLY CHALLENGES
Weekly Challenges (by YOU)
Each week I give my listeners a:
- Mental Toughness Challenge
- Fitness Challenge
- And Book Recommendation each episode.
I will ask you to provide those to our listeners right at the start of the show.
Then I will open with…
tell us about your background and what you are doing now?
Your Passion:
- My only goal in the show is to educate my listeners on something they may not know, and make you look AWESOME in the process.
- This means I will only discuss things you want to discuss, your passion and your expertise.
- I do my research and I will come to the interview prepared with questions, and we can go over them before the show begins. However, if you would prefer to talk about something else that is 100% OK with me!
- Your episode is 100% about you and what you are doing.
Quick Fire:
- Hardest workout you’ve ever done?
- In your opinion, what’s the best activity for building mental toughness?
- If you could only have one piece of equipment to train with for the rest of your life, what would it be (i.e. barbell, tire sled, whatever, etc.)?
- Best advice you have for becoming a better human? This is 100% open-ended.
- What’s the best place for people to learn more about you/what you’re doing?
- Jerred closes it out. I will say Thanks for being on the show (or something similar), but don’t hang up. That will be the end of the recording, then I will give you a bit of info about the show date and other information.
- Question from me, I ask all my guests: I am trying to grow my podcast and I am always looking for new guests, is there one person you can introduce me to who would be willing to do a podcast?