Are you stronger or handier than the military men of the 1940's? Fitness was a different beast 70 years ago!! Is it just me, or isn't there an overall feeling that if we took the 20-something version …
How to Build a(nother) Plyometric Box
Al Faw Palace, Iraq, Courtyard Exercise Area Note: This is guest post DIY Submission from: Scott Wales (LTC, US Army, Ret.) and Derek Wales (1LT, US Army). When I created the DIY Corner in 2011 …
DIY Pull-up Bar in 10 Minutes
Want to know how to setup a DIY pull-up bar in 10 minutes or less? End of Three Fitness has gotcha covered. First, a little back story. When Emily, William and I first made the trek to from …
How to Build a Kettlebell in 36 Seconds
What you need to know: Time – 36 seconds Cost - $20 or less Difficulty – Insanely easy Recently, I started training my parents online. I try to send them everything they need to be …
DIY Prowler!
This one has been a long time coming! DIY Prowler!! This post has actually been shared with the Art of Manliness. So far we have in the Garage Gym we have: DIY Power Rack DIY Parallettes …
Garage Gym DIY Updates
This is a post I have been meaning to do for a while, and it was mainly inspired by my readers. I just want to keep you guys up to date on how a garage gym that is 90% DIY projects is holding up, and …