A website with…Integrity.
Not something you hear too often. Whether it was my father’s guiding principles or my military service, I am a man of integrity and that is how I run End of Three Fitness. Beyond holding to my own principles of being a man, I am raising a son, and he needs to see in me what I expect of him.
What this means to you…
Email Subscribers – If you give, or have already given, your email to me to access the member’s area and to join to revolution, rest assured your email will go nowhere except my email list. Unsubscribe from that list and your email no longer exists to me.
Products – I soley develop, create and research unique and effective fitness products, then offer them at End of Three Fitness. I test every product for approximately 6 months to 1 year. If it doesn’t survive testing, you’ll never see it. If you do see it, it passed the test. If I say 100% money-back guarantee, I mean it. Period. I create things to better our lives, not to rip you off.
Free Stuff – This includes free eBooks, workouts posted at Eo3Fit and the all End of Three Fitness blog posts.These things are free and will always be free. I do not offer them for free to try and trick you into anything. I have no secret motives here. These things are free because fitness is my passion and I want to help people.
Bottom line: I am building a website and a business. My name is painted all over this place, and I couldn’t see any other founding principle or starting point better than integrity.