How to Perfect Your Diet, Look Good Naked, & PR in the Gym
Read below to learn how this program works:

Nutrition is weird.
We all “know†the importance of good nutrition and what it can do for our bodies, our health, and our performance... But despite that fact, if you ask most people and most athletes about their nutrition, their responses are typically...
"I watch my sugar intake, but not much else..."
"I know it should be a lot cleaner but I'm busy; I travel, I work, etc..."
"Eating healthy sounds great and all, but it's super expensive..."
Or maybe you just think...
"Nutrition is boring"
Say what you will (make excuses) about nutrition, but the fact is...
There's Nothing Boring About Shaping Your Body, Performing Better, and Being Healthier
Ordinary athletes (if you have a body, you're an athlete) may think nutrition is “boringâ€... ...but smart athletes know better.
Smart athletes know that, when executed properly, there's no faster, easier or more cost-effective way to see results than dialing in your nutrition.
There's no coach, no program, and no supplement that will make up for a crappy diet.
But how do you do it the right way?
How do you make sure you are eating the right things? (The real right things...not the scary RDAs and high carb diets that have been pushed for decades.) Then...
How do you eat the right things AND perform? How do you make sure your diet is fueling your performance instead of throttling it? And once you've got that figured out...
How do you apply that to training? What about supplements? How about before and after a workout? And then, when it finally starts working...
How do you stick to a plan that works and makes healthy eating a lifestyle, rather than a chore?
These are the questions every athlete must be able to answer...
More importantly, these are the questions every athlete must be able to answer if they want to fully maximize their training and efforts.
So if you want to make sure that your nutrition not only gets cleaned up
but also helps you perform, improves your health and overall energy, then you need to work on these critical steps.
But how do you do it?
Fortunately, that's exactly what you're about to learn
FACT: There is No PERFECT Diet for Everyone
I'm not going to sell you on the importance of nutrition. If you're here, you already know it's an essential aspect of any athlete's strategy, because good nutrition:
Is extremely important if you want to shape your body composition
Is the ultimate performance enhancer for your training
Can be a lot easier than you think (if you learn the basics first)
In other words, good nutrition will make you look good naked and PR in the gym and it doesn't have to be difficult or complicated. So that's why athletes need good nutrition.
There's just one problem: Most athletes don't know what they're doing.
That's where we come in.
In the END: NUTRITION Course, we take a unique approach to making things stick. We talk about the “why†and help you make informed decisions for life.
More specifically, in this course, you'll learn:
How to create a MACRO plan for YOUR goals
Why sugar is the enemy (and how companies try and hide it in your food)
How to use our tips and tricks for making grocery shopping not only cheaper but more time-efficient....
The truth about low carb diets (and the right way to do it)
Why low fat and high carb is NOT the answer
The secrets about red meat that no one seems to be talking about...
The supplements you should consider if you want to perform (HINT: they are pretty basic, and very safe)...
All about hydrating and the myths that surround drinking too much and too little water
The math & numbers behind eating for your goals; i.e. if you want to gain muscle, lose weight, or lean out
How you should be eating before and after a workout, and even during (a lot of athletes are screwing this up)...
If health and energy is important to you, we also cover simple and safe supplements to add to your daily routine
Why bread is not your friend and how to cut it out...
You also get a full 8-Week Meal plan with recipe links, macro breakdowns, and grocery shopping lists...The only thing we can't do is COOK FOR YOU...
...and much, MUCH more!
In short, the athletes that go through our course will be able to effectively change their body composition, while simultaneously increasing performance because they will know WHY they are doing what they are doing.
Following a macro-plan alone isn't helpful if you don't know the big picture of nutrition and your goals.
If you're interested in owning the END: Nutrition Course then I have one question for you
Are you an ACTION-TAKER?
...or do you say...
"I already know that..."
Let's face it: You can find nutrition information anywhere.
So how do you separate those who "walk the talk" from the ones who merely...
That's the problem!
And at End of Three Fitness, it was our problem, too. You see, we don't just teach nutrition, we actually TAKE ACTION ourselves and challenge all of our athletes to be ACTION TAKERS as well.
We aren't researchers. We aren't googlers.
We're a business that helps build better humans. We train hundreds of athletes, coach them on nutrition and apply these principles ourselves.
In other words: WE ACTUALLY DO THIS STUFF... we know how hard it is to find people that not only know what they are talking about, but actually apply it in their daily lives!!
We aren't the overweight doctor telling you how to be healthy, or the dietician who has never lifted a barbell.
And that's why we created the "END: NUTRITION" program.
We built this course to put an END to all the crap out there pushing you in the wrong direction. We wanted to combine it all. How can you learn what you need to learn, apply it to your life and training, and see the results you want?
And, we're making it available to YOU...
Choose The Plan That's Right for YOU
Comprehensive Course for Health, Performance & Looking Good Naked.
$197 one-time $98.50
One-Time Fee. Lifetime Access.
+ Coaching
Only 10 Spots Available.
The END: NUTRITION Course + Coaching
$139 / month for 3 months
3 months only. Work towards a specific goal with a coach.
What You Get in the END: NUTRITION Program
Perfect Your Diet, Look Good Naked, AND PR in the Gym!!
Module #1: Core Nutrition
7-Video Module | Core Nutrition
This module is the foundational block here at End of Three Fitness. You'll learn our view of food and how it can impact every aspect of your life. This is where we challenge your ideas on food from the big picture.
Each video module comes with downloadable PDFs where you can take notes as you follow along.
Module #2: Performance Dial
7-Video Module | Performance Dial
This is where we start to dial it in through very simple addition and subtraction. We tell you what to start adding and taking away each day to dial in your performance. A few minor tweaks and your performance will skyrocket.
Each video module comes with downloadable PDFs where you can take notes as you follow along.
Module #3: Barbell Nutrition
5-Video Module | Barbell Nutrition
The Fan Favorite Module!! The videos get longer and very in-depth. We cover creating your own plan, eating for YOUR specific goals, and how to structure your nutrition around your training. Take good notes here, and you'll be an expert :)
Each video module comes with downloadable PDFs where you can take notes as you follow along.
Bonus #1: 8-Week Nutrition Plan
We do everything for you! Except the cooking...
As our first bonus we give you a FULL 8-Week Meal plan with recipe links, macro breakdowns, and grocery shopping lists...
We are eliminating all barriers here. All you have to do is use one of our macro calculators to get your macro plan, pick the recipes that correspond to your specific macro breakdown and get after it!
Bonus #2: Project Grocery
We give you the plan of attack and our best strategies
In this bonus module you can use our tips and tricks for making grocery shopping not only cheaper but more time-efficient.
We know eating healthy can drain the wallet. We'll give you a new perspective of food, shopping and what you actually need in your cart every time you walk into the grocery store.
Bonus #3: Recipe Power Pack
The ever-growing recipe list
These are our best End of Three Fitness recipes!
This module is being updated on a regular basis! We are constantly cooking, trying new things and adding recipes to the member's area. You can expect the get some serious eats done with this module :)

Only $197 $98.50 for a limited time!

At End of Three Fitness we are on a mission to build Better Humans - and we are VERY passionate about this purpose.
Yes, you can find other training, courses and coaches online that cover similar areas, but an End of Three Fitness program is unique because it's built by real athletes who actually TAKE ACTION and see results.
In other words, we aren't nerds who got good with Google. We're in-the-trenches doers who despise untested theory and believe that the best way to learn something is to roll up your sleeves and get your hands a little dirty. If that sounds appealing, then welcome! You've found your home.
ANNND all of our products are backed by an ironclad money-back guarantee.
If you're not happy, we're not happy.
All we ask is that you try out the product fully, then, if you're not seeing the results you expected, shoot us an email we will give you a 100% refund, no questions asked.
We want you to be happy, to be fit, and to be healthy. All money-back guarantees are available for up to 60 days after purchase.
QUESTION: What's the process for the coaching option? Are you a dietician?
ANSWER: We get it. Fitness and Nutrition information out there is like the Wild West. Anyone can claim to be a "guru" or "coach".
Jerred, the CEO & Founder of End of Three Fitness, is the coach for Nutrition -- the reason slots are so limited. Jerred has 10+ years experience in creating meal plans to help athletes meet their goals. He spent his first two years of his undergraduate degree studying Food and Nutrition Science and is more knowledgeable than the vast sea of "internet gurus".
For further oversight and accountability, after Jerred creates your customized plan he sends it to our Dietetic Intern (soon to be Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)) to make sure it jives with what we are trying to accomplish overall.
Further than the plan itself, the main thing you get is weekly accountability and adjustments. Accountability ALONE can be the difference in you meeting your goals or falling flat on your face.
After you sign up, you will be sent a short survey to fill out where we can get started with making your customized plan. You will also be contacted to schedule your first call with Jerred.
Slots are truly limited, so if you cannot click the button the sign up for this coaching option, it means the slots are filled.
QUESTION: How will this course help me?
ANSWER: It depends on who you are...
If you're a complete beginnerYou are going to go from zero to hero very quickly. We have jammed this course with all of the knowledge we have obtained and use to live healthy, active and performance-driven lifestyles. This course will be a huge advantage not only in your training, but in your daily life.
If you're an experienced athlete You more than likely know some stuff. Our goal with you is to dial in the smaller aspects of your nutrition and help you build a plan that is going to take your training and performance to an optimal level. Just think, if you are already seeing results with what you are doing, but you know your nutrition is lackingYou are about to bring on the PRs!
The bottom line: You have to do something! We've seen it all:
"I can't stay motivated. It works for a little while, but then everything falls apart"
You can do this.
"You don't know my schedule, my life or what I face on a daily basis..."
You can do this.
You can change your diet little by little, just one thing at a time. It will feel forced and awkward, and you may even hate itBut it will start to work. The results will start to show.
But what you can't do, is sit around and twiddle your thumbs.
You have do something! Don't feel sorry for yourself or think about how you will never achieve your goals.You have to do something!
Believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your goal. It's that simple.
This course is your beginning.
QUESTION: Is there a guarantee?
Yepall our programs & courses have a 60-day, no-questions-asked guarantee.
In other words, if you aren't happy for any reason, just let us know and we'll give you your money back. We obviously don't think it'll come to that, but if you're even the least bit worried if this will work for you, then put your mind at ease.
You either get the results you want or you get your money back. It's as simple as that!
QUESTION: How long will it take to get access?
ANSWER: Immediate.
Your login and access information will be sent to the email address you provide, and you will be taken straight to the member's area with your program ready to go right away!
Get INSTANT Access to our END: NUTRITION Program Now
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